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What is the Sacrifice?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me in Logic, God Will always provide the Chosen sacrifice.
To me in common with all Christians and Muslims and Jews, and all mankind is the Spirit. The Spirit unites all by the power. And from the Faith of Abraham and Isaac, belief in the promise sworn to him by God by God's own name in eternal life of The Body to all of his descendants, God resurrects Life Eternal through His Son, Jesus. To me we know in logic that Isaac will never die, and Abraham knew it, through Faith, only the sacrificial Lamb, the male Ram caught spotless by the thorns of the Thickets will become the early beginning of the greatest truth ever told. To me this is the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will that Louisa Piccarreta, "Little Daughter of The Divine Will" speaks of and to me applies logically through the Faith of Abraham.

To me, the unity can only be understood by the logic of the controlling power. "Fiat" is Latin for let it be in the power of the one in control. The logic is that the spirit unites and we become one in being together with The Father and The Son, from mortal and corrupt and we become transformed immortal and incorruptible and becoming again, glorified and transfigured by the Power of the Divine Will.

How does the Divine Spirit of Authority and Spirit and Life do this? In logic to me, The Will becomes from the eternal spirit, the eternal authority and eternal laws of spirit and life of the eternal universe, The Word, that is present before creation was ever created was even created. The Word is the pattern of creation that cannot fail. To me The Word is the intelligence that manifests the unfailing Body of God, as share from the cross as the Paraclete, who some call, I call, the person of "The Holy Spirit." Louisa's writings help make clear to me from faith to logic, He will not leave us orphans. He creates the soul with Body, and blows from the Spirit through the Body and for the Soul of The Being the chance for the created being to accept, to choose the universal acceptor, Fulfilled Eternal Love of the Body through the unfailing Will of The Creator, God, The Father. And in logic to me The Will is the Becoming into the Kingdom of The Divine from mortal and the corrupt flesh and spirit in the Soul of the Being through the Created Body. We become united with all mankind as one in being together with the Father and The Son, becoming the Image of The Creator as the Immortal, incorruptible and glorified and transfigured Divine Body of God as United.

To me the logic of the "Second Coming" of The Christ is our own Christ in our flesh and the Divine Will of The Father in our soul, in The Holy Spirit being of our Body, in us, in our immoral and incorruptible Body delivered by the Ark of The New Covenant becoming glorified and transfigured into becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father as united in being with all mankind, together with the Father and The Son.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew


Be your own guru
Doing something for something without the thought for a personal benefit. It could be for a person, a society, a country or for the whole world.
Yajna: Action
It could be an oblation to God, digging a tank for the society, giving education to children, fighting a war for the country, whatever.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

So true, Aupmanyav,

We know peace on earth is the Kingdom of the Divine Will that the "Little Daughter of The Kingdom of the Divine Will" speaks of in her, in Louisa Piccarreta's writings.

To me, We have often been asked, does one have a personal relationship with Jesus? I always thought, hum, what does that mean? We get different answers, and to me the answer in logic is clearer to me as follows:

A personal relationship with Christ to me in logic is:

To me in logic the infallible logic of the mind of God, His personal benefit as the Creator, and God the Father is:
The Creator in logic returned the love of lost life of the mortal flesh and defiled spirits in the souls of the Created Bodies of Adam and Eve for more love, the most love for all mankind to share on a second coming of our own personal Christ, our immortal and incorruptible Body, becoming Love eternal through the Power of The Holy Spirit Person through the Person of Jesus, the Word that became flesh, The Christ, and becoming again in the image of the Person of The Father, the Creator God, as one in being.

Peace to all,
Stephen Andrew
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Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
God the creator hated Adam and Eve

They were slaves
A-DAM the name was given to him by Enlil, which means Animal
ADAM was nothing but an animal to the creators of man

So little did the creator view man, that he defended, with great vengeance, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge

Not wanting man to be like the Gods, not wanting man to have the discernment of good and evil, not wanting man to find salvation

All but one… Enki the serpent, well, she had serpent skin, she wasn’t actually a snake/serpent

And she took pity on Adam and Eve, the slave race of man, and offered them Ganeesh, or a tool

To fight their oppressor, or to conform and work

They decided to fight, and this understood, good from evil

They were of course overpowered and thrown out of the Animal Den, Eden, the elite Gardens

This is the TRUTH
This is the story (paraphrased) in its original form…
The Old Testament God, doesn’t love you

