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What is the answer that you have guessed for this ?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Think of your positive and negative emotions as a campfire inside of your body.

When you are happy more wood is added to the fire, making the fire get smaller temporarily, but eventually it will burn up from the wood. To completely stop putting wood on the fire will not help any because it would have burned your souls by the time the fire went out.

The best way to suffocate it is to accept everything as it is, to not have expectations that go against the laws of nature and what is determined to happen. Do not expect to make a lot of money off of lottery, do not expect to have 3 meals a day when you're on the road, do not expect ice to be warm or nutella to taste good. And if whatever emotion you're feeling put it aside - do not show it, always be relaxed and let the fire suffocate and be put out.


The world is what it is. I simply do not accept your assertion that it is useless. "Useless" is your judgment call. There is no reality/beingness in "useless".
No, am not saying that it is useless, infact i think it is important, but how ? just asking your guess upon this.
For me, there is value (another judgment call) and that value is experience. I do many things for the experience.
Whatever you do to gain these experiences, is good. But these experiences are valuable in this problematic world, if there would have been no problematic world than there would have been no need of gaining these experiences. The need of gaining these experiences arrieses after this world was created, insted of before this world was created.


Think of your positive and negative emotions as a campfire inside of your body.

When you are happy more wood is added to the fire, making the fire get smaller temporarily, but eventually it will burn up from the wood. To completely stop putting wood on the fire will not help any because it would have burned your souls by the time the fire went out.

The best way to suffocate it is to accept everything as it is, to not have expectations that go against the laws of nature and what is determined to happen. Do not expect to make a lot of money off of lottery, do not expect to have 3 meals a day when you're on the road, do not expect ice to be warm or nutella to taste good. And if whatever emotion you're feeling put it aside - do not show it, always be relaxed and let the fire suffocate and be put out.
Dear, i know why this problematic world was created, i already know the answer, So there's no need for me to accept it as it is :)


Do you 'know' or believe?
My reasoning is rather simplistic on this matter; I cannot consider the assumption that there is a purpose (for the existence either of myself, of humanity, of earth or of the universe itself) to be an assumption that is warranted.

If on the other hand one does not consider 'purpose' but rather 'use' then one can propose the potential uses for this world by the thinking entities that we have discovered (such as ourselves) we can say that the world exists so that we can appreciate it's beauty or to propagate our species etc, but note that in all cases such uses or purposes or plans require thinking entities whom can consider potential for use in order to carry out their objectives.

Assuming that there is purpose is to assume that there is something that can have a purpose for it - i.e. if it was created for a reason, then something must have created it for that reason. We can hold purposes for the earth, but to suggest that the earth has a purpose is a VERY different thing, it either assumes that the earth is capable of thought (and thus can have it's own objectives and purposes), or that it exists because of the purpose of something capable of thought.

Far simpler to assume there need not be purpose. There may be one, but until it is proven that it is either cognizant of itself or created by something cognizant there is no merit (IMO) to consider the question except as a philosophical tool by which to examine particular creation concepts (eg. abrahamic god, pantheism etc).
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The world is what it is. Remember we have a lot of say in our happiness, rather we allow things to shake us or not. Life's what we make it
Yes, the world is what it is, but why it is ? is the question which will never leave us alone until we get the answer. isn't this true ?


Do you 'know' or believe?
Because that would imply there WAS a purpose.

There may be a purpose, but that would require that there was something that held the purpose, which I have no reason to believe in - nor do I believe it is possible to be certain of the existence of a 'god' thus I cannot consider discussions about what such a being's purpose might be to be anything other than a philosophical tool. On the other hand when looking at naturalistic concepts such as a potential that the world itself is in some way capable of cognition, this is something which is potentially testable, in which case it is possible to envisage such a discussion having meaning were we to establish certainty that the planet or the universe itself were somehow cognizant.

Until such time as we can prove that there is something there that can HAVE purpose, discussion of what that purpose may be is not of much interest to me as I can only consider it a tool by which to examine certain assumptions, all the while recognizing that almost all of the time, there is no capacity by which to use such a tool to prove inconsistencies such that adherents might alter their beliefs regardless of whether or not inconsistencies can be shown to be there using such a tool. Thus I see extremely little purpose for such musings.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Some are happy in this world, and some are unhappy, and those who are happy now, can be unhappy later, the conclusion is, this world is a complicated place to live on, indeed this world can never be a permanently peaceful place to live on, Thus.. what was the benifit behind creating this problematic place, have you ever guessed any answer for this ?

If yes, than what is the answer that you have guessed for this ?

God is playing.

I sure hope s/he is enjoying hirself! :cover:

Curious George

Veteran Member
Event or action performed by whom ?
An effect, or a byproduct, or result of what ?
Who did it, and for the benifit of what ? what's your guess ?

For the benefit of what reintroduces purpose. I am suggesting that perhaps you are asking the wrong question. That purpose implies a creative intent whereas consequence does not. And creative intent requires an end point of a function, whereas consequence does not.


For the benefit of what reintroduces purpose. I am suggesting that perhaps you are asking the wrong question. That purpose implies a creative intent whereas consequence does not. And creative intent requires an end point of a function, whereas consequence does not.
George, my question is very simple.
Am just just asking what was the need behind creating this problematic world, the world in which one cannot stay permanently happy ?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Some are happy in this world, and some are unhappy, and those who are happy now, can be unhappy later, the conclusion is, this world is a complicated place to live on, indeed this world can never be a permanently peaceful place to live on, Thus.. what was the benifit behind creating this problematic place, have you ever guessed any answer for this ?

Yes. It wasn't intentionally created. It just happened.


Yes. It wasn't intentionally created. It just happened.
Did you did all this, Luis ?
Why are you sounding like you have done all this ?
Or you are trying to say that we are trapped in the web which is webbed by ourself ?

Anyways, than you might be knowing the way out too, would you care to tell me the way out ? :)
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Premium Member
But, all that we learn from this struggle is useless, if this world would have not been created in the first place. So, what's the benifit behind creating this world ?
Not in this world. I have had a struggle raising my 20-year-old son who had autism. I learned a lot during that time. I would be in a position to help someone I knew to give advice on their own child- about the special schools that my son attends and attended, about various services available. So it isn't useless.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Not in this world. I have had a struggle raising my 20-year-old son who had autism. I learned a lot during that time. I would be in a position to help someone I knew to give advice on their own child- about the special schools that my son attends and attended, about various services available. So it isn't useless.

Then again, if they didnt have such problem...


Istha gosthi
namaskaram chinu ji :namaste

Some are happy in this world, and some are unhappy, and those who are happy now, can be unhappy later, the conclusion is, this world is a complicated place to live on, indeed this world can never be a permanently peaceful place to live on, Thus.. what was the benifit behind creating this problematic place, have you ever guessed any answer for this ?

If yes, than what is the answer that you have guessed for this ?

like children we wanted our independance from god , in the same way a child wants independance from its parent , but now that we have independance we are not allways happy within it it , is not what we thought it would be , there are implications for which we had not bargained , so when we meet what we perceive to be problems we either cry for gods assistance , or we blame god for what we are experiencing , ....

so ''what was the purpose of creating this problematic place ?'' .....god is letting us find out for ourselves what true happiness is , by letting us experience what we want first , so that we might see through the illusion of independance .