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What is your opinion of Jesus?


Veteran Member
Saul of Tarsus aka Paul was an enemy of (Jesus)* son of Mary/ Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), please, right?
Saul had tried to kill him but Yeshua , after the event of crucifixion in which he got miraculously survived; Jesus migrated from Galilee, out the hands of the Judaism people and also the hands of the Romans, please, right?
Disappointed with his attempt to kill Yeshua , I understand, Saul invented a new religion in Jesus’ title name and called it “Christianity”, a misnomer to deviate Yeshua followers from his good and truthful teachings and his deed, right, please?

*Isn't his confession to this effect very much in the Pauline NT Bible, please, right?



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Saul of Tarsus aka Paul was an enemy of (Jesus)* son of Mary/ Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), please, right?
Saul had tried to kill him but Yeshua , after the event of crucifixion in which he got miraculously survived; Jesus migrated from Galilee, out the hands of the Judaism people and also the hands of the Romans, please, right?
Disappointed with his attempt to kill Yeshua , I understand, Saul invented a new religion in Jesus’ title name and called it “Christianity”, a misnomer to deviate Yeshua followers from his good and truthful teachings and his deed, right, please?

*Isn't his confession to this effect very much in the Pauline NT Bible, please, right?

Please wrong. Thank you and hope you eventually can figure things out. Please right?


Veteran Member
Saul of Tarsus aka Paul was an enemy of (Jesus)* son of Mary/ Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), please, right?
Saul had tried to kill him but Yeshua , after the event of crucifixion in which he got miraculously survived; Jesus migrated from Galilee, out the hands of the Judaism people and also the hands of the Romans, please, right?
Disappointed with his attempt to kill Yeshua , I understand, Saul invented a new religion in Jesus’ title name and called it “Christianity”, a misnomer to deviate Yeshua followers from his good and truthful teachings and his deed, right, please?

*Isn't his confession to this effect very much in the Pauline NT Bible, please, right?

If Yeshua had to ascend to heavens, as Saul aka Paul cunningly made the Paulines to believe in, Yeshua could have done it right from Golgotha, he needed not to travel secretly to Galilee, there existed no special ladder in Galilee reaching up to the skies to make it easy for him to ascend from there, right, please?

"a thorn in the flesh," and or visitation of Devil "
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Saul of Tarsus aka Paul was an enemy of (Jesus)* son of Mary/ Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah ( who was neither a Zealot, nor he belonged to the Zionism people nor to the Judaism people), please, right?
Saul had tried to kill him but Yeshua , after the event of crucifixion in which he got miraculously survived; Jesus migrated from Galilee, out the hands of the Judaism people and also the hands of the Romans, please, right?
Disappointed with his attempt to kill Yeshua , I understand, Saul invented a new religion in Jesus’ title name and called it “Christianity”, a misnomer to deviate Yeshua followers from his good and truthful teachings and his deed, right, please?

*Isn't his confession to this effect very much in the Pauline NT Bible, please, right?

If Yeshua had to ascend to heavens, as Saul aka Paul cunningly made the Paulines to believe in, Yeshua could have done it right from Golgotha, he needed not to travel secretly to Galilee, there existed no special ladder in Galilee reaching up to the skies to make it easy for him to ascend from there, right, please?

"a thorn in the flesh," and or visitation of Devil "
Where do you get the idea that Saul threatened to kill Jesus? Saul never even met Jesus.

Again with your awful English. I'm coming to the conclusion that you simply don't care if you sound like an idiot, since you are unwilling to learn one simple thing that would make you sound so much more intelligent. And I'm going to keep pointing this out to you in every post I send you, because it is irritating to read bad English, and the irritation is worse when you know the person is doing it deliberately. You see, you goofed above when you said "Romans" instead of "Roman people," so I know you CAN speak properly, but simply choose not to.


I see good and I see evil everywhere but I want to believe in love and for me that's believing in Jesus. We all die but they say the devil is the master manipulator, so where do people get lieing and killing instincts from I say there's a god of evil the devil and love comes from Jesus you want proof? Well look at your surroundings and ask yourself how hate and love began where did the exsistance of love hate and lies come from. Or we were just born to hate and judge because anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus hates or judges
You are correct Jesus/God is love. Satan is hate, anyone who hate his brother without cause will not enter God's kingdom


Veteran Member
" resurrection "
If (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah and Moses wrote/spoke/or dictate to a person about "resurrection", then kindly quote from each of them in first person in a straightforward, unequivocal and unambiguous manner, Bible not being a reliable source of knowledge, please, right?
First person as Moses wrote referring to Abraham at Genesis 22:5 " I and the lad.... will return.... "
The I is Abraham and the lad or boy is Isaac
They had to believe in a physical resurrection or they could Not have returned or come back
As far as Messiah aka Jesus try John 6:40,44 because Jesus believed in resurrection on the last day
The last day meaning Jesus' coming 1000 yr. day governing over Earth for a thousand years


Veteran Member
So what about Jesus words to the thief “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”?
Did Jesus go to paradise that day? Or in the underworld?
And didn't these Jesus words, contradict his own words in Matthew 7:28 and Revelation's judging of the dead?
I notice that a comma (,) was placed after the word you,..............
Jesus went to No paradise the day he died, dead Jesus went to hell the day he died - Acts 2:27
Since dead Jesus was in 'biblical hell' (aka the stone-cold grave) after he died he was not anywhere else
Matthew 7:28 ? Not sure what verse 28 has to do with resurrection or judging the dead at Revelation ______ (?)