The God of Yeshua/Jesus however… does

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

God created Adm and Eve and viewed them as unpleasing because they were unsanctified in mortal flesh and failed spirit. Pleasing to God is the state of Christ after Baptism with sanctified flesh and a conceived from the Holy Spirit sanctified soul. Just like from the Pentecost of the flesh of Christ at the Baptism of John in the Jordan river, when God said, "Behold my Son in whom I am well pleased." Sanctified in the Holy Spirit soul as conceived and Baprtzed in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of Christ in the Body of God, now able to die through Baptism, the sacrament of death to life from immortal and incorruptible, becoming as conceived and sanctified and to be able to die and resurrect, glorified and transfigured. Pleasing to God for Heaven's Entry, the New Living Sacrifice, the spotless sacrificial lamb of God is now the Body of Christ. And now only for Christ with more work to do is the fulfillment of the eternal resurrection in the sanctified spirit and the flesh in the souls of the beings in the Body through His death and resurrection for all mankind.

To me in logic, to fight their oppressor, or to conform and work to know like the Gods to have the discernment of good and evil so man could find salvation through the works of the flesh is the Old Ark of the Covenant. The Old Testament God, doesn’t love you like the Jesus of today.

All but one… Enki the serpent, well, she had serpent skin, she wasn’t actually a snake/serpent.
In logic, The serpent skin is the flesh of defiled choice and temptation of the first spirit of failed order on earth, being in failed choice that will last on earth until redemption of the Body, from the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the New Being in the Body of the Creator, God, The Father through Christ.

Ganeesh is a tool, is part of Old Covenant that is failed creation. Fulfilled in faith and morality by Christ becoming as one being into the Body of God is the new creation.

The God of Jesus, delivered in the Ark of the New Covenant, the New Testament, however… does fulfill eternal creation. He fulfills failed creation ffrom created mortal and corrupt in the spirit and the flesh from Adam and Eve becoming eternal life of the Body with the Holy Spirit manifesting through the flesh for the souls of the bodies of created mortal and corrupt Bodies of Adam and Eve becoming transformed immortal and incorrupt and then becoming again glorified and transfigured into image of The Creator, God The Father as one in being. This is in logic to me the fight of Ganeesh, in the New Covenant Fulfilled Loving Sacrifice and this understood as the Will of the Father in all mankind, good from evil and the fulfillment of this fight is through Christ and that we become Sanctified creation in His image through Christ in fulfilled faith and mortality, only good, the best and most eternal fulfilled Love.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
But no ancient text BEFORE Judaism seems to describe God THE FATHER, as creating Adam and Eve

The narrative was that Gods, PLURAL, the annuni, modified already existing hominids

Enki (the serpent) modified humans, to allow for them to become enlightened

So you lost me in the first sentence as our concepts of God are drastically different

“Gods” as described by ancient texts were the elite class of “aliens” or “entities” that co existed with humans, and these “Gods”, were kings and rulers, whilst humans were their slaves

Enki (The Serpent) one of these “Gods” was the only one who treated humans as equals, it was THE SERPENT that loved humans

The Old Testament “God”, ALSO KNOWN AS ENLIL THE GREAT SATAM… now known today as SATAN is the “God” that people typically worship, instead of understanding that Yeshua is pointing to The TRUE one source and centre

I often say to people if you believe in the God of the Old Testament, then you don’t believe in God, you believe in Satan, you just don’t know it

If you believe in the God of Christ, then you’re on the right path


Be your own guru
We know peace on earth is the Kingdom of the Divine Will .. To me in logic the infallible logic of the mind of God, His personal benefit as the Creator, and God the Father is: ..
I am an atheist, Andrew. 'Kingdom of the Divine Will' is not true for me, little daughter or big daughter.
The concepts of God, soul, heaven, hell, judgment, redemption, everlasting life are all illogical for me.
.. instead of understanding that Yeshua is pointing to The TRUE one source and center.
What proof/evidence is there for what you say?
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

So true Aupmanyav.

To me in logic for the atheist perhaps God is "The Big Bang." We know at all banquest, the food perhaps created from the "Big Bang" is prepared by the chef.

In logic, the Big Bang of Creation has to restore order as the nature of the universe in logic as a pattern of order becoming resolution.
Resolution of the Big Bang is the real intelligence of creation as the becoming of the infallible state as dynamic eternity and understanding in the finite world only be through logic of the intelligence in the minds of all mankind.

