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What is the Bible?


Active Member
The resolution of the council wasn't part of Paul's message to the Galatians:

And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we [should go] unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.
Only [they would] that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do.
Galatians 2:9-10
Yes, but Galatians was written well after the Council of Jerusalem. The issue of Gentiles outside Judea and of circumcised Jews was already a settled matter, yet the Hellenistic perspective was still not widely accepted.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but Galatians was written well after the Council of Jerusalem. The issue of Gentiles outside Judea and of circumcised Jews was already a settled matter, yet the Hellenistic perspective was still not widely accepted.
Yes, the point is that Paul didn't deliver the message per his instructions.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
The compendium generally understood as the Holy Bible can be considered schizophrenic, as it combines the Hebrew Bible with the Christian Bible, with the Christian Bible largely using quotations from the Greek Septuagint. Moreover, it is a religious affront to Jews to refer to the Hebrew Bible as the Old Testament, implying it is outdated, no longer in effect, and surpassed.
Nah its quite consistent and the "old" testament is just that old. "Implications" are always placed onto something by people with agendas


Active Member
Nah its quite consistent and the "old" testament is just that old. "Implications" are always placed onto something by people with agendas
All religions must be respected in their particulars and especially in their sacred writings. The Hebrew Bible is the sacred book of the Jews (without the use of gentilic and pagan terms to refer to it), the Greek Bible ("New Testament" with its citations from the Septuagint) is that of the Christians, and the Arabic Quran of Islam, as are all other sacred writings in the languages of the peoples of the world. Each should be interpreted in its native language. Here's what I think.

I cannot use the Novum Testamentum Graece, the Latin title for the critical or eclectic edition of the New Testament text in Koine Greek, developed through textual criticism and officially published by the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft), to impose my own conceptions, beliefs, and ideologies on variant texts to the Greek Orthodox Church, which uses the Greek edition from the Patriarchate of Constantinople of 1904.

It would be another example...
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Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
All religions must be respected in their particulars and especially in their sacred writings. The Hebrew Bible is the sacred book of the Jews (without the use of gentilic and pagan terms to refer to it), the Greek Bible ("New Testament" with its citations from the Septuagint) is that of the Christians, and the Arabic Quran of Islam, as are all other sacred writings in the languages of the peoples of the world. Each should be interpreted in its native language. Here's what I think.

I cannot use the Novum Testamentum Graece, the Latin title for the critical or eclectic edition of the New Testament text in Koine Greek, developed through textual criticism and officially published by the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft), to impose my own conceptions, beliefs, and ideologies on variant texts to the Greek Orthodox Church, which uses the Greek edition from the Patriarchate of Constantinople of 1904.

It would be another example...
And the whole time you miss the entire message of the bible


Active Member
And the whole time you miss the entire message of the bible
Spiritual evolution can occur when we approach the sacred texts of different peoples with reverence, rationality, and within their ethnolinguistic context, studying them in their historical and cultural context to avoid distortions. In this way, inter-religious dialogue enriches our understanding, while authentic spiritual practice allows us to experience the teachings directly. By recognizing the diversity of interpretations without distorting the literal meaning of the sacred writings according to the academic authority of each religion, we can grow spiritually in a genuine way, free from ideological prejudices and political and historical manipulations.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me, The Bible is a reference book and the Inspired Word of God.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as the Abrahamic religions because they all recognize Abraham as their first prophet and believe their religion comes from him. Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew and to have made a covenant with God, as described in the book of Genesis. Jews and Christians learn about Abraham from the Old Testament, while Muslims learn about him from the Koran.

In Abrahamic religions, The Divine, some say “Holy Spirit” is either a force energy or Person.

For the Jews, The Divine Spirit is a In Judaism, the Holy Spirit, or ruach ha-kodesh in Hebrew, is a divine force that represents God's influence and quality over the universe or God's creatures. Judaism also has other spiritual beings, such as angels, who surround God's throne. These angels include Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. The Jews believe The Holy Spirit dwells only among a worthy generation, and the frequency of its manifestations is proportionate to the worthiness. There was no manifestation of it in the time of the Second Temple 19 while there were many during the time of Elijah.

