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What is the Meaning of the Bible?

I Am Hugh

I believe the Bible contains a relatively brief prologue from Genesis 1:1 - 3:14 which gives the account of the creation of the universe, earth and the living inhabitants, concluding with man and his fall from God's favor. Then Genesis 3:15 - Revelation 22:21 gives the account of Jehovah's plan for salvation through Christ.

The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represented, to Adam and Eve, Jehovah God's sovereignty. That is, his right, as our creator, to decide for us what was good and what was bad until we, like children, matured to the point where we could do that for ourselves within the parameters of that sovereignty. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. The knowledge in this case is experience. Good and bad had been defined by Jehovah and at that point it was very simple. Fill the earth and subdue it, that was good. Don't touch or eat the fruit of the tree, that was bad. The knowledge Adam and Eve had acquired was the decision to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. That's why they suddenly considered nudity to be bad. (Genesis 2:25; 3:6-11)

The footnote to Genesis 2:17 in the 1966 Jerusalem Bible explains it really well: "This knowledge is a privilege which God reserves to himself and which man, by sinning, is to lay hands on, Genesis 3:5, 22. Hence it does not mean omniscience, which fallen man does not possess; nor is it moral discrimination, for unfallen man already had it and God could not refuse it to a rational being. It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being. The first sin was an attack on God's sovereignty, a sin of pride."

God created Michael first. Then Michael, as Jehovah's master worker, created everything through Jehovah's Holy Spirit or active force. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:15-17; John 8:23; 17:5) The word Holy means sacred, or belonging to God. Spirit means an invisible active force, like wind, breath, mental inclination. Something that we can't see but that produces results that we can see. So, the holy spirit is God's active force, invisible to us. The first thing that Michael, through Jehovah's holy spirit, created, was the spiritual heavens. This was followed by the spirit beings, often called angels. (Job 38:4-7) Then the physical heavens, or universe, including Earth, the stars, sun and moon and finally everything on Earth eventually concluding with Adam and Eve.

The angels existed for a very long time before man was created, and they had time to mature, like children, so that they knew what was good and bad from their creator. (Genesis 1:26; 3:22) It is important that you understand that being created perfect is much like being born a baby. Parents see their newborn children as perfect, but think about it. They can't walk, talk, feed themselves, go to the bathroom properly - they are bald, toothless, chubby, defenseless little creatures. Perfect in the sense that they have great potential and innocence.

By the time man was created the angels had likely already reached their potential.

On the seventh day, when the creation was complete, God "rested." Not that God was tired or that he stopped working, it means he set aside a period of time in which we were allowed to mature, as the angels had done. When we would have accomplished this, we could, as the Bible says, enter into God's Day of rest. In other words, the seventh "day" or more accurately, period of creation, continues to this day. So, the knowledge of what is good and what is bad is the eventual possession of that maturity. The ability to decide for ourselves what was good and what was bad, predicated upon an acknowledgement of our own accord, of our creator, Jehovah's rightful sovereignty. (Psalm 95:11; Isaiah 40:28; John 5:17; Romans 8:22; Hebrews 4:1-5)

Once Adam rejected that concept by deciding for himself what was good and bad on his own before he had matured enough to best do that, Jehovah had to shorten his life from living forever to eventually dying. Apparently because if he and his offspring, mankind, were allowed to live forever under those conditions, they would never reach that maturity and they would bring about an endless series of chaos and destruction.

So, in effect, Satan charged Jehovah with the crime of withholding some knowledge from mankind. He knew this wasn't true, but he wanted to try and seize control of the power that Jehovah's sovereignty represented even if it meant destroying all that it represented and everything else in the process. Even destroying himself. Like a jealous child breaking a toy so no one else can have it.

But to Jehovah justice is very important. You can't just wave away a crime due to the damage that has been incurred. So, he allowed the charges against him to be tried, as in a court of law. He allowed Satan's theory to be tested in a manner of speaking. With the stipulation that 1. he wasn't going to allow it to prevent his original purpose for the angels and mankind from being fulfilled beyond what was necessary to establish his defense. That they should live forever in peace, in heaven and on earth respectively. And 2. that justice would be done.

That is why immediately after Adam's sin Jehovah put in motion the plan for all of this to take place while Satan's theory was being tested. In a basic sense the steps were as follows.