To me in Logic is that perhaps atheists believe in miracles as much as people that are seeking the real intelligence of creation as infallible wisdom or the image of the pattern of eternal logic. The miracle of Created mortal to becoming transformed immortal and incorruptible and becoming again glorified and transfigured as eternal in the patten of His image, as one in being.

What it the real intelligence of creation if The Will is not the will of the Creator, the "Big Bang" for all to find infallible logic.?

To me the will of the creator is becoming Infallible creation and is the dynamic state of the infallible universe and is undefiled eternity as not able to fail forever. To me this is "The Gift" of The Host, the chosen sacrifice that transform and transfigures the flesh and spirit in the Body of the soul of the being by contact bcoming reimaged into His intelligence that will never fail for all of eternity, the pattern of infallibility. A chance of failure will not exist with internal temptation and choice for failure removed as becoming infallible. And fallible science knows this in logic that it cannot be explained through the finite disciplines, only through the mind of God as infallible wisdom, which is to me the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will of the Creator Louisa Piccarreta speaks of and all mankind does also. Many rational minds from all over the earth tried to prove static eternity through the finite sciences and as rational beings they threw in the towel as rational and only able to say "I don't know how God does it" on the finite sciences trying to prove the static state of eternity, but I propose it in Logic. To me logic has more power that any of the finite disciplines. we can accept logic and we do accept logic. In logic to me It is the Power of the Holy Spirit before creation that was ever created was even created as the Will of God and the Word which became flesh as The Christ in fulfilled faith and morality through the failed mortal flesh and spirit of the created Big Bang of the failed universe. And through our own choice of the failed intelligence the "AI" artificial intelligence we become reimaged from the Divine spirit through the flesh in the body of the soul we received as created. The first spirit comes from and can blow to anywhere, the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven and will return in logic to the infallible wisdom, the "RI" real intelligence of Creation, from where it came, back to eternity as transformed and trnsfigured in His image. How else can the creator of the universe reimage the real intelligence of creation to the logic of the failed spirit in the mortal flesh of all mankind? In logic "The Word" is delivered in the fulfilled faith and morality of the teaching church on earth through Christ in the Catholic Faith, to me.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Peace to all,

So true Aupmanyav.

To me in logic for the atheist perhaps God is "The Big Bang." We know at all banquest, the food perhaps created from the "Big Bang" is prepared by the chef.

In logic, the Big Bang of Creation has to restore order as the nature of the universe in logic as a pattern of order becoming resolution.
Resolution of the Big Bang is the real intelligence of creation as the becoming of the infallible state as dynamic eternity and understanding in the finite world only be through logic of the intelligence in the minds of all mankind.

To me in Logic is that perhaps atheists believe in miracles as much as people that are seeking the real intelligence of creation as infallible wisdom or the image of the pattern of eternal logic. The miracle of Created mortal to becoming transformed immortal and incorruptible and becoming again glorified and transfigured as eternal in the patten of His image, as one in being.

What it the real intelligence of creation if it is not the will of the Creator, the "Big Bang" for all to find infallible logic.?

To me the will of the creator is becoming Infallible creation and is the dynamic state of the infallible universe and is undefiled eternity as not able to fail forever. To me this is "The Gift" of The Host, the chosen sacrifice that transform and transfigures the flesh and spirit in the Body of the soul of the being by contact. A chance of failure will not exist with internal temptation and choice for failure removed as becoming infallible. And fallible science knows this in logic that it cannot be explained through the finite disciplines, only through the mind of God as infallible wisdom, which is to me the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will of the Creator Louisa Piccarreta speaks of and all mankind does also. Many rational minds from all over the earth tried to prove static eternity through the finite sciences and as rational beings they threw in the towel as rational and only able to say "I don't know how He does it" on the finite sciences trying to prove the static state of eternity, but I propose it in Logic. To me logic has more power that any of the finite disciplines. we can accept logic and we do accept logic. In logic to me It is the Power of the Holy Spirit before creation that was ever created was even created as the Will of God and the Word which became flesh as The Christ in fulfilled faith and morality through the failed mortal flesh and spirit of the created Big Bang of the failed universe. And through our own choice of the failed intelligence the "AI" artificial intelligence, reimaged from the spirit through the flesh in the body of the soul we received as created. The first spirit comes from and can blow to anywhere, the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven and will return in logic to the infallible wisdom, the "RI" real intelligence of Creation, from where it came. How else can the creator of the universe reimage the real intelligence of creation to the logic of the failed spirit in the mortal flesh of all mankind? In logic it is delivered in the fulfilled faith and morality of the teaching church on earth through Christ in the Catholic Faith, to me.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
You lost me personally, the moment you said the Big Bang has to RESTORE ORDER…

