You need to learn how dictionaries work. Words can have multiple meanings in different context and any dictionary will list the main ones.
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Note the first (ironically) definition.
PS: if you wish to complain about the word "theory", then you are complaining about ALL OF SCIENCE and not about evolution
First, science, especially in context of theories, deals in
evidence, never in "proof". That's more for mathematics.
Secondly, that species share ancestry is a
genetic fact. Evolution theory merely addresses the
mechanism by which the process works. If you falsify evolution tomorrow, the
genetic fact of common ancestry remains.
PS: if you wish to complain about how the theory has no "proof", then again you are complaining about ALL OF SCIENCE and not just about evolution.
Evolution IS a fact. Species factually and observably change over time.
Gravity is also a fact. Things with mass factually and observable attract eachother.
The THEORY of evolution / gravity, explain the mechanisms of
how those facts occur.
Adaption IS evolution.
To claim otherwise, is to argue a strawman.
And to say that "it never produces a
new creature" is also a strawman, for that matter.
Here is just one example (among a ridiculous amount, but just one already makes the point):
Tiktaalik - Wikipedia
This one was even found
by prediction.
Nothing "mythical" about that.
If you want an example of something "mythical", try adam and eve or the magical physically impossible biblical flood.
First, nice that you admit that ID is a religious idea that requires faith.
Second, again: theories in science are NEVER "proven".
Third: being (willfully) ignorant of the evidence, doesn't make it disappear.
Yeah. Those in the scientific community are also "pressured" to accept embryology instead of Stork Theory.
And heliocentrism instead of geocentrism. And a spherical earth instead of a flat earth.
Yeah, if as a scientist you put your faith in any of these alternatives, you likely will be out of a job faster then you can say "it's in the bible". And rightfully so.
Unsurprisingly, most of these were ill-informed, strawmen and inspired by pure ignorance.
It's all creationists have.
But more importantly, you didn't actually answer the OP.
The OP isn't asking you why you reject evolution.
The OP is asking you why this focus on evolution. Evolution theory is a theory like any other.
As we have seen above, half your "objections" aren't even evolution specific. Every one of them are about
science in general. If those are your objections, then you should have objections to literally EVERY scientific theory. But you don't. Instead, you have this uncanny focus on evolution. The OP is asking why that is.
I offered an explanation, which I'm pretty sure is spot on: vanity and narcism.
Your religion requires you to believe that human beings are "special" and the "point of the universe".
Evolution tells you that humans are just another ape. Not special at all.
And that doesn't fit your a priori religious beliefs.