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What's up with God and death?


Better question: what's up with humans and death? Why do they frequently fail to understand that all change and transformation is simultaneously creative AND destructive? Why do they keep throwing an emotional fuss about a fundamental property of reality instead of accepting it? Why do they demonize one facet of transformation instead of seeing the big picture?

What's the big picture? I expect people demonize this one facet because it involves the end of them. Humans have a legitimate concern with death, I would think.

But, I think my question was better. I'm curious as to why things that allowed or instigated or propagated or started the conditions of biology are to be revered.

Why do they deflect the blame onto the gods instead of realizing their own expectations of reality are the cause?

Peoples own expectations of reality are the cause... of death? Perhaps I need to better understand the nature of your gods?


My stock answer is Emanationism :
Emanationism is an idea in the cosmology or cosmogony of certain religious or philosophical systems. Emanation, from the Latin emanare meaning "to flow from" or "to pour forth or out of", is the mode by which all things are derived from the First Reality, or Principle. All things are derived from the first reality or perfect God by steps of degradation to lesser degrees of the first reality or God, and at every step the emanating beings are less pure, less perfect, less divine. Emanationism is a transcendent principle from which everything is derived, and is opposed to both Creationism (wherein the universe is created by a sentient God who is separate from creation) and materialism (which posits no underlying subjective and/or ontological nature behind phenomena being immanent).

If this is too general I can elaborate

Um, yea I guess. What did God let things flow away from him? Was that intentional?


It should be pretty evident that even from an atheist perspective, where the dimension generated itself, there could be parallel dimensions... thusly, no animals have truly gone extinct, as they were preserved in those parallel dimensions.

Even if all that was true, which is a jump, I'd still have no reason to care what was happening in other dimensions. I'm curious though, why whoever is responsible for the universe is revered when that entity instigates mass death.


Well-Known Member
Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.

What is the correlation between things dying and G-d? There isn't a single place in the bible, where G-d tells us that our bodies will live forever. In addition, posts that I've seen that make this correlation, never give G-d any credit for creating a species, or indeed our world, in the first place.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Interesting. So these things mess up sometimes and end up with sick children, and can't create the appropriate conditions and resources for humanity? So why are they revered again? It seems like humans are on the cusp on handling human biology better these people, since doctors go about fixing their mistakes.

Well, you're intentionally ignoring the glory and awe that life exists and focusing on problems. For those 'problems' I could cut-and-paste my 'Problem of Evil' spiel again but basically you're not seeing life from the ultimate perspective. Physical life was created to give spiritual beings physical experiences; PROBLEMS, death, beauty. love and all. Your assumption is that one short physical life is all a being is. That being is having an experience that continues for eons. So-called problems can be the result of karmic and other causes that souls choose to experience if even reluctantly.

The job of doctors and biologists is to help as much as they can to alleviate and remove problems and not to create life from a barren planet. That urge to help others is a strong part of the benefits of the physical experience to souls.


What is the correlation between things dying and G-d? There isn't a single place in the bible, where G-d tells us that our bodies will live forever. In addition, posts that I've seen that make this correlation, never give G-d any credit for creating a species, or indeed our world, in the first place.

The correlation presumably G-d created the world with the foresight and ability to create a different outcome. Give G-d credit for an imperfect world? Why would I even think he gets credit for that?


Well, you're intentionally ignoring the glory and awe that life exists and focusing on problems. For those 'problems' I could cut-and-paste my 'Problem of Evil' spiel again but basically you're not seeing life from the ultimate perspective. Physical life was created to give spiritual beings physical experiences; PROBLEMS, death, beauty. love and all. Your assumption is that one short physical life is all a being is. That being is having an experience that continues for eons. So-called problems can be the result of karmic and other causes that souls choose to experience if even reluctantly.

The job of doctors and biologists is to help as much as they can to alleviate and remove problems and not to create life from a barren planet. That urge to help others is a strong part of the benefits of the physical experience to souls.

What is the function of giving "spiritual beings physical experiences." If there was a spiritual world, it seems to me even more problematic that humans are sent to the physical world at all, when clearly, everything is much chiller in the spiritual world.

And where do I get this ultimate perspective from?

I'm not ignoring the awe of living things, but I'm also not ignoring the awe of death.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
What is the function of giving "spiritual beings physical experiences." If there was a spiritual world, it seems to me even more problematic that humans are sent to the physical world at all, when clearly, everything is much chiller in the spiritual world.

Ah, we're getting into it. All is just God consciousness. Separate beings and souls is just an illusion of our perspective. It's all Lila in Hindu terms (a Divine play/sport within Himself). As Krishna says in the Gita 'I separated Myself from Myself and became all this'. This separation is temporary and as we grow we return to our Source. Why does God do this? The best I understand it is that this is grander than an eternity of static-state sameness with no activity.

A more practical answer to your first question is that new souls need experiences to grow.

And where do I get this ultimate perspective from?

Ultimately from yourself as your core is God. Self-Realized saints have done this but for the rest of us we need spiritual teachers before that liberation comes.

I'm not ignoring the awe of living things, but I'm also not ignoring the awe of death.

There is great wisdom behind it all.
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Ministry of Serendipity
Extinction generally happens when conditions change to a degree that that species can't adapt to it fast enough/at all which, in turn, makes species that can adapt the new dominant species and so on and so forth.

Contemplative Cat

energy formation
What is the function of giving "spiritual beings physical experiences." If there was a spiritual world, it seems to me even more problematic that humans are sent to the physical world at all, when clearly, everything is much chiller in the spiritual world.

And where do I get this ultimate perspective from?

I'm not ignoring the awe of living things, but I'm also not ignoring the awe of death.

Well the spiritual "world" is formless
The material world although possibly painfully is needed to move think act or do anything.

If you reject materialism from your p.o.v. the world disappear.


Active Member
It's generally estimated that 90%-95% of all species to have existed are extinct. A large portion of this extinction occurred before humans even existed.

Now, I don't know about your particular nature with god and godettes and the ilk, but whats up nature being particularly brutal, and if your god created nature or is nature, then I'd like to know his/her/its fascination with killing things off.

It is a call to anyone God wishes to call, that being outside of God is death. It isn't what he willed, but just the facts of being apart from God.

Some of those creatures he cares for and teaches them to become part of him and find life.

We learn the value of this by being separated from him, and some decide it attractive to become one with God, while others enjoy annihilation. That part is a mystery to me.