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What's Good For the Goose Is Good For The Gander?


Veteran Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors


Veteran Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor

Did the detector fail to detect any mental activity?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
Right at the end of your article, it notes that the House Sergeant-at-arms hasn't received any actual reports of Pelosi not complying with screening.

“Only the USCP can determine whether an individual has failed to complete security screening as only the USCP has sufficient training to determine compliance with USCP screening procedures,” Blodgett wrote.

“I have directed that the USCP produce and provide unusual incident reports on any individual who fails to complete security screening without exception. I have not received any unusual incident report from the USCP concerning the Speaker of the House.”


Veteran Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
In Britain, the expression is "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."

I like "mental detector". Freudian slip, perhaps? :D


Veteran Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
Did you bother to actually read the article you linked?

Did you miss this part...My emphasis...
GOP members of the Committee on House Administration made the tit-for-tat demand Friday night, claiming Pelosi had been seen on Thursday entering the House Chamber without going through the metal detectors she herself had ordered installed after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.​

"Had been seen", by whom? Republicans love baseless undocumented assertions.

Did you also miss this part...My emphasis...
Blodgett wrote in a Friday night reply to House Republicans that US Capitol Police must file a complaint before legislators can be fined. There’s been no such report about Pelosi, he said.

“Only the USCP can determine whether an individual has failed to complete security screening as only the USCP has sufficient training to determine compliance with USCP screening procedures,” Blodgett wrote.

“I have directed that the USCP produce and provide unusual incident reports on any individual who fails to complete security screening without exception. I have not received any unusual incident report from the USCP concerning the Speaker of the House.”



aged ecumenical anthropologist
The fines were actually levied because the "crime" was bringing guns into the chamber, which is forbidden by House rules.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
BTW - I'm officially nominating Gohmert for toolbag of the year for this comment:

Gohmert said he will appeal.

He said that he usually complies with the metal detectors, but didn’t on a single occasion after stepping out to use the bathroom.

“Unlike in the movie ‘The Godfather,’ there are no toilets with tanks where one could hide a gun, so my reentry onto the House floor should have been a non-issue,” Gohmert said in a statement.

In case anyone isn't aware if the story, here's one example of what can happen when a right-wing politician sneaks past the metal detectors:

Moscone–Milk assassinations - Wikipedia

Edit: I also think it's interesting that Gohmert has apparently given thought to where he might hide a gun in the bathroom outside the secure area.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
So, @esmith, is this another one of those 'alternative fact's' your side is so fond of y'all came up with a pet name for them?

Or is this about hating the left so much you'll believe anything, repeat anything if you think it will somehow distract the left from trying to pass survival/stimulus checks for you and most other Americans?


Veteran Member
So, @esmith, is this another one of those 'alternative fact's' your side is so fond of y'all came up with a pet name for them?

Or is this about hating the left so much you'll believe anything, repeat anything if you think it will somehow distract the left from trying to pass survival/stimulus checks for you and most other Americans?
Nah, just tit for tat

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
Typical policymaker. Do as I say, and not as I do.


Veteran Member
Should I take your word for that, esmith? Can you refresh my memory about your track record of being right about political matters?
I must admit that I may not always be right but I'm never wrong (ref: Samuel Goldwyn)


Not Religious
Welll that is unless you are a politician. Seems that a couple of Republican Represenative were fined $5000.00 for not following the rules put in place by Ms Pelosi of going through a mental dector prior to entering the House floor. However, it seems that the Speaker violated her own rule, but in this case what's good for the ganders are not good for the goose.

GOP Reps. Gohmert and Clyde fined $5K for bypassing House metal detectors
Where's the proof Esmith? I'd suggest you stop thinking the tabloid NYPost is a credible information source.
All you have is "disgruntled GOP radicals claim Pelosi did same thing."
All these years, still haven't learned.