Veteran Member
What do you mean by “Tell them ‘I Am’ has sent you’…
It would not have read that way to the HEBREWS. It would have read: “Tell them ‘YHWH’ has sent you”!
You have injected the MEANING of ‘YHWH’ and not the NAME itself. That is invalid scripting.
Suppose it were to be done the way you are suggesting… then Peter would be Christ since is it not written:
But Peter, we just learnt, is Christ…. And Christ is Jesus… so Jesus must be Peter… or Peter must be Jesus…
- ‘The Peter from which the children of Israel drank in the wilderness was Christ!’
- ‘You are Stone, and upon this Peter I build my church’…
Oh, and since Peter is Jesus, and Jesus is God, then Peter must be God…
And since Peter is God then he is also the Father… and he is also the Spirit of God…!
All translations use the meaning and not the name YHWH. Even the Jewish translation does that with Ex 3:14.
The Septuagint also does it and uses the term "I am" has sent you.
Oh what a lovely mess doth trinity make
When the true gospel it doth forsake
‘Hear, o Israel, your only God is me’
But trinity says, ‘Nay, they are three!’
And one of these is God in image
To trinity this doth much damage
since God’s truth is immutable
But this mix makes god incomprehensible
‘He became man’, says the Catholic trinity
But surely this breaks a tri-way unity?
‘Oh no!’, the fallacy squeals
‘He remained God’, was their appeal
Hurummm…! Doesn’t Phil 2 say his godship he emptied
And even by the Devil was tempted?
But God cannot be tempted at all
for certainly all truth would fall
‘I was sent by the Father: in servancy’
‘He taught me to do; He taught me to say’
‘And I’ll be going to him one joyful day’
He said he is one with the Father
(This makes two as maths would gather)
‘On the cross I died, my spirit was given
God raised my up and to Heaven I was risen.
I sat down next to him: My Father and God
to rule for a period with Sceptre and Rod
to hold kings and princes under my feet
Till all evil is subdued, to make the defeat
Then I judge the risen reconstructed
The good to lasting life - the wicked destructed
Praise and glory, merriment and myrrh
When I take my seat: The throne of David over the earth
But if I’m ruler over earth, who is over Heaven?
Hmmm… better recheck check that spiritual Leaven
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Does "firstborn of all creation" mean that Jesus was the first one born of creation or does it mean that He is the preeminent one over all of creation?
When it says all things were created by Him and for Him, what does that mean?