Veteran Member
Just a few more explanations please..
Why nobody recognize Jesus after the resurrection?
Also why in Luke 24 his companions could not recognize him, but a couple of hours later they could? Was it a game?
How could Jesus eat, drink and also pass though walls?
We can't see the spirit realm
Since God resurrected dead Jesus in a spirit body is why they could Not see him
In order for resurrected Jesus to be recognized he used different materialized bodies
Resurrected Jesus did Not pass through walls but appeared in a closed room and inside put on a materialized body
A materialized body could be seen and then recognized that is was resurrected Jesus - Luke 24:15-18; John 20:14-15
Flesh (physical) can Not inherit the kingdom - 1st Corinthians 15:50
So, resurrected spirit-body Jesus ascended to Heaven in his spirit body - Hebrews 9:24


Veteran Member
.............................................. Some argued that angels had physical bodies, while some maintained that they were entirely spiritual.
Spirits can not eat and drink physical things. Physical bodies which can eat and drink, can not pass though walls. Something is strange here, don't you agree?
Yes, 'strange' in the sense that resurrected spirit-body Jesus had to use materialized bodies before ascending to Heaven
Please notice resurrected Jesus was made alive in the spirit - 1st Peter 3:18 B (KJV uses the word 'quickened' for made alive)
So, spirit Jesus appeared in a closed room and then put on a materialized body to appear in the shut up room
Right after God resurrected Jesus he used a materialized body and at first mistaken as the gardener - John 20:14-15

The fallen angels in Genesis used, or put on, so to speak, materialized bodies to appear on Earth
Their materialized bodies were washed away in the Flood and their hybrid sons drowned in the Flood


Veteran Member
Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the only atonement for the forgiveness of sin. Satan ( the god of this world) blinds men to the truth.
I find at Psalm 90:2 that God is from everlasting meaning: No beginning for God, No starting point for God
I find Jesus was " in " the beginning and does Not say Jesus was ' before ' the beginning as his God was
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus (Hebrews 9:24) still thinks he has a God over him - Revelation 3:12

Atonement was needed Not because God sinned but Adam sinned
God's death could not equal a corresponding ransom price for Adam's sin
A faithful-sinless Son of God could balance the Scales of Justice for us
That is why God resurrected faithful dead Jesus back to life - Acts 3:15


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I totally get why you did it. I'm simply reminding you that it is not accurate. It would be like saying that monotheism was "Abrahamic", when in fact, other religions are monotheistic besides the Abrahamic religions. Futher, it is not uncommon for people to throw around the term "atheist" or "atheistic" as a way to dismiss an idea. I'm not sure if you were or weren't doing that in this case, but if that was your intent, it doesn't work.

It absolutely makes sense that some who believe in God would not believe in an afterlife. It seems unthinkable to you because YOU ARE NOT USED TO IT. Ask yourself the following: assuming there is a God, why couldn't he create beings that were not eternal?
Animals were not created with opportunities to live forever.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I know that the Gospels were anonymous documents/narratives, the Paulines got hold of them and doctored them, hence not reliable source of information, right?

You know this how? Who were the Paulines anyway...


Active Member
I notice that a comma (,) was placed after the word you,..............
That means nothing...There are other translations without comma...
Jesus went to No paradise the day he died, dead Jesus went to hell the day he died - Acts 2:27
Since dead Jesus was in 'biblical hell' (aka the stone-cold grave) after he died he was not anywhere else
Peculiar and fictitious story for me. Firstly Jesus appeared to lie, or at least to exaggerate matters. Secondly that was the most easily given forgiveness, without the culprit accept Jesus as savior and not even repent for his sins. In stark contrast to Adam and Eve who were not forgiven, even if they didn't know right from wrong, neither were given the chance to repent, with all the "theological" consequences for humanity.
Matthew 7:28 ? Not sure what verse 28 has to do with resurrection or judging the dead at Revelation ______ (?)
My mistake..sorry. Matthew 16:27 and Revelation state that judgement of people will be carried out after Jesus' second coming.
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Active Member
Since God resurrected dead Jesus in a spirit body is why they could Not see him
So, what happened to his physical body? If he was resurrected in spiritual body, his physical body must have remained and decayed normally. You understand that this theory raises questions as to whether Jesus resurrection was literal or spiritual.
In order for resurrected Jesus to be recognized he used different materialized bodies
Not true. On all his post resurrection appearances Jesus had a materialized body, yet no one recognized him.
Resurrected Jesus did Not pass through walls but appeared in a closed room and inside put on a materialized body
A materialized body could be seen and then recognized that is was resurrected Jesus
So, spirit Jesus appeared in a closed room and then put on a materialized body to appear in the shut up room
Right after God resurrected Jesus he used a materialized body and at first mistaken as the gardener
If you think that Jesus changed constantly between spirit and various materialized bodies even to enter a house, then it takes all credibility out of the story. And what happened to the food he had just eaten when he changed from materialized to spirit immediately? Did it fall on the floor?
Even if this is true, why couldn't he take the body he had whilst on earth, so that everyone could recognize him? And how the 500, mentioned by Paul, who saw him after his resurrection, recognized him, if his close circle could not?
For example, in the story concerning the walk to Emmaus, Jesus was supposed to be in his normal physical body, but for some "reason" his companions' eyes did not recognize him until he broke the bread. Also why did he say to Mary "do not touch me", but asked Thomas to touch him? In order for both to see him he should have been in his materialized body. :shrug:
A lot of weird and unnecessary "stories".
The fallen angels in Genesis used, or put on, so to speak, materialized bodies to appear on Earth
Their materialized bodies were washed away in the Flood and their hybrid sons drowned in the Flood
Any evidence of that? :neutral:
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