If those who believe god is a real entity and in communication with them, received what they thought was an order to kill their child, would they do it. If the story of Abraham is to be believed that is exactly what he was prepared to do, the evil so and so! Even if the request was not so extreme, but went against what they thought was right, would they still do it?
If I were a christian, to be honest, yes I would. I posed this question awhile back and no christian answered it. I asked in a chat room once, and the chat manager said not to ask questions like that because it makes new christians and christians in general uncomfortable there in a christian chat room.
If god is the creator and everything he does is right and the benefit for all, I would have a hard to wondering why any christian
would not do what god wanted them to do. If their life is dependant on god and they feel death isn't the end, even if that child went to hell, I would assume the lesson would be for the person who god gave the command.
If I were christian, I would kill the child and let god send that child wherever he wants him to go. Since, I wouldn't have the right to claim life on earth or in heaven or hell.
my perspective, any action of killing regardless where one goes is not right. I could no longer kill a child for god than I would kill myself. What punishment would god put on me that's so harsh all because I choose for someone to live rather than die?
No christian has yet to answer.