The Big Bang was the moment of least entropy and so was THE MOST ORDERED STATE,
Any moment there after, moves into ever higher Entropy and disorder

“Before” the Big Bang, in terms of logic and induction are “epochs” of exquisite order

So for me your entire second paragraph doesn’t follow at all and the rest for me was essentially bibbety boppity boo.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Thanks for reading
From created, as followers of His teachings we become immortal, correct?
I am only presenting logic, though, for example, in Baptism, logically the waters transform us into the Church of Christ, sanctified as immortal and incorruptible, correct? In the new flesh and spirit in the soul of our being, right? After Christ's Baptism in the Jordan river, His Father said Jesus was well pleasing, Baptized by the spirit through the flesh for the soul of His Being in the Body of God, in logic.

The Epiphany is the manifestation of God in man from the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Body of the being. Our Pentecost of Our own Body is through Baptism, in logic, this is the transformation, the "first" coming of the Body of Christ in all mankind.

To me this is the logical transformation of the mortal and corrupt spirit and flesh from Adam and Eve. New flesh from the new spirit to the soul of the being in the Body as Baptized into the Church of Christ in logic that I see.

Just logic, not using thermodynamics, or physics, and don't understand differential equations or enthalpy, just simple logic, we are created mortal and corrupt at the Big Bang of Creation, we become transformed immortal and incorruptible at Baptism just like Christ, Our Brother.

Sanctification is through Baptism and now the Body as incorruptible and immortal can become glorified and transfigured through death and resurrection as a spotless spirit and soul that is allowed entry into Heaven, just like Christ's state, sanctified is the flesh and spirit in the bodies of the souls throught the Waters of Baptism.

We know the faith of Baptism, but what really is the logic of Water Baptism, and this is what it seems to be in logic to me.

Thanks again for reading.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Peace to all,

Thanks for reading
From created, as followers of His teachings we become immortal, correct?
I am only presenting logic, though, for example, in Baptism, logically the waters transform us into the church, sanctified as immortal and incorruptible, correct? In the new flesh and spirit in the soul of our being, right? After Christ's Baptism in the Jordan river, His Father said Jesus was well pleasing, Baptized by the spirit through the flesh for the soul of His Being in the Body of God, in logic.

The Epiphany is the manifestation of God in man from the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Body of the being. Our Pentecost of Our own Body is through Baptism, in logic, this is the transformation, the "first" coming of the Body of Christ in all mankind.

To me this is the logical transformation of the mortal and corrupt spirit and flesh from Adam and Eve. New flesh from the new spirit to the soul of the being in the Body as Baptized into the Church of Christ in logic that I see.

Just logic, not using thermodynamics, or physics, and don't understand differential equations or enthalpy, just simple logic, we are created mortal and corrupt at the Big Bang of Creation, we become transformed immortal and incorruptible at Baptism just like Christ, Our Brother.

We know the faith of Baptism, but what really is the logic of it Baptism, and this is what it seems to be in logic to me.

Thanks again for reading.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
Well we’re intrinsically immoral as we’re a part of an imperfect system and are predominantly animalistic

In baptism
If you’re baptised by water, then you’ve effectively done nothing, because water is merely symbolic

Correct baptism is in spirit, not in water

What you say here is somewhat correct yes!
In that the idea is that we’re not to focus on an authority and church and instead focus on inner self, enlightenment, the inner kingdom, the inner light

Which the majority of people typically forget or ignore
It’s an inward practice, not an outward reaching

There’s no space between you and God, as it’s always been within you

And it’s I think we both agree, the attainment of spirit as Christ did, and become “God walking among men”
The stripping of material

Have you read the Gnostic texts out of interest?
Or the Sumerian texts?


Peace to all,

To me in Logic, God Will always provide the Chosen sacrifice.
To me in common with all Christians and Muslims and Jews, and all mankind is the Spirit. The Spirit unites all by the power. And from the Faith of Abraham and Isaac, belief in the promise sworn to him by God by God's own name in eternal life of The Body to all of his descendants, God resurrects Life Eternal through His Son, Jesus. To me we know in logic that Isaac will never die, and Abraham knew it, through Faith, only the sacrificial Lamb, the male Ram caught spotless by the thorns of the Thickets will become the early beginning of the greatest truth ever told. To me this is the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will that Louisa Piccarreta, "Little Daughter of The Divine Will" speaks of and to me applies logically through the Faith of Abraham.

