I haven't considered alternative plans based upon the winners of these elections, except if he wins I'll be a little worried about getting arrested for comments I've made here on RF. Because that's what I believe about him that he'll consider my patriotic and sincere comments to be treason.
I think we will be safe given how many there are of those who don't support Trump. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump did demand a loyalty pledge of all citizens, and that will be a legal commitment. Can you imagine that, it could be a crime to say anything negative about Trump. I would expect a lawsuit for 1st amendment infringement, but would that stop harrassment by the Trump government? Look how Alabama ignored a SC decision on their district maps.
I do think it likely he will go after prominent people, like Christie and Barr, anyone who openly criticized him. He already stated he will retool the DOJ, and I can see him appoint someone who is a true believer, and won't worry about committing crimes, given the pardon power. I don't think it will be as bad as Russia since there will be many judges who aren't willing to go along with Trump, but I do see harrassment and investigations being so severe that people's lives will be ruined. That's all he has to do, is harrass people with law enforcement.
I do think racism will expand as a movement. More hate speech. More violence. Life will be harder for many marginalized groups, while most of us will be left alone. It could be like 1930's Germany with marginalized people being harrassed and others not wanting to get involved. There could be ongoing protests and violence. The police can only manage prostests so far without serious crackdowns. Red states run by republicans will surely align with Trump no matter what he does.
Some think the stock market will go up, and that could be the case to some degree. But economists always say that social stability is essential for a good economy, as disruption and uncertainty makes business and stocks nervous and conservative. There could be sell offsof stock. That would mean some will buy good deals, but will the stocks go up if the USA is in social and political chaos?