What do Muslims mean by the “Holy Spirit?”

We know, it is an important question because it deals with our relationship to Allah and our ability to fully submit to the will of Allah. However, this is also a difficult question because it deals with a divine mystery of which we have limited knowledge.

When readers of the Qur’an hear the words “holy spirit,” they equate this expression with the Arabic, ruh-ul qudus. There are several Qur’anic passages that use this expression, but they do not clearly identify what or who this ruh-ul qudus is. One of those passages is the following as rendered in Yusuf Ali’s world-renowned translation:

Say: the Holy Spirit (ruh-ul qudus) has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide, and glad tidings to Muslims.—Surat-un Nahl (16):102

Most Muslims believe this ruh-ul qudus to be Gabriel. Because he is an angel, they know that he is a spirit; and because he transmits the Word of Allah, he is in a special sense a very holy spirit.

What the New Testament insists, however, is that this dramatic arrival of the Spirit marked the beginning of a reality that would be true of all Jesus’ followers. “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons and daughters of God,” Paul would write (Rom 8:14). And, “Anyone who has the Spirit of the Messiah belongs to him” (Rom 8:9).

The Spirit “hovering” over (or rather, within) believers is the “down payment” of our final “inheritance.” For Paul, this refers to our resurrection and the world’s re-creation (Rom 8:9–11, 18–25; Eph 1:13–14). The Spirit is at work in us, here and now. Out of the formlessness, bondage, and judgment of our sinful state he is creating life and beauty again. We have not yet reached the seventh day of this new creation. But when we do, we will know that God’s Spirit has seen it through to the end.

Abraham is promised by God, sworn by His Own Name eternal life of the the Body to Abraham's descendants and 2000 years later it is fulfilled by His Son, Jesus in all faith and morality.

To me, the logic of The Autonomy of the New Living Sacrifice, Jesus and the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Person He delivered is what allows all mankind to stand in the face of God as justified and self righteous in fulfilled faith and morality. Jesus fulfills faith and morality in the New Arc of the Covenant for all to share as The "Holy Spirit" as united and one being together with the Father and the Son glorified through the New Eve, the Bride of Christ, His Passion, Fulfilled Eternal Love in, through and to The New Living Sacrifice, becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father as United as one in being with all mankind together with the Father and The Son, Glorified.

To me the fulfilled logic in faith and morality in, through and to the infallible will of the intelligence of The Creator in logic is, "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

We know from the Tree of Knowledge how to Judge the difference between good and evil and through the Tree of Knowledge we are given the power to judge only ourselves and not others.

To me this is the logic of the fulfillment of the New Living Temple, and we Will keep the doors open to the Temple of the Body of the Church of Christ to all mankind becoming as all Will be well in fulfilled faith and morality of today, now and forever, Amen.

We all get, stay well through the Power of The Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" in the being of The Christ "Gave Up The Ghost", left behind for all to share in His Divinity by same Word that became Flesh at the Cross. He left the Paraclete until our Final Becoming.

What must we to for salvation? We always ask?
To me this is the Logic of Born again, Saved.
Born Again:
To me the logic of Baptism is becoming sanctified immortal and incorruptible so resurrection through death is possible by becoming eternally alive in the spirit through the flesh to the Soul of the being, "Born Again" in the Body of The Christ. Christ is conceived by the Person of the Divine some say "Holy Spirit" through the Immaculate Conception of Mary in the Virgin Birth The Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
And then we are "Saved" through Communion and Penance and confirmation of the re-sanctified Will of The Creator, God, The Father. We will be gloriously transfigured into becoming the image of the Creator, God, The Father, glorified in the Body, in the New Divine Spirit through the flesh to the soul of Our own Christ. Resurrection of the Body is in the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven through the Power of the Divine Spirit Will of God.

