We are doing that now and descending further into wars and chaos. We have chosen man’s way instead of God’s ways and that is leading us i feel to destruction. God tells us to be at peace with one another but we think of brilliant ideas like nuclear weapons. We need God’s guidance to teach us how to get along. We have so much hatred, prejudice and $trillions spent on weapons to kill and destroy but in God’s world life and the happiness and well-being of people comes first. So looking at the world today, what it tells me is that when man turns away from God he becomes like a savage and brutalises his fellow human without any conscience. Religion teaches not to kill or harm others and if we all followed these teachings, we would live in a happy and peaceful world. Any person who acts like a savage although he may call himself religious is only religious in name only. A true religionist loves all people.
In this context, if we're assuming that God created all of this in the first place, then it would imply that God created humans and the basic instincts, emotions, and biological processes we go through. We're assuming that God created the entire physical reality in which we live. If humans were created to be savages - or at least with the potential of becoming savages if put under enough duress and hardship - is that really humans' fault or is that the fault of whoever designed us to be that way?
If you have a pit full of hungry dogs, then throw in a piece of meat, they're going to fight over it. That's to be expected. They're under the duress of hunger - and even if they could be trained or conditioned to not fight, they're still very, very hungry and might not be able to restrain it. Is it their fault that they're hungry? Of course not. They were simply designed that way. It can be presumed that they simply are as God made them - just as humans are said to be. Should we chastise them or scold them for acting that way? Or should we chastise and scold the nimrod who put them in a pit, let them go hungry a few days, and then threw in a piece of meat and acted so outraged and shocked at their behavior?