To me, the unity can only be understood by the logic of the controlling power. "Fiat" is Latin for let it be in the power of the one in control. The logic is that the spirit unites and we become one in being together with The Father and The Son, from mortal and corrupt and we become transformed immortal and incorruptible and becoming again, glorified and transfigured by the Power of the Divine Will.

How does the Divine Spirit of Authority and Spirit and Life do this? In logic to me, The Will becomes from the eternal spirit, the eternal authority and eternal laws of spirit and life of the eternal universe, The Word, that is present before creation was ever created was even created. The Word is the pattern of creation that cannot fail. To me The Word is the intelligence that manifests the unfailing Body of God, as share from the cross as the Paraclete, who some call, I call, the person of "The Holy Spirit." Louisa's writings help make clear to me from faith to logic, He will not leave us orphans. He creates the soul with Body, and blows from the Spirit through the Body and for the Soul of The Being the chance for the created being to accept, to choose the universal acceptor, Fulfilled Eternal Love of the Body through the unfailing Will of The Creator, God, The Father. And in logic to me The Will is the Becoming into the Kingdom of The Divine from mortal and the corrupt flesh and spirit in the Soul of the Being through the Created Body. We become united with all mankind as one in being together with the Father and The Son, becoming the Image of The Creator as the Immortal, incorruptible and glorified and transfigured Divine Body of God as United.

To me the logic of the "Second Coming" of The Christ is our own Christ in our flesh and the Divine Will of The Father in our soul, in The Holy Spirit being of our Body, in us, in our immoral and incorruptible Body delivered by the Ark of The New Covenant becoming glorified and transfigured into becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father as united in being with all mankind, together with the Father and The Son.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
I think most spiritual paths present a choice between 'God and mammon' and the essence of sacrifice means turning away from the things of the passing world, towards the eternal spirit?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me in logic the eternal spirit is the Word that is present before creation was ever created was even created as the real intelligence that Will never fail in infinite logic applied to all of creation that became flesh from the person of the Holy Spirit through the Person of Christ, for all mankind to share as one in being together with the Father and the Son, glorified and transfigured In the name of The Father and The Son and of The Holy Spirit, we become again, the image of The Creator, God, The Father. This to me is the logic of The Fulfilled Trinity of the Body of God.

For of him, and by him, and in him, are all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen.

Thanks for the enlightenment,

Very profound indeed, thanks Christos.

Here is some I found.

Ashur, great lord, who makes the totality of the gods submit, who gives scepter and crown, who establishes kingship; Enlil, lord, king of all the Anunnaku gods, father of the gods, lord of the lands; Sin, wise one, lord of the crown, saqu-worthy; Magur, Shamash, judge of heaven and underworld, who carries out the slander of the enemy, who breaks up the foe; Adad, hero, conqueror of the four quarters of the lands, the four quarters; Ninurta, hero, villainous sacrificial spirit and enemy, who destroys the heart of the people; Ishtar, foremost among the gods, lady of battle;

The great gods, who make the heavens and earth a lordly place, whose utterances are a scepter and a scepter, who make kingship supreme, Tiglath-Pileser, beloved prince, your beloved, your shepherd, who by your true heart you have entrusted to me, this exalted one, you have established for the sovereignty of the land of the great Enlil, you have granted him a scepter.

A Scepter, an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
"imperial regalia of orb and scepter."

To me in logic, is The New Ack of the Covenant delivered by The Lady in Battle through The Christ who bruised his heel while chushing the head of death from the weight of the cross on His feet, and is the Exodus, Greek for the Road Out, containing the fulfilled manna, the Bread of Life in the new eternal sacrifice, the spirit and life and authority from Heaven and the New Covenant Commandment of the Fulfilled eternal love of Christ, His Passion, which is the fulfilled staff of the Rod of Aaron that budded, the fulfilled Priestly Authority, Christ.

Logically the information is there for all to read.

