There is no real privacy anymore and the internet makes it that way. Now more directly related to the OP.
I will check my wife's email and I check her Facebook (to keep her up to date); she does not check mine because it is either business related, something she already saw or none of her business at the time (she can).
I don't hide anything because every time I do; I get busted and she gets her feelings hurt☻
I like to surprise her with things and she has ruined that before and that is why she does not check.
So on to privacy. You are dealing with someones life in a lot of relationships. In relationships that are long term and sexual I say it is a tough call. Is he/she taking my life into their hands?
If you don't want to get caught don't do it.
My opinion of the case in the OP is that she should have kept her nose out of it and if she did look she should have asked.
I will check my wife's email and I check her Facebook (to keep her up to date); she does not check mine because it is either business related, something she already saw or none of her business at the time (she can).
I don't hide anything because every time I do; I get busted and she gets her feelings hurt☻
I like to surprise her with things and she has ruined that before and that is why she does not check.
So on to privacy. You are dealing with someones life in a lot of relationships. In relationships that are long term and sexual I say it is a tough call. Is he/she taking my life into their hands?
If you don't want to get caught don't do it.
My opinion of the case in the OP is that she should have kept her nose out of it and if she did look she should have asked.