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What sacrifice do muslims use for their sins?


New Member
Evidently, you do not understand the scriptures in the Holy Bible. The muslim religion is that of the gentiles, which is in conflict with that of the Israelites, the chosen children of God. The O/T and N/T are based on ISRAELITES, from which, God chose His Word to be disclosed, and taught to both the gentiles and Israelites. The problem that we face today, is that the gentiles have created (through vanity), changes to the true Word of God.

Your " thinking " is wrong. You never read about Islam, yet you are saying " things" you didn't know. I teaches history, my friend.....

This clarify, you didn't know anything about Islam and you are telling stories that you had made research about Islam....
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New Member
Here we go again. Using what is written in a book, to prove that what is written is actually true, without any proof/witnessing by others. Neat trick. :)

You said that you received free copy of Qoran(in English) but you never read it. Qoran is true and I witnessed it. Never tell me that you read it because of what your words, I bet you never see it even touched it. About that imam, find another imam!!!That is not a true imam....
Your " thinking " is wrong. You never read about Islam, yet you are saying " things" you didn't know. I teaches history, my friend.....

This clarify, you didn't know anything about Islam and you are telling stories that you had made research about Islam....

Maybe YOU should do some research. Prior to Muhammad, the main religions followed by the arab world, was either Judaism or Christianity. On the death of Muhammad, the birth of 'the split' in Islam occurred (Sunni & Shiite). If you search 'Muhammad', 'muslim' and 'Islam', on the internet, you will find the same information that I have posted above......PERIOD! I have no idea what exactly you are teaching in your history classes, but evidently, you must be misinformed. :)


New Member
Maybe YOU should do some research. Prior to Muhammad, the main religions followed by the arab world, was either Judaism or Christianity. On the death of Muhammad, the birth of 'the split' in Islam occurred (Sunni & Shiite). If you search 'Muhammad', 'muslim' and 'Islam', on the internet, you will find the same information that I have posted above......PERIOD! I have no idea what exactly you are teaching in your history classes, but evidently, you must be misinformed. :)

I did researched and i am not misinform. Maybe you the ones who was " misinformed ". How could you blamed teacher??? Without your teacher, how could you succeed??? About (Sunni and Shiite) please read more about it. Dont just simply said it. Even eleventh years old boy in my neighbourhood knows about it. Still, you don't know about Islam.....
You said that you received free copy of Qoran(in English) but you never read it. Qoran is true and I witnessed it. Never tell me that you read it because of what your words, I bet you never see it even touched it. About that imam, find another imam!!!That is not a true imam....

I 'browsed through' the English version of the Qur'an that I received. My email conversations with an Imam, were very informative, and out of all of the other ministers of 'one-God' faiths that I communicated with, I found the Imam to be the most pleasant, cordial, honest, polite person of them all. I found the Jewish rabbi to be almost the same. The most ignorant ministers that I communicated with, were the Christians (Roman Catholic and Protestant). This is very 'sad', considering that I too, am a Christian. :)


New Member
I 'browsed through' the English version of the Qur'an that I received. My email conversations with an Imam, were very informative, and out of all of the other ministers of 'one-God' faiths that I communicated with, I found the Imam to be the most pleasant, cordial, honest, polite person of them all. I found the Jewish rabbi to be almost the same. The most ignorant ministers that I communicated with, were the Christians (Roman Catholic and Protestant). This is very 'sad', considering that I too, am a Christian. :)

Yes, you only browsed through but never deeply read about it. Still, meet true imam where you can face him and talk to him about what you confused about. You know mosque , right??? Go there to meet imam....
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I did researched and i am not misinform. Maybe you the ones who was " misinformed ". How could you blamed teacher??? Without your teacher, how could you succeed??? About (Sunni and Shiite) please read more about it. Dont just simply said it. Even eleventh years old boy in my neighbourhood knows about it. Still, you don't know about Islam.....

In the first place,....YOU NEED NO MAN TO TEACH YOU THE WORD OF GOD! Reading scripture and praying for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience, in the correct frame of mind (holy/godly), will result in God teaching you. Reading scriptures anywhere in the world....without churches, synagogues, mosques, ministers, etc., and praying for understanding, is enough. If your 'book' of scripture requires a 'teacher', then it is useless.

I am not interested in learning 'more' about the sunni or shiite. I have read enough, to provide me with the needed information in order for me to evaluate the religion of Islam. Judaism and Islam, both deny the sacrifice of our saviour Jesus Christ (The Lord God Almighty...our creator in the flesh). Islam simply calls Jesus, a prophet, and refuses to believe in His teachings. My research was carried out, in order to get an understanding of Islam (Where it came from, and what it was all about). I have achieved this. :)
And you started to know about Islam since when??

