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Whats the furthest thing you'd do to go to heaven?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Hehe. Given that I am already There, I have no need to do anything more. :)

Om Mani Padme Hum!


Veteran Member
I remember an atheist on your tube asking a group of Christians this once and taping the conversation. I think, but I don't remember, that the Christians thought they might get a shot at saving the heathen. One of the gentleman when asked, what he would to go to Heaven and be with Jesus Christ his savior, acknowledged, when asked he would kill children if God required it for him to go to Heaven. When pressed on that position he said he was not one to question the will of God.

A ****e Muslim at my part-time job said if they ever convert an atheist to Islam they get a premium spot in heaven. He was trying to convert me to his one true God by wisdom of the prophet from the Koran at the time. The conversion attempt was non-threating in tone.

I asked a Baptist youth pastor in Austin last month if he felt the events in the Bible were historical events to which he said yes. I asked him about the morality of the genocide of the great flood and compared it to him killing his children (he has two) to start over just as God did in that story. He said we must always follow God's will and God's divine plan and never question the will of God even if the requests of God might sound "odd". As a footnote he said he couldn't harm his own children but in the same breath said he could never disobey God.


Deviled Hen
I figure if I worry about the here and now, heaven or hell will take care of itself.

I don't do theism as a pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die sort of thing.


Veteran Member
I think the majority of Christians figure if they just believe that Jesus is their savior they are on the Heaven track--no action necessary---via John 3:16. There aren't requirements outside of steadfast faith. Of the Islamic people I know in Austin (which is a lot) most of it has to do with virtuous living as outlined in the Koran. They have to follow the 5 pillars of Islam with a high level of consistency and devotion and preform a daily regiment of moderation on what they have termed to me as materialistic pursuits, such as watching movies, reading books, having sex, playing sports, so that such activities do not dominate their lives but instead supplement their spirtual lives and their devotion to Allah. I have had both ****es and Sunnis explain their faith to me this way.
Heaven is a palcw where your ithe company of god, which is something great to be in. Being in the service of god i like... cant describe it, its the most perfect thing. Also a place you can do almost anythin you want, no bad stuff allowed..


Glass half Panda'd
If it were my definition of heaven... then I would live. Living is the most I can do to get there :)


Evangelist: Good morning, sir. Sorry to bug you.
Kevin: Hello. What can I do for you?
E: Can I ask you a spiritual question?
K: Uh, oh.
E: What if you were to die tonight, and stand before God, and he asks you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” What would you say?
K: I think I might ask, “God, what makes you think I would like to enter your heaven?”
E: Er. . .
K: Heaven is for eternity, right? And it is supposed to be perfect?
E: Of course. There will be no tears, pain, sorrow or sin. Everything will be good. Now, getting back to standing before God: if we read Romans 3:23 –
K: Sorry to interrupt. But I just want to make a humble point here. If someone shows you an incredible act of kindness, how do you feel?
E: An act of kindness?
K: Sure. Lets say your car runs out of petrol on the side of the road, and after many cars have passed you by, a stranger stops to help. He rides to the nearest station and gets you a canister of petrol. How would you feel?
E: I will be very appreciative of his kind act.
K: Why would you feel that way?
E: Well, he has gone out of his way to help another person. What has this to do with heaven?
K: Bear with me. You say he has gone out of his way. What do you mean by that statement?
E: Well, he could have just driven past and ignored me. That would have been the easiest thing to do. But he chose to help.
K: So, in a sense you are saying that the act of kindness has value because the man chose to be kind.
E: Sure
K: Do you think this will be the case in heaven?
E: In heaven, my Ferrari will never run out of petrol.
(both laugh)
K: No, what I mean is, do you think you will appreciate acts of kindness in heaven?
E: I can’t think why not.
K: Let me tell you why I don’t think you will. You have already answered the question to why humans value positive human attributes like kindness, love and compassion. We value these because they are voluntary. A person who shows love could have easily been cruel, right? However, you have also said that there will be no cruelty, jealously or any kind of sin in heaven.
E: That’s what the Bible says: Revelation 21:27 says that nothing impure will enter heaven.
K: If this is the case, then everyone will automatically love everyone else, nobody will be able to choose to be cruel, nasty or jealous – simply because these attributes will no longer exist. In this sense love will loose all of its value.
E: Carry on.
K: But it’s not only love that will suffer as a result of perfection. In heaven, how can someone be truly courageous in the absence of fear? How can someone build character without experiencing hardship? How can anyone in heaven possess gifts and talents if everyone is perfect? If there is no bad, how can anyone appreciate or measure good? Attributes such as courage, happiness, goodness, creativity, inspiration and joy will become absolutely meaningless in a perfect world. By gaining perfection in paradise, we will loose all the contrasting attributes that make us human.
E: I never thought of that before.
K: I have. And that is one of the reasons why I don’t want to enter your God’s heaven.

Taken from Memoirs of an Ex-Christian


The cake is a lie
Congratulations. I never said you had to. I'm not hell-bent on convincing people that my religion is totally right and if they'd only try it they'd see how wrong they are.