1. Select a group of people.
2. Form a nation for those people.
3. Demonstrate to them what was going on by establishing a law which they couldn't keep due to their imperfection, or the incomplete nature; their lack of the aforementioned maturity.
4. Provide a way out through a Messiah or Christ, namely, Michael, who volunteered due to his love for mankind and his father, Jehovah's purpose. So, Michael came to earth as a man, Jesus the Christ.

From Jehovah's perspective the life he created, the life he gave us, is sacred. Belonging to God. According to the Bible our soul is our life, represented by our blood, so blood is sacred. To kill someone, or take their soul, requires the payment of the killer's own soul because it is taking something sacred to Jehovah. The blood sacrifices represented a respect for or acknowledgement of his created life granted to us. For example, if a person was found murdered and no one knew who did the killing then they had to sacrifice a bull and spill its blood on the ground as a symbolic acknowledgement of God's possession. Sacred life. A sort of gesture of justice. (Deuteronomy 21:1-9)

Since we inherited sin through Adam then the only man who could pay the price for the blood of Adam, which had been perfect and without sin from the start until he did sin - was the blood of a man who was without sin.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
God created Michael first. Then Michael, as Jehovah's master worker, created everything through Jehovah's Holy Spirit or active force. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:15-17; John 8:23; 17:5)

No sir. I can't read any more This is wrong on so many levels, Hugh. No sir. You could not be further from the truth. You did not provide links for your citations here. The translation, Hugh. I'm sorry. It's a disaster. Proverbs 8? You're invoking Michael? Mi-Ch'AIL? No sir. I think you are focusing on the wrong name, sir. Mi-Ch'AIL? That's the wrong name.

Ezekiel's vision? The way you're interpreting it? That is strange fire, Hugh. Nadav? Avihu? Leviticus? Have you read Proverbs? Good grief, Isaiah?


I think you've lost the plot, Hugh. I'm sorry. "Michael", in the manner you are using it, linking it with Proverbs 8? Not only is that using a deeply faulty translation, but it's a graven image, Hugh.... ~big-sigh~

Proverbs 8:22

The verb in 8:22 is not "produced". It is, in English: "possesses". Eternal!. And Present. AND Ongoing. Forever. Regardless of the conjuration. Look at Gen 14? I am very very disappointed right now. The only reason to omit links to your preferred translation is if you have something to hide.


Your gnosis on eden is faulty too. It's not supring considering the errors you are making. Hugh. No one is prohibitted from touching .. "LAYING HANDS ON..." the ToK-of-good-and-evil. You're beyond confused. Look it up? You're actually scaring me right now.

If you care about scripture? I trust you'll do the right thing.

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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Friends, neighbors, near and far:

What is the meaning of the Bible?

Don't be fooled. Don't fool yourself.

Jesus is teaching this. Matthew 18? You must become like a child? How Hugh? What does it say in your translation? Only if you turn-around. Right. Be innocent like a child? Who is questioning. Lacking any agenda, Hugh. Otherwise... it's easy to make a fool of yourself and others. Read Proverbs. You'll see King Solomon agrees.

You don't need to move one iota, to the left or to the right. Just turn To The Source, Hugh. The original source. That includes the original language. Hebrew. It's not in your curriculum? It would behoove you to learn. You would do well.
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Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
What is the meaning of the Bible?
I haven't read the Bible in years cover to cover...but I can imagine a book that consists of many stories and books would have multiple meanings...

That's all I can say. Like i said been a long time since I've read it through.

I Am Hugh

Friends, neighbors, near and far:

What is the meaning of the Bible?

Don't be fooled. Don't fool yourself.

Jesus is teaching this. Matthew 18? You must become like a child? How Hugh? What does it say in your translation? Only if you turn-around. Right. Be innocent like a child? Who is questioning. Lacking any agenda, Hugh. Otherwise... it's easy to make a fool of yourself and others. Read Proverbs. You'll see King Solomon agrees.

You don't need to move one iota, to the left or to the right. Just turn To The Source, Hugh. The original source. That includes the original language. Hebrew. It's not in your curriculum? It would behoove you to learn. You would do well.
I don't really understand either one of your posts here, #2 and #3. Since you stopped reading after I suggested Michael was Jesus, I guess I could respond to that.