I am reading, thanks again, Christos.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Peace to all,

To me in logic the eternal spirit is the Word that is present before creation was ever created was even created as the real intelligence that Will never fail in infinite logic applied to all of creation that became flesh from the person of the Holy Spirit through the Person of Christ, for all mankind to share as one in being together with the Father and the Son, glorified and transfigured In the name of The Father and The Son and of The Holy Spirit, we become again, the image of The Creator, God, The Father. This to me is the logic of The Fulfilled Trinity of the Body of God.

Thanks for the enlightenment,

Very profound indeed, thanks Christos.

Here is some I found.

Ashur, great lord, who makes the totality of the gods submit, who gives scepter and crown, who establishes kingship; Enlil, lord, king of all the Anunnaku gods, father of the gods, lord of the lands; Sin, wise one, lord of the crown, saqu-worthy; Magur, Shamash, judge of heaven and underworld, who carries out the slander of the enemy, who breaks up the foe; Adad, hero, conqueror of the four quarters of the lands, the four quarters; Ninurta, hero, villainous sacrificial spirit and enemy, who destroys the heart of the people; Ishtar, foremost among the gods, lady of battle;

The great gods, who make the heavens and earth a lordly place, whose utterances are a scepter and a scepter, who make kingship supreme, Tiglath-Pileser, beloved prince, your beloved, your shepherd, who by your true heart you have entrusted to me, this exalted one, you have established for the sovereignty of the land of the great Enlil, you have granted him a scepter.

A Scepter, an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
"imperial regalia of orb and scepter."

The New Ack of the Covenant delivered by The Lady in Battle through The Christ who bruised his heel while chushing the head of death from the weight of the cross on His feet, and is the Exodus, Greek for the Road Out, containing the fulfilled manna, the Bread of Life in the new eternal sacrifice, the spirit and life and authority from Heaven and the New Covenant Commandment of the Fulfilled eternal love of Christ, His Passion, which is the fulfilled staff of the Rod of Aaron that budded, the fulfilled Eternal Priestly Authority.

Logically the information is there for all to read.

I am reading, thanks again, Christos.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
The original Sumerian/Mesopotamian Adam and Eve stories you will probably find the most enlightening and also the original flood stories of Utnipishtim

As when you read that, and then read the modern day genesis, you have a far far greater understanding of what’s happening, what original sin is, who these Gods are, why the Old Testament God is clearly not the New Testament God, who the serpent is, et cetera

You also gain the understanding that the Torah/Tunak was not unique to Jews, it’s not a revealed book special to the Jews, it’s infact a borrowed narrative, of which they’ve then adjusted to fit into their cultural practices and beliefs

THIS LINK is quite a good generalised explanation and perhaps a good starting point



To me in logic the eternal spirit is the Word that is present before creation was ever created was even created as the real intelligence that Will never fail in infinite logic applied to all of creation that became flesh from the person of the Holy Spirit through the Person of Christ, for all mankind to share as one in being together with the Father and the Son, glorified and transfigured In the name of The Father and The Son and of The Holy Spirit, we become again, the image of The Creator, God, The Father. This to me is the logic of The Fulfilled Trinity of the Body of God.
The original meaning of surrendering the material things of nature to allow spirit to take over was intended by sacrificing a valuable animal from the herd, but the practice became corrupted until sacrifice came to mean the blood upon the altar alone. Christ came to fix this corruption, and restore the proper meaning by becoming in himself the last blood sacrifice -- to end corrupted blood sacrifice forever -- and substituting the Eucharistic sacrament of bread and wine, imo

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Good reading and logic, thanks.

Apparently, Utnapishtim had been granted immortality after building a ship called Preserver of Life and surviving the “great flood.” Like Noah's Ark, Utnapishtim brought all of his relatives and all species of creatures aboard his ark to save mankind.

The fulfillment of animal sacrifice returns the Old Covenant saved from the Bosom of Abraham by resurrection of not only the spirit but of the flesh, from the spolless sacrifice delivered in the New Ark, restores resurrected flesh and spirits eternally in the souls of all beings to the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

To me the logic is the New Ark of the New Covenant, eternal life of the Body, from the logic, the intelligience of the Holy Spirit as delivered through the flesh for the soul of the being in the Body of Christ.

Romans 11:36
For of him, and by him, and in him, are all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen.

The logic of the Three Persons of the Trinity:
For from Him, the Power of the Person of Holy Spirit, and through Him, in the Person of Jesus, and for Him, The Greator, God, Our Father, are all things. To Him, in the Kingdom of The Divine Will of God, be the glory for ever. Amen.

