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What is your opinion of Jesus?

Eli G

Well-Known Member
We Jehovah's witnesses, and we are more than 8 000 000 persons in more than 200 countries, don't believe that dead people are still alive somewhere else. We believe, as the Bible teaches, that dead people will wake up after they are resurrected, not the moment they die.


Veteran Member
Yes, I know the historicity. As far as I'm concerned about the biblical Jesus, sleep just means death in a figurative context. Jesus wouldn't have preached about eternal life after death if he shared atheistic views. You are taking that out of context. The old testament teaches Sheol, not sleep. This is incorrect what you say. Sheol just means the grave, the pit. The word later evolved into an under world where all souls go to. The afterlife is quite obscure in Judaism. Christianity is quite clear on its teaching about Heaven and eternal torment.
Please post the verses proving Heaven and eternal torture that you have in mind
Yes, sheol is the grave, and Jesus was in sheol the day he died - Acts 2:27
Sheol is Not the pit, but Gehenna is ( two (2) different words )
Sinning souls die at death according to the Bible at Ezekiel 18:4,20
Adam went from non-life, to life, and returned back to non-life - Genesis 3:19
No mention of any post-mortem penalty for Adam, No double jeopardy to be paid by Adam
ALL of Adam 'returned' to where he started. A person can Not 'return' to a place he never was before
Afterlife would be quite obsure in Judaism because 'afterlife' means being more alive after death than before death
Afterlife is Not resurrection. Resurrection is future (Acts 24:15) 'there will be' a resurrection - Hebrews 11:13,39

Is the Bible's definition of the lake of fire: eternal torment ? or defined as ' second death ' at Rev. 20:13-14; 21:8


Veteran Member
For not accepting Jesus and It's quite conspicuous. John 3:16, Revelation 20:11-15. I'm an ex-christian and christianity is very clear on its position of heaven and hell.
Yes, I can agree that Christianity is very clear on its position of heaven and hell
Jesus was clear that MANY would come in his name but prove false - Matthew 7:21-23
Revelation 1:1 shows that all of Revelation is Not literal. - Rev. 20:11-15
Revelation 20:14 shows both 'death' and 'hell' end up in ' second death ' for both death and hell.
( in other words, both death and hell (verse 14) are destroyed in that symbolic lake of fire defined as: second death )
There are those who have a first or earlier resurrection for the purpose of governing with Jesus - Rev. 20:6; 5:9-10
No one was offered Heaven before Jesus died - John 3:13 - this includes people like King David - Acts 2:34
ALL those named in God's 'Hall of Fame' (Hebrews 11:13,39) are still asleep in death's unconscious sleep
As we know 'hell and hell fire' are English words as found in King James' English from the Hebrew and Greek
Both Jesus and the OT both teach ' sleep in death ' - see Psalms 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5
What did Jesus teach us about his 4-day dead friend at John 11:11-14 but that his friend was in a sleep-like state.
So, the dead sleep until Resurrection Day (Acts 24:15) that there 'will be' a resurrection.....
Resurrection Day meaning: Jesus' coming Millennium-Long Day governing over Earth for a thousand years
- 1st Corinthians 15:24-26


Veteran Member
While I certainly agree with you 100% that Jesus believed in an afterlife, I just feel the need to remind you that there are many people who believe in God but don't have any belief in an afterlife. It's not "atheistic."
I find No 'afterlife' teaching that Jesus believed because the definition of 'afterlife' is being more alive after death then before death
Jesus taught 'resurrection' Not any afterlife teaching about being alive when one dies
The 'future tense' is used at Acts 24:15 that there ' is going to be' a resurrection.... (KJV just and unjust resurrected)
Many people who believe in God and think the Bible teaches ' afterlife' thinking 'afterlife' means resurrection
Afterlife and Resurrection are two (2) different teachings or ideas. Jesus taught future Resurrection - John 6:40,44


Veteran Member
Merriam Webster: 1 : an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms
capitalized : HOLY SPIRIT..................................................
: an often malevolent being that is bodiless but can become visible
specifically : GHOST sense 2......................................................
I agree that emotions are a brain function but I am sure they can be stimulated by the spirit and consciousness.
It is the same thing with memory. However the spirit has memory also.

I believe it is likely that the spirit takes over when the brain isn't functioning such as sleep, drunkeness and disease.
If we read Psalm104:30 we find God's spirit is Not with a capital letter "S"
Back in the 1800's Noah Webster replaced 'ghost with spirit' because God's spirit is Not an apparition person
Plus, we can read that God's spirit is a neuter "it" as found at Numbers 11:17,25 and Not a person or ghost
Our spirit like God's spirit is also a neuter "it" as found at Ecclesiastes 12:7 B
I find our spirit " it " does Not take over, but is simply returned to God til Resurrection Day - Acts 24:15