For some reason, which I could never quite understand, it seems extremely difficult for some people, especially skeptics, to understand that Jesus and Michael are the same. Lets look at the facts regarding Jesus and Michael.

1. Jesus existed in heaven before he came to earth. Proverbs 8:22 / John 1:1,3, 14; 3:13; 8:23, 58; 17:5 / Colossians 1:15-17 / 1 John 2:13 / Revelation 3:14 all speak of Jesus' existence before the world began, in fact before anything was created Jesus was created. Before Heaven, the heavens, the Earth, and of course, man. He is the firstborn of creation, the beginning of creation, he came from somewhere other than this world, he descended from heaven. There can be no doubt that he had a pre-human existence in heaven before he came to Earth as the man Jesus Christ.

2. Jesus' position in heaven before he came to the earth must have been an important one, considering he was the first of Jehovah's creation and all things were created through him and for him. (Proverbs 8:22 / John 1:3) That means not only the heavens and earth as we know them but the angels and heaven as well. Jesus is referred to as the "word of God," this means he is the spokesperson. (John 1:1) As the spokesperson for Jehovah God we can assume that when an angel performed some important task on earth, like guiding and protecting the early Israelites from Egypt or taking the physical form of men in performing an important task, it was likely Michael as he existed before he came to earth as Jesus.

3. The term archangel means chief of the angels. Arch means chief or principal. The term is only applied to one angel in the Bible. Michael. It is always used in the singular. There is only one archangel. The term archangel itself only appears twice throughout Scripture. At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Paul writes of Jesus as having the voice of the archangel, and Jude 9 indicates Michael disputed with Satan over the body of Moses. So there is a connection with Jesus as well as an indication that Michael was connected in some way with the people of the exodus of Egypt.

4. Other than Jehovah God himself only two people in the Bible are said to be in charge of or over the angels. They are Michael and Jesus Christ. The name Michael appears only five times throughout Scripture. At Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1 / Jude 9 and Revelation 12:7.

5. Are there any others who believe Michael and Jesus are the same? Yes, there are many. Joseph Benson, E. W. Hengstenberg, J. P. Lange, Butterworth, Cruden, Taylor, Guyse all wrote that Michael and Jesus were the same.

Clarke's Commentary (Adam Clarke) - "Let it be observed that the word archangel is never found in the plural number in the sacred writings. There can be properly only one archangel, one chief or head of all the angelic host .... Michael is this archangel, and head of all the angelic orders .... hence by this personage, in the Apocalypse, many understand the Lord Jesus."

W. E. Vine - the "voice of the archangel" (1 Thessalonians 4:16) is apparently "the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ" - An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, p. 64.

The 1599 Geneva Study Bible: Christ is the Prince of angels and head of the Church, who bears that iron rod."

The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia: - "The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the preincarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the "child" and the archangel in Rev. 12, but also in the attributes ascribed to him in Daniel" – vol. 3, p. 2048, Eerdmans Publishing, 1984 printing.

John Calvin: "I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ, because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people." - J. Calvin, Commentaries On The Book Of The Prophet Daniel, trans. T. Myers (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979), vol. 2 p. 369.

Brown's Dictionary of the Bible - on 'Michael' and 'Angel,' both these words do sometimes refer to Christ; and also affirms that Christ is the Archangel.

The NIV Study Bible - "The Angel of the LORD .... Traditional Christian interpretation has held that this 'angel' was a preincarnate manifestation of Christ as God's Messenger-Servant. It may be ..., the angel could speak on behalf of the One who sent him." - footnote for Gen. 16:7. Zondervan Publishing, 1985

Smith's Bible Dictionary (says of Michael) - "Angel of the Lord. ... Christ's visible form before the incarnation. p. 40"

Today's Dictionary of the Bible - "Angel of the Lord [angel of Jehovah] - occurs many times in the Old Testament, where in almost every instance it means a supernatural personage to be distinguished from Jehovah .... Some feel the pre-incarnate Christ is meant." Bethany House Publ., 1982, p. 39.
When you read a map and follow the map correctly you will not get lost to where you are going. The Bible is life's map to salvation. When we truly read and follow the Bible we will not get lost in this world that will be destroyed. The Bible will lead us to salvation. The Bible is not hard to follow. Most of the Bible is about History of life and how it began. Then the rest of the bible is about how to follow and obey God so you can be saved and live a new life that is not of this world but of God.