I have been 'aware' of Islam for approximately 50 years. I only started to research it about five (six?) years ago. It did not take long (with the use of the internet), to get an understanding, sufficient enough to evaluate this religion.

I became a Protestant Christian at age 10, after reading through the KJV Bible. I am currently 61 years of age.
Yes, you only browsed through but never deeply read about it. Still, meet true imam where you can face him and talk to him about what you confused about. You know mosque , right??? Go there to meet imam....

Why don't you review the 'comparisons' between the beliefs in Islam versus the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Judaism, found on the internet? This may (or not) open your mind up.

Another thing that you should consider, is the Qur'an. It is a mixture of Judaism, old muslim beliefs, and new 'Muhammad' additions, with the recognition in Islam of Jesus Christ....as a prophet. On top of all of this, the writings can often mean 'whatever you want them to mean'. It is a 'can of worms'. This book is written, for one major purpose......you need an Imam, in order to tell you what it is supposed to mean. It is a perfect example of b.s. baffles brains (I do not mean this in a derogatory sense). :)

A Thousand Suns

I have been 'aware' of Islam for approximately 50 years. I only started to research it about five (six?) years ago. It did not take long (with the use of the internet), to get an understanding, sufficient enough to evaluate this religion.

I became a Protestant Christian at age 10, after reading through the KJV Bible. I am currently 61 years of age.

You have based your views on Islam on assumptions , And your assumptions are based on the little knowledge you get from surrounding , what you see about Islam is nothing more than its image in a cracked mirror , but what does it means's to truly know Islam??

Btw, you never answered to my previous posts

"And remember, Jesus, The son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (Sent) to you, confirming The Law (which came) Before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger To come after me, Whose name shall be Ahmad [i.e. Muhammad].”[3]
Yes, you only browsed through but never deeply read about it. Still, meet true imam where you can face him and talk to him about what you confused about. You know mosque , right??? Go there to meet imam....

There are no mosques where I live. Had there been one, I would have gone there, as I also went to many churches, in order to communicate with other ministers of different faiths.
You have based your views on Islam on assumptions , And your assumptions are based on the little knowledge you get from surrounding , what you see about Islam is nothing more than its image in a cracked mirror , but what does it means's to truly know Islam??

Btw, you never answered to my previous posts

"And remember, Jesus, The son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (Sent) to you, confirming The Law (which came) Before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger To come after me, Whose name shall be Ahmad [i.e. Muhammad].”[3]

I have been answering the posts, working backwards (last first).

The words posted above (in red lettering) are a lie. They are created, to make Muhammad a last prophet, and they again are not supported by any proof of their legitimacy. These words 'limit' what God can do. By these words, you are stating that there will be no further communication from God, to man, by way of man. This is totally rediculous, and evil.

A Thousand Suns

I have been answering the posts, working backwards (last first).

The words posted above (in red lettering) are a lie. They are created, to make Muhammad a last prophet, and they again are not supported by any proof of their legitimacy. These words 'limit' what God can do. By these words, you are stating that there will be no further communication from God, to man, by way of man. This is totally rediculous, and evil.
It would be better if you learn about Islam before you start making more assumptions:facepalm:


Guardian of Life
What do you think 'priests' were anointed for, in the O/T? The Israelite tribe of Levi were chosen to provide priests to offer sacrificial lambs. Unforunately, God also became fed up with their sacrifices, because the Israelites simply offered sacrifices, but returned to their sinful ways. The sacrifices 'lost their meaning', much the same way as divorce became 'common', and not used in a godly fashion.

If you do not believe that we must be 'saved' by sacrifice, I can't help you. The scriptures (KJV Bible) states otherwise.

I'm not denying sacrifices occurred, I'm saying they didn't occur for the forgiveness of sin. If you wanted your sins forgiven you demonstrate regret and make a conscious effort to improve.

I would go into this further, but you seem to need to specify that the KJV Bible is "the scriptures".

To me it shows that you are horribly uneducated. If the system you believed in were true, you'd be among those who would come to Jesus saying "Lord Lord we preached in your name" to whom he'd respond "Depart from me I never knew you."

Go learn about the Bible you claim to read, go read it, learn its history, the languages it was written in, and study those things.

Then again, you're probably not even devout. Christianity is a fad and past time for you, not something you take seriously.

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Admiral Obvious
Based on the Holy Bible N/T.....a continuation and fulfilment of O/T prophesies. You have to remember, that Arabs are gentiles. The Word of God came by way of the Israelites....The Chosen Children Of God. A gentile can teach a true Israelite, nothing, concerning God's Word. God teaches His chosen people, directly.
Wait, so you are basically trying to force Islam into your preconceived box of what Islam should be?
I thought you said that you have studied Islam?