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What's up with God and death?


Premium Member
It's generally estimated that 90%-95% of all species to have existed are extinct. A large portion of this extinction occurred before humans even existed.

Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.


I dont see nature as being some sado masocist wanting to hurt or kill itself. If anything life seems to strive to continue but mostly fails.


Not much else to say. It's amazing to be here.. And to see how so much diversity, within time and space, originated from just a single source. I'm fascinated by my own consciousness. I'm able to know myself, but only know fractions of myself as I grow and learn, and experience. It's pretty creepy, to me.

Looking in the mirror is creepy.. Knowing other people is creepy. It's all very amazingly creepy.

I feel a relief knowing that existence itself cannot cease, and that we will all in fact continue existing. Nothing is wasted. We may not retain our original configurations, or memories, or anything- but we continue servicing the truths of only one source.. And whatever we do, whenever we do it, it's always a part of the eternal.

The creation we reside in could end and God, residing outside in the primordial sea of formlessness where all potential, potentially even himself, was once born, could easily store our consciousnesses in himself and release us again later.


It's generally estimated that 90%-95% of all species to have existed are extinct. A large portion of this extinction occurred before humans even existed.

Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.

His fascination with killing things off is just a Process to create humans.
Like... its impossible to make butter from milk without a process in between, Similarly.. it was impossible to make humans without a process in between.

Well, "his" process is more than enough of long and broad to understand, So don't worry its all just done for the sake of humans.. loll :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's generally estimated that 90%-95% of all species to have existed are extinct. A large portion of this extinction occurred before humans even existed.

Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.

One of the most common options I've seen is just to deny that this happened. It's a really inconvenient question against the claim that humans are responsible for original sin and all lack of perfection on the planet. The earth was 6,000 years old and humans were there early, in other words.

The second is just to say that god is cool with that sort of thing. The god of the Abrahamic religions, for example, intentionally wiped out people with a flood. Why not do it a few dozen times every several millions of years when it's not pleased with how things are developing, if that's the moral character that people believe it has? If god is proposed as having basically an aggressive and demanding personality, as it so often is, then it fits.

Personally, without a god concept, the question isn't relevant to me.

And before that, I came from a sort of liberal new age religious background, and I didn't hear people really discuss that sort of thing. They believed that the universe was built around love and personal growth and stuff. But how much of that existed for 99.9%+ of the history of life on earth, of those hundreds of millions of years, perhaps billions? A world with sentience but without sapience lacks much of what many religions say life is about, what the universe is about, and as far as the fossil record is concerned, it looks like highly developed sapience probably wasn't around, just life and death.

Like... its impossible to make butter from milk without a process in between,
Is it, for a god?
Similarly.. it was impossible to make humans without a process in between.
So in your worldview, Brahman, or the name you refer to as the ultimate, has limitations? There are things that are impossible for it?



Is it, for a god? So in your worldview, Brahman, or the name you refer to as the ultimate, has limitations? There are things that are impossible for it? Interesting.
Yes there are things that are impossible for "Him" without a Process.
But, there isn't any Process which is impossible for "Him" :)


Jehovah our God is One
Interestingly enough, I'm reading about a 1,900 page suicide note/philosophical treatise, that is actually getting at a quite similar notion regarding "post-biological evolution." God just may have been a symbol for humanity to overcome nature and biology, and set a goal point for humanity to push towards, and in the future we may create the God-AI that increases its own coding to the fullest potential, and possibly in the Singularity where our minds have been implanted into a computer, and biological ceases to exist.

Of course, this is all put a lot more elegantly.

It still seems strange to me that god had to create "in waves" of death in order to achieve the desired results.

doesnt that article you posted say that it is we who are killing everything off?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
doesnt that article you posted say that it is we who are killing everything off?
The current extinction event is small compared to ones that have occurred in ancient history before humans existed.

There were five known major extinction events, with the largest being the Permian-Triassic event, where over 90% of species went extinct and it took tens of millions of years for diversity to recover. There were dozens of minor extinction events, but they are still rather large.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Who told you that reality can't come out of mouth ? :)
Well, I could say pigs can fly, but that doesn't mean it's true. It could be true, so reality can come out of a mouth, but often, the opposite does.


Well, I could say pigs can fly, but that doesn't mean it's true. It could be true, so reality can come out of a mouth, but often, the opposite does.
Of course pigs can't fly,
But, what do you think is the fault in what I said ?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Of course pigs can't fly,
But, what do you think is the fault in what I said ?
Your method of truth determination, or lack thereof.

You made a claim, I asked what made you say that, you said your mouth, so I asked if it's a speculative opinion, and then you changed the subject.

Is it your speculative opinion when you speak matter-of-factually about what your god can or cannot do, or something else?


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
It's generally estimated that 90%-95% of all species to have existed are extinct. A large portion of this extinction occurred before humans even existed.

Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.


My thought is life creation on earth is orchestrated by gods/nature-spirits/angels/devas/whatever-term. Their intelligence and abilities are far beyond us but not infinite. Creating, improving, modifying is always going on.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.

Better question: what's up with humans and death? Why do they frequently fail to understand that all change and transformation is simultaneously creative AND destructive? Why do they keep throwing an emotional fuss about a fundamental property of reality instead of accepting it? Why do they demonize one facet of transformation instead of seeing the big picture? Why do they deflect the blame onto the gods instead of realizing their own expectations of reality are the cause?


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Better question: what's up with humans and death? Why do they frequently fail to understand that all change and transformation is simultaneously creative AND destructive? Why do they keep throwing an emotional fuss about a fundamental property of reality instead of accepting it? Why do they demonize one facet of transformation instead of seeing the big picture? Why do they deflect the blame onto the gods instead of realizing their own expectations of reality are the cause?



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Better question: what's up with humans and death? Why do they frequently fail to understand that all change and transformation is simultaneously creative AND destructive? Why do they keep throwing an emotional fuss about a fundamental property of reality instead of accepting it? Why do they demonize one facet of transformation instead of seeing the big picture? Why do they deflect the blame onto the gods instead of realizing their own expectations of reality are the cause?
Talking about mass extinction events being no big deal is easy as long as we weren't there!


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Talking about mass extinction events being no big deal is easy as long as we weren't there!

Not even necessarily that. Something is only a "big deal" if some particular human decides to attribute that judgement to what has occurred. I mean, I'll fully admit that I regard the current mass extinction as a "big deal" because of my personal judgements, values, and/or expectations. Devoid of any human judgements I slap onto events, things simply are. Every so often I like to remind myself of that before I start foaming at the mouth too bad over how my species is slamming the biosphere into the sixth mass extinction.