I Am Hugh

I haven't read the Bible in years cover to cover...but I can imagine a book that consists of many stories and books would have multiple meanings...

That's all I can say. Like i said been a long time since I've read it through.

The Bible really only has one meaning throughout, which is harmonious. The meaning is the vindication of Jehovah God's name through the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Man's salvation is only a portion of the result of that.


I believe the Bible contains a relatively brief prologue from Genesis 1:1 - 3:14 which gives the account of the creation of the universe, earth and the living inhabitants, concluding with man and his fall from God's favor. Then Genesis 3:15 - Revelation 22:21 gives the account of Jehovah's plan for salvation through Christ.

The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represented, to Adam and Eve, Jehovah God's sovereignty. That is, his right, as our creator, to decide for us what was good and what was bad until we, like children, matured to the point where we could do that for ourselves within the parameters of that sovereignty. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. The knowledge in this case is experience. Good and bad had been defined by Jehovah and at that point it was very simple. Fill the earth and subdue it, that was good. Don't touch or eat the fruit of the tree, that was bad. The knowledge Adam and Eve had acquired was the decision to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. That's why they suddenly considered nudity to be bad. (Genesis 2:25; 3:6-11)

The footnote to Genesis 2:17 in the 1966 Jerusalem Bible explains it really well: "This knowledge is a privilege which God reserves to himself and which man, by sinning, is to lay hands on, Genesis 3:5, 22. Hence it does not mean omniscience, which fallen man does not possess; nor is it moral discrimination, for unfallen man already had it and God could not refuse it to a rational being. It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being. The first sin was an attack on God's sovereignty, a sin of pride."

God created Michael first. Then Michael, as Jehovah's master worker, created everything through Jehovah's Holy Spirit or active force. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:15-17; John 8:23; 17:5) The word Holy means sacred, or belonging to God. Spirit means an invisible active force, like wind, breath, mental inclination. Something that we can't see but that produces results that we can see. So, the holy spirit is God's active force, invisible to us. The first thing that Michael, through Jehovah's holy spirit, created, was the spiritual heavens. This was followed by the spirit beings, often called angels. (Job 38:4-7) Then the physical heavens, or universe, including Earth, the stars, sun and moon and finally everything on Earth eventually concluding with Adam and Eve.

The angels existed for a very long time before man was created, and they had time to mature, like children, so that they knew what was good and bad from their creator. (Genesis 1:26; 3:22) It is important that you understand that being created perfect is much like being born a baby. Parents see their newborn children as perfect, but think about it. They can't walk, talk, feed themselves, go to the bathroom properly - they are bald, toothless, chubby, defenseless little creatures. Perfect in the sense that they have great potential and innocence.

By the time man was created the angels had likely already reached their potential.

On the seventh day, when the creation was complete, God "rested." Not that God was tired or that he stopped working, it means he set aside a period of time in which we were allowed to mature, as the angels had done. When we would have accomplished this, we could, as the Bible says, enter into God's Day of rest. In other words, the seventh "day" or more accurately, period of creation, continues to this day. So, the knowledge of what is good and what is bad is the eventual possession of that maturity. The ability to decide for ourselves what was good and what was bad, predicated upon an acknowledgement of our own accord, of our creator, Jehovah's rightful sovereignty. (Psalm 95:11; Isaiah 40:28; John 5:17; Romans 8:22; Hebrews 4:1-5)

Once Adam rejected that concept by deciding for himself what was good and bad on his own before he had matured enough to best do that, Jehovah had to shorten his life from living forever to eventually dying. Apparently because if he and his offspring, mankind, were allowed to live forever under those conditions, they would never reach that maturity and they would bring about an endless series of chaos and destruction.

So, in effect, Satan charged Jehovah with the crime of withholding some knowledge from mankind. He knew this wasn't true, but he wanted to try and seize control of the power that Jehovah's sovereignty represented even if it meant destroying all that it represented and everything else in the process. Even destroying himself. Like a jealous child breaking a toy so no one else can have it.

But to Jehovah justice is very important. You can't just wave away a crime due to the damage that has been incurred. So, he allowed the charges against him to be tried, as in a court of law. He allowed Satan's theory to be tested in a manner of speaking. With the stipulation that 1. he wasn't going to allow it to prevent his original purpose for the angels and mankind from being fulfilled beyond what was necessary to establish his defense. That they should live forever in peace, in heaven and on earth respectively. And 2. that justice would be done.

