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What keeps people from committing crimes?


New Member
What keeps people from committing the more heinous crimes (murder, theft, assault), their morality / conscience or the law and the punishment that would come if they were to be caught?
Is it one or the other? Is it a combination of both?


Treasure Hunter
The reason I haven't killed anyone is because I am afraid that when I try to kill him he might over-power me and kill me instead, and because I know I'd probably get in trouble and go to jail if they found out that I did it.

Most crimes though, I wouldn't do because it's mean, and I try not to be mean to people. Some people deserve someone to be mean to them though.


Well-Known Member
because most people are to lazy to go to the trouble of tying up all lose ends not to get caught, and most people don't wanna get caught


Veteran Member
What keeps people from committing the more heinous crimes (murder, theft, assault), their morality / conscience or the law and the punishment that would come if they were to be caught?
Is it one or the other? Is it a combination of both?

hi :)
IMO there are different kinds of people. it is difficult to generalize. %10 of people don't care for laws, morals or even their own conscience. but the rest, %90 of people are good. however their intentions are good, they mostly depend on conditions. conditions, if one is NOT aware of his own ignorance and weakness, might lead people to commit crime.

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What keeps people from committing the more heinous crimes (murder, theft, assault), their morality / conscience or the law and the punishment that would come if they were to be caught?
Is it one or the other? Is it a combination of both?

I'd say the primary reasons some people avoid committing serious crimes are a personal sense of right and wrong, and fear of punishment. The reason many of us do not hit someone in the face for disagreeing with us, or insulting us, or murdering people with impunity, is because most of us realize that kind of behavior is highly inappropriate and destructive. Additionally, fear of being punished for destructive behavior is a mechanism people use to avoid committing serious crimes.

I think most people combine both fear of reprisal, and morality, in their life choices. Some choices might only involve one or the other, though.


I haven't met any of said humans...

I have, any times. And many times I have met people that don't seem good. Who knows, maybe people are not good. In my experiences I have always seen good in people, maybe if I lived your life I would say otherwise. But I do not, and I claim humans are good. In the history of the world I have always looked at the great people that have lived and taken hope at what we, as humans, can be. It comes out to good more often than not.
I have, any times. And many times I have met people that don't seem good. Who knows, maybe people are not good. In my experiences I have always seen good in people, maybe if I lived your life I would say otherwise. But I do not, and I claim humans are good. In the history of the world I have always looked at the great people that have lived and taken hope at what we, as humans, can be. It comes out to good more often than not.

Tell that to the hundreds of millions of people killed because of those great people.


People want purpose, they don't want good. They'll do anything to attain it and the history of the world is an ensemble of triumphs and failures to find it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Part of the reason people refrain from committing crimes must surely be they were taught when children to refrain from committing crimes. Consequently, they feel a revulsion to committing crimes. The influence on our adult behavior of what we were taught as children is pretty well documented for many behaviors. I would not expect an aversion to committing crimes to be much less influenced by what we were taught as children.


Veteran Member
Either that or you haven't noticed. I myself have met a number of good people in my life -- more than I can count.
The system won't let me give you frubals.
In my experience people are generally good. Even people who have done bad things.


Citizen Mod
What keeps people from committing crimes?

I can't speak for everyone but the thought of accidentally dropping the soap in a penitentiary shower is enough incentive for me.