Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yes, ‘Lord’ is just a TITLE of a great and revered entity… It does not mean ‘GOD’ let alone ‘YHWH’. You can see that ‘YHWH’ is called ‘Lord God’, and Jesus is called ‘Lord Jesus Christ’. This is because the extrapolation is:Jesus was just asking a question about Psalm 110 and wasn't inserting Himself as YHWH into the Psalm. However for Jews who did see the Psalm as Messianic, He was pointing out that the Messiah was called the Lord of David. (and by Lord I do not mean YHWH).
- ‘YHWH, The great and revered GOD’
- ‘Jesus, the great and revered CHRIST’
Too many trinitarian (and maybe others who are nog good with language!!!) refuse to acknowledge the difference between a NAME, a TITLE, and an Adjective (let alone a SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE). Even reading what they see here would not encourage or spur them to investigate - actually, maybe they do but when they see it speaks against them they abandon the truth of their error!!
Trinitarians have, sadly, claimed that: ‘Since the Father is called Lord, and Jesus is also called Lord, then Jesus must be GOD’!!! Wow, So false - talk of straining at swallowing a gnat!!!
But they don’t see that they are thence claiming that Jesus is the Father…. And/Or that the Father is Jesus: ‘I and the Father are ONE’…. Oh boy!!!
Remember also, it is an improper sentence to say:
- ‘Jesus and the Father ARE GOD’
- ‘Jesus and the Father IS GOD’
Remember that with all these nonsense, there is ONLY ONE WHO IS NEVER SEEN: The Father. Which is qualified by:
- ‘No one has ever seen the Father AT ANY TIME… the Son of God who is closest to Him, he has MADE HIM KNOWN TO YOU!!’