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I find No 'afterlife' teaching that Jesus believed because the definition of 'afterlife' is being more alive after death then before death
Jesus taught 'resurrection' Not any afterlife teaching about being alive when one dies
The 'future tense' is used at Acts 24:15 that there ' is going to be' a resurrection.... (KJV just and unjust resurrected)
Many people who believe in God and think the Bible teaches ' afterlife' thinking 'afterlife' means resurrection
Afterlife and Resurrection are two (2) different teachings or ideas. Jesus taught future Resurrection - John 6:40,44
You utterly missed my point, which was that not believing in an afterlife is not necessarily an atheist thing, which is what was claimed.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes, I only say that because most atheists do not believe in an afterlife and instead eternal sleep. This is their usual belief. That's why I coined it an atheistic belief. I'm not aware of any other ideology that explicitly teaches such a thing also. If someone believes in God and not an afterlife, they should seriously think through about whether or not they actually believe in God. It makes no sense.
I totally get why you did it. I'm simply reminding you that it is not accurate. It would be like saying that monotheism was "Abrahamic", when in fact, other religions are monotheistic besides the Abrahamic religions. Futher, it is not uncommon for people to throw around the term "atheist" or "atheistic" as a way to dismiss an idea. I'm not sure if you were or weren't doing that in this case, but if that was your intent, it doesn't work.

It absolutely makes sense that some who believe in God would not believe in an afterlife. It seems unthinkable to you because YOU ARE NOT USED TO IT. Ask yourself the following: assuming there is a God, why couldn't he create beings that were not eternal?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
A rather famous Jewish scholar centuries ago [Maimonides] made what I believe is a very wise statement: If we only do good so as to try and get into heaven, then we are only doing it for selfish reasons. Instead, we need to thank haShem for the fact that we have had this life and try to help others enjoy such a pleasure as well.


Veteran Member
Yes, I only say that because most atheists do not believe in an afterlife and instead eternal sleep. This is their usual belief. That's why I coined it an atheistic belief. I'm not aware of any other ideology that explicitly teaches such a thing also. If someone believes in God and not an afterlife, they should seriously think through about whether or not they actually believe in God. It makes no sense.
Yes, the Atheism people don't acknowledge any after life, but Buddha whom most Atheism and like people are happy to take into their folds (as an Agnostic) , but Buddha believed in after life, as it is very reasonable, right?



Veteran Member
Jesus believed in a resurrection.
" resurrection "
If (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah and Moses wrote/spoke/or dictate to a person about "resurrection", then kindly quote from each of them in first person in a straightforward, unequivocal and unambiguous manner, Bible not being a reliable source of knowledge, please, right?



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
A rather famous Jewish scholar centuries ago [Maimonides] made what I believe is a very wise statement: If we only do good so as to try and get into heaven, then we are only doing it for selfish reasons. Instead, we need to thank haShem for the fact that we have had this life and try to help others enjoy such a pleasure as well.
Ok got it. Everyone has his own belief and preference. So it doesn't much matter to many in a way what the Bible says. Father-mother--each one figures how they are inclined.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
" resurrection "
If (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah and Moses wrote/spoke/or dictate to a person about "resurrection", then kindly quote from each of them in first person in a straightforward, unequivocal and unambiguous manner, Bible not being a reliable source of knowledge, please, right?

You don't believe the Bible about Jesus, please, right?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
A rather famous Jewish scholar centuries ago [Maimonides] made what I believe is a very wise statement: If we only do good so as to try and get into heaven, then we are only doing it for selfish reasons. Instead, we need to thank haShem for the fact that we have had this life and try to help others enjoy such a pleasure as well.
It's interesting that religious men would regularly recite the Principles of Faith...
Some do...some don't...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
While I certainly agree with you 100% that Jesus believed in an afterlife, I just feel the need to remind you that there are many people who believe in God but don't have any belief in an afterlife. It's not "atheistic."
Jesus believed in a resurrection, not life continuing after death as if the soul floats somewhere. Resurrection is different than what some would consider as an "afterlife." Because life is life and death is not life.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Jesus believed in a resurrection, not life continuing after death as if the soul floats somewhere. Resurrection is different than what some would consider as an "afterlife." Because life is life and death is not life.
Some questions for you YoursTrue if I may? First one is, do you understand God to be omnipresent and eternal?


Active Member
Jesus believed in a resurrection, not life continuing after death as if the soul floats somewhere. Resurrection is different than what some would consider as an "afterlife." Because life is life and death is not life.
So what about Jesus words to the thief “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”?
Did Jesus go to paradise that day? Or in the underworld?
And didn't these Jesus words, contradict his own words in Matthew 7:28 and Revelation's judging of the dead?
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Active Member
You don't believe the Bible about Jesus, please, right?
Just a few more explanations please..
Why nobody recognize Jesus after the resurrection?
Also why in Luke 24 his companions could not recognize him, but a couple of hours later they could? Was it a game?
How could Jesus eat, drink and also pass though walls?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Just a few more explanations please..
Why nobody recognize Jesus after the resurrection?
Also why in Luke 24 his companions could not recognize him, but a couple of hours later they could? Was it a game?
How could Jesus eat, drink and also pass though walls?
That's an interesting question why nobody right away recognized Jesus after his resurrection. I don't know but I'm sure there's a good reason for it.