Good question......Australian is known for its love affair with alcohol...the drug of choice for those who do not believe that they are drug addicts. Any drug that takes away good sense and leads to violence or poor decision making, is not an asset in life IMO. Perhaps the fact that you feel good before you kill yourself has something to do with it...? I don’t get it either....
One only has to be the only person NOT drunk at a gathering to understand why everyone must drink......they have no idea how stupid they look and act because they are all doing it and won’t remember it tomorrow.
Monday at the workplace is a sad scene with those trying to function after a weekend that will largely be a blur....
Cab drivers having to clean up vomit out of their vehicles several times a night......
Alcohol abuse is the world’s most common drug problem and such is the level of abuse and dependence that they can never ban the stuff that causes so much trouble for so many people.....not to mention the drain on the health system trying to cope with the aftermath of weekend binges. Drugs and alcohol...what a recipe for disaster....and every ER in the world is under threat because of it. Who knew that being a paramedic or an ER doc would need police protection?
Alcohol is the scourge of the world, not because there is anything wrong with the product, but because people can not control how much they drink and the impact it can have on them physically, mentally, and in their relationships.
Good thread.....needs talking about.