Neo Deist
Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Speed Limits:
1. Balls to the wall!
2. Maybe 5-10 over.
3. I do the speed limit.
4. I drive a little slower than the speed limit.
5. WTF is driving?
Stop Signs:
1. No cop, no stop!
2. I slow to a crawl but don't come to a complete stop.
3. I stop completely, make sure it is clear, then proceed.
4. I fall asleep at stop signs.
5. WTF is a stop sign?
1. I try and push people out of the way!
2. I keep maybe 15-20 feet between me and the car in front, even at 80 mph.
3. I keep a safe distance so that I have a good reactionary gap if something were to happen.
4. People pass me left and right because I am slow.
5. I only tailgate at football games.
Merging Traffic:
1. Oh hell no, they can get behind me!
2. I might let them in, depending on how they look...the hotter the better!
3. I am courteous toward all vehicles, except maybe 18 wheelers.
4. Anyone can get in front of me.
5. I am the only car on the road, WTF is merging traffic?
1. WTF is a blinker?
2. I use mine sometimes.
3. I always use mine.
4. I signal for the person in front of me so that the person behind me knows to slow down.
5. My dashboard lights blink on and off.
1. Balls to the wall!
2. Maybe 5-10 over.
3. I do the speed limit.
4. I drive a little slower than the speed limit.
5. WTF is driving?
Stop Signs:
1. No cop, no stop!
2. I slow to a crawl but don't come to a complete stop.
3. I stop completely, make sure it is clear, then proceed.
4. I fall asleep at stop signs.
5. WTF is a stop sign?
1. I try and push people out of the way!
2. I keep maybe 15-20 feet between me and the car in front, even at 80 mph.
3. I keep a safe distance so that I have a good reactionary gap if something were to happen.
4. People pass me left and right because I am slow.
5. I only tailgate at football games.
Merging Traffic:
1. Oh hell no, they can get behind me!
2. I might let them in, depending on how they look...the hotter the better!
3. I am courteous toward all vehicles, except maybe 18 wheelers.
4. Anyone can get in front of me.
5. I am the only car on the road, WTF is merging traffic?
1. WTF is a blinker?
2. I use mine sometimes.
3. I always use mine.
4. I signal for the person in front of me so that the person behind me knows to slow down.
5. My dashboard lights blink on and off.