We know today what unites is what will unite all mankind together is the Will of the Father through the intelligence of the Creator in the Power as one through the shared Divine some say "Holy" Spirit for all mankind.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Active Member
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as the Abrahamic religions because they all recognize Abraham as their first prophet and believe their religion comes from him.
Abraham is definitely not the first prophet. First was Adam and then there was Noah, and who else was before Abraham? The religion comes from God. Abraham was a follower of it.

Why do you think Abraham was a Jew? What made him a Jew?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

The biblical narrative gets going with Abraham in Genesis chapter 12. Abraham in turn Isaac, in turn Jacob, in turn Joseph and the twelve tribes, this brings us directly to the people of Israel and the covenant at Sinai. So Abraham is thought of as the first Jew, the archetype.

Good question, and thanks Pawpatrol, this is what I found and please check and make sure the information is OK, and thanks in advance.

"Technically, no one was called a “Jew” before the exile; however, the people who became known as Jews were a distinct ethnic group by the time of Exodus 1. They were a distinct clan by the time of Jacob and his sons. Abraham was a Gentile, that is, a member of one of the many nations that had developed by his time. The Jews came from Abraham because he was chosen by God from among the nations to be the origin of a new nation. The Jews of Jesus’ day looked to Abraham (not Jacob/Israel) as the head of their race (see Matthew 3:9; Luke 3:8; John 8:39; Acts 13:26; Galatians 3:7). If one is thinking in these terms, it would not be wrong to think of Abraham as “the first Jew,” although that’s not technically correct." from Got Questions

My understanding is that The Jews, the Israelites, were the picked to carry the Arc of the Covenant, and the sacrifice was the bread from the dessert that was kept in the Tabernacle, near the Arc. And the Arc contained Aaron's Rod, the Staff of Aaron that budded, and the Ten Commandments.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

Quote Reply

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Thanks and true Jayhawker, there will always be questions as to what books are to be included and what they mean. Many questions, and thanks for all the great info from all.

Peace always,
Stephen andrew
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Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
Spiritual evolution can occur when we approach the sacred texts of different peoples with reverence, rationality, and within their ethnolinguistic context, studying them in their historical and cultural context to avoid distortions. In this way, inter-religious dialogue enriches our understanding, while authentic spiritual practice allows us to experience the teachings directly. By recognizing the diversity of interpretations without distorting the literal meaning of the sacred writings according to the academic authority of each religion, we can grow spiritually in a genuine way, free from ideological prejudices and political and historical manipulations.
You can write all you like but volume doesnt mean accurate

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me what is the logic of the infallible intelligence is the logic of The Kingdom of The Divine Will and is the reimaging of the failed will that becomes The WIll of what will manefests as unfailing in all cases. To me the Will that is the "RI" real information as the intelligence that created all mankind mortal and corruptible in the Big Bang and it is the Will of The Creator of the New Creation becoming immortal and incorruptible then becoming again glorified and transfigured becoming the will that will never fail in infallible certainty with no more choice to fail, not even a chance of failure, becoming united as one in being with all mankind together with The Father and The Son, glorified and transfigured becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Active Member
You can write all you like but volume doesnt mean accurate

I'm surprised by your comment, especially given that the paragraph was intentionally concise and focused. Attempting to insidiously label it as verbose is unfounded, as brevity was a deliberate choice to ensure precision and clarity. It seems that your criticism, possibly driven by a need to divert attention from a more thorough analysis, doesn’t address the substance of the content presented. Instead of focusing on such an attack, it would be more productive to discuss the quality and relevance of the ideas put forth.

Ignatius A

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised by your comment, especially given that the paragraph was intentionally concise and focused. Attempting to insidiously label it as verbose is unfounded, as brevity was a deliberate choice to ensure precision and clarity. It seems that your criticism, possibly driven by a need to divert attention from a more thorough analysis, doesn’t address the substance of the content presented. Instead of focusing on such an attack, it would be more productive to discuss the quality and relevance of the ideas put forth.
Again ...


Active Member
There are many ways to unmask the essence of people. One way is when they are caught criticizing the most basic and golden rule of a forum: posting within its rules. I shouldn’t say this because it might sound personal, but it really cracks me up.