That is why immediately after Adam's sin Jehovah put in motion the plan for all of this to take place while Satan's theory was being tested. In a basic sense the steps were as follows.

1. Select a group of people.
2. Form a nation for those people.
3. Demonstrate to them what was going on by establishing a law which they couldn't keep due to their imperfection, or the incomplete nature; their lack of the aforementioned maturity.
4. Provide a way out through a Messiah or Christ, namely, Michael, who volunteered due to his love for mankind and his father, Jehovah's purpose. So, Michael came to earth as a man, Jesus the Christ.

From Jehovah's perspective the life he created, the life he gave us, is sacred. Belonging to God. According to the Bible our soul is our life, represented by our blood, so blood is sacred. To kill someone, or take their soul, requires the payment of the killer's own soul because it is taking something sacred to Jehovah. The blood sacrifices represented a respect for or acknowledgement of his created life granted to us. For example, if a person was found murdered and no one knew who did the killing then they had to sacrifice a bull and spill its blood on the ground as a symbolic acknowledgement of God's possession. Sacred life. A sort of gesture of justice. (Deuteronomy 21:1-9)

Since we inherited sin through Adam then the only man who could pay the price for the blood of Adam, which had been perfect and without sin from the start until he did sin - was the blood of a man who was without sin.
Are you a Jehovah’s Witness?

I Am Hugh

Oh, just curious. Some of your beliefs and wording does sound very similar to Watchtower doctrine.

I get that a lot. If I use the Watchtower as a source, because they've removed the pagan influence, I sound like them. If I use Vine's or Strongs no one notices. Nothing I say and little the Watchtower says is original. It all comes from somewhere else.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I believe the Bible contains a relatively brief prologue from Genesis 1:1 - 3:14 which gives the account of the creation of the universe, earth and the living inhabitants, concluding with man and his fall from God's favor. Then Genesis 3:15 - Revelation 22:21 gives the account of Jehovah's plan for salvation through Christ.
Yeah, pretty standard Christian stuff. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise, but I would like to share a bit from the Jewish perspective.

As you know, we do not include the Christian scriptures in our Bibles. We have only the Law (Torah), Prophets (Nevi'im) and Writings (Ketuvim). TNK, or Tanakh. The Tanakh stands on its own. While the NT needs the Tanakh, because its whole emphasis is on Jesus fulfilling the prophecies, the Tanakh does not need the NT.

The overarching teaching of the Tanakh is to obey God. The Torah teaches that if we obey his commandments, we will live in the Land and prosper. Nothing about heaven or hell. Although words like save, salvation, and savior are used, they refer to very earthly things, such as God saving Israel from slavery in Egypt, or saving David from his enemies. There is no mention of saving anyone from their sins. God forgives those who repent. God does not need any sacrifice, especially a human sacrifice, in order to forgive. He is perfectly capable of forgiving on his own terms.

Let's look at how common certain ideas are in the Tanakh. I would assume something mentioned a lot is a major teaching. Something hardly mentioned would not be.

The word Law (Torah) is used 220 times. The word commandment (Mitzvah) is used around 150 times. The word obey (shama/shomea) is used about 100 times. Compare this to the word faith (Emunah) which is used around 20 times. The word anointed (Mashiach) appears roughly 40 times, and almost none of them refer to the Messiah who will rule during the Messianic era (kings, prophets, and high priests were all anointed).

I think that pretty much speaks for itself.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just to reflect to people in the present, what different people were thinking in different chunks of history. They were thinking about why they were here, so they wanted to write down what they thought existence was about, and about what they thought god wanted. There are different concerns throughout the book, about what people thought a nation should do, and how people should live, and what wisdom was, and who was considered wise. If read some of Herodotus, I don't see a huge fundamental difference. Or any ancient work of history, it all has themes you could expect from ancient people. They all wanted to know what the god(s) were about, how people should live, and what was to considered wise. Nowadays, history books are written with a little more rational scrutiny, but I think the myths and the bible are just history books
The meaning of the Bible, Is to teach us history of life and give us direction to follow to live good lives for God. The Bible also gives us future of things to happen and those things are happening as God said they would happen. Following the Bible takes great Faith and love for God that very very few have.