Three beings, all uniquely and separately God, and One God in Being, The Trinity of the Body of God, as united together with all mankind.

Peach always,
myt Stephen Andrew
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Christian Evolutionist
God the creator hated Adam and Eve

They were slaves
A-DAM the name was given to him by Enlil, which means Animal
ADAM was nothing but an animal to the creators of man

So little did the creator view man, that he defended, with great vengeance, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge

Not wanting man to be like the Gods, not wanting man to have the discernment of good and evil, not wanting man to find salvation

All but one… Enki the serpent, well, she had serpent skin, she wasn’t actually a snake/serpent

And she took pity on Adam and Eve, the slave race of man, and offered them Ganeesh, or a tool

To fight their oppressor, or to conform and work

They decided to fight, and this understood, good from evil

They were of course overpowered and thrown out of the Animal Den, Eden, the elite Gardens

This is the TRUTH
This is the story (paraphrased) in its original form…
The Old Testament God, doesn’t love you

The God of Yeshua/Jesus however… does

I'm uncertain which religious view is being presented here, but my own goes a little differently than what I've been reading in this thread. I'm reading a borderline gnostic view unlike any I've been associated with in the last 20 - 25 years. I, like you, view it to be a good thing to acquire knowledge and wisdom. This doesn't happen over night, nor are we able to drink some magic potion and have it upon its consumption. There's a great deal of travel required between points. It's a difficult path to set ourselves on for one, and for this reason God never hated Adam nor Eve. Sometimes, we get too close to the edge of something, after which there is no turning back. That was the warning, the effect made evident, and we've been on that road ever since as humans. It still isn't easy. Good AND evil and the lines we walk between them, which is the insight, the burden, the joy, and sacrifice, then on to the wages of our time spent on this road. It's the development that we honor, the learned capabilities and self control, garnered from the spirit of truth. It's not so much that they were thrown out, I think they simply grew up and it was time for them to leave home to begin their own life chapters as a couple. Ok, giving birth is going to hurt, you'll need to work fields and it gets hot, so it will be by the sweat of your brow. It won't be easy, but you can do it, so go ... be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

So true, and good point, thanks.

The logic of good and evil created love. Eve knew she was not to bring the spirit and life to Adam, and this is by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She was told by him as authority. But she wanted goodness and life for him so bad, she gave up her life for his happiness to bring the fruits of spirit and life to him. His only sin was to choose to live forever without her or die by eating the fruit with Eve, with the love of Eve who was the first to taste of the tree. He chose love, love over His own death, and the New Adam, Christ, through His death resurrects eternal life and love fulfilled through His Passion.

This the logic of created love, and Christ fulfills eternal love through His Passion, Eternal live and love of the fulfilled Eternal Body of God as all mankind united.

This is the logic I see in created the love as Adam and Eve, from the fall, the original sin, and fulfilled by Christ through His Passion. We all would have done the same thing as Adam and Eve, originally sinned, in logic.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Christian Evolutionist
Peace to all,

So true, and good point, thanks.

The logic of good and evil created love. Eve knew she was not to bring the spirit and life to Adam, and this is by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She was told by him as authority. But she wanted goodness and life for him so bad, she gave up her life for his happiness to bring the fruits of spirit and life to him. His only sin was to choose to live forever without her or die by eating the friut to with Eve, with the love of Eve who was the first to taste of the tree. He choose love, love over His death, and the New Adam resurrects eternal life and love fulfilled through His Passion.

This the logic of created love, and Christ fulfilles eternal love through His Passion, Eternal live and love of the fulfilled Eternal Body of God as all mankind united.

This is the logic I see in created the love af Adam and Eve, from the fall, teh original sin, and fulfilled by Christ as His Passion. We all would have done the same thing, in logic.

Peaace always,
Stephen Andrew

I think it rather created a greater awareness than what they were accustomed to. Ok, so there are truth's in life left unknown until they are known and some of these truths can be very difficult to handle. Calamity, hardship, pain, etc. are evils we experience in life, but there was a time when they were less severe, and we were much more sheltered from them...some of us, anyway. The actions in Eden, the pregnancy, the shame of being found out, then the parental discourse and information given for their understanding. They were leaving home to start lives of their own. Most of us hate to see our kids go through difficult hardship, so we typically do what we can to shelter them, and then when they disobey good advice and find themselves facing greater difficulty because of it, we get angry, sad, and in this you were correct to suggest that it creates "love", but love hurts sometimes.

That's the truth.