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What is your age limit for partners?


Daughter of Chaos
As someone who has no desire for any all inclusive long term commitments of any kind, I really don't know. Where there's chemistry and healthy relational connection there's chemistry and healthy relational connection. I don't really need/expect anything more than that. In terms of age I can only say for sure- not younger than 21. There are practical reasons for this. Beyond that, I'd be happy with a mixed gourmet 'sampler' box. (in general) :D
Life can suprise you. Why should I get in the way?
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Do you 'know' or believe?
Old enough that I don't get thrown in prison.

After that it would come down to how well we get along... I doubt I would have enough in common or feel sufficiently close to someone too far removed from my age, but affixing a cut off to me feels arbitrary, if I said ten years then what if I met someone wonderful who was eleven years older/younger? plus a difference of nine years might mean more of a difference for some individuals than fifteen would in another individual.


Wonder Woman
Well, I'd have to say the lowest age for me would probably be at least 21, though I seriously doubt I'd really go younger than maybe 25 or so. As for upper age limit...I don't think I could date someone the same age or older than my father, just because (and he just turned 65 today). I think I'd have to say I'd put maybe a 20 year older cap on it. Round about there or so. That would put me with with a spread of dating anyone between the ages of 21 and 57.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
My ex-wife is 13 years older than me, and the youngest I've dated is 13 years younger than me. Apparently, age doesn't matter so much to me. :)


Wonder Woman
Both sets of my grandparents had the same age difference. Both my grandfathers were 12 years older than my grandmothers.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There really is nothing like embracing the present moment-
and whatever lovely embracable things you might happen to find present there in it.;)

Tell me about it, NIX! I've been surprised by partners before. Ones I thought too old for me have sometimes turned out to be among the best. And the things they can teach!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Both sets of my grandparents had the same age difference. Both my grandfathers were 12 years older than my grandmothers.

My mother and father were twenty years apart! Sometimes, it's hard for me to wrap my head around that, but my mother has told me the years she had with my father were the happiest of her life. She's no fool, either.


Well-Known Member
Oldest about ten years older give or take, I think I would irriating to someone older than that and I would be freaked out if they could date my mum.


Active Member
I don't really have an age limit except over 18 just to stay on the safe side of the law. If age of consent was lower, I'd be open to relationships with people under 18 as well.

To me age is just a number. In fact my first serious relationship was with a person who was a bit older than I was. I was 18 or 19 and my partner was in their mid 30's.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I dated a man 17 years my senior for 5 years; we started dating when I was a couple months shy of 20. In many ways we were very compatible. At the time we started dating, I was in the stage of "all the guys my age are immature jerks" and "older guys are super sexy". Heck, I'm still in the latter half of that stage. :D

But, the relationship imploded largely because I finally faced up to the fact that he really was quite a bit of an ******* and that I didn't want to marry one.

I am now dating someone my own age-- we are only 2 months apart-- and I must say, I really am enjoying this. It is nice to be with someone who has the same growing up stories and gets the same cultural references that you do. It's nice that our friends are the same age. It is nice that I don't feel rushed to have kids or make other big life changes, because the clock is ticking. These weren't things that broke my relationship with the older man. But they are nice things to have, that I didn't know were missing.

Anyway, while dating my older guy, I was a strong advocate of "age doesn't matter!" I'm admittedly a bit more gun shy on the whole idea now, and I admittedly wince a little at the thought.

At this point in my life, I don't think I'd go younger than a year or so less than my age, and no older than 5 years above my age.

But then again, I'm pretty happy with my current dude, so maybe I won't have to ever put this into practice. ;)
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Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Perfect age would be 5 years younger to 10 years older than me. My husband happens to be 6 1/2 years younger than me, so maybe I should extend that. He's pretty perfect for me.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My parents were 14 years apart in age. That one didn't work out, but it was not an age thing.

I haven't dated anyone much outside of my own age. I don't really have any upper limit on age but after a certain point I think I would start to have some issues with it. Maybe a guy 10 years older. I could date a few years younger but not many.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I wouldn't (if I could cuz Im married) date a guy younger than like 38.And on the "upside" depends.I'm 45 ..I would not "date" a 20 yo.No way..And I'm not sure someone past 60 could handle me.

So I have a narrow range.Between 38 and 58. :D