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When Did It Become a Baby?

When Did It Become a Baby?

  • When it was still in the womb

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • When it was the sac even though it was out of the womb

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • When they pierced the sac and it started breathing

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • When they cut the umbilical cord

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • It never is a baby… A blob of tissue, moved by electrical impulses, that can be extinguished

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member

The question comes from the video

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Premium Member

The question comes from the video
The video and the questions are highly biased and I could not answer the selection of choices.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
A "baby" refers to a born human.

A "fetus" refers to an unborn human after a particular developmental milestone has been reached - specifically all major organs are present.

Prior to that you have an "embryo" where there is little resemblance to human and more of a mass of tissue or a cluster of cells depending on how early in development we're talking.

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I think the baby comes first.
I’d choose my wife over my unborn child. The wife would choose herself over the unborn child.

Most people would not agree that the unborn child gets priority. I am not saying that majority=right but just wanted to state that it is an extreme view that you have, even among “prolifers”.

I have come to understand that it is not good under any circumstance.
This implies even in the circumstance of unwanted contact that produced the baby. That is also an extreme view that I think is wrong.

I believe the unborn child is that; a child. So perhaps that makes my reasoning bad, as I do not deny the personhood of the person being aborted. But, aborting a baby to save your own life is literal self defense. Do you not believe in self defense?

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I mean, if the baby wasn’t going to survive but was going to kill the mother then I guess an abortion would be OK in that case. But has this ever happened?
It is something that prochoicers often bring up. Right now I guess I am taking them at their word that sometimes a pregnancy is dangerous to the mother. But I haven’t researched to confirm that because it is common sense and I’ve had family with complications in pregnancy.

Birth used to be relatively fatal to the mother. Modern medicine mitigates the danger of birth, but it is still dangerous.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Are you referring to a time that a baby is going to die anyway and would cause the mother to die so they might as well have it aborted? Has this happened?
Yes, anytime there is an injury that causes part of the placental interface to detach and hemorrhage, the fetus has very little chance of survival and the woman may die from blood loss if swift intervention is not taken.


Veteran Member
Yes, anytime there is an injury that causes part of the placental interface to detach and hemorrhage, the fetus has very little chance of survival and the woman may die from blood loss if swift intervention is not taken.
Well in that case I’m for saving the life that can be saved. I guess I learned something.


Veteran Member
I changed my tune.

Many years I thought abortion is good under certain circumstances.

You know for years I always heard about the mother could die so I don’t really know why I wrote that I don’t think abortions under any circumstances are good. I should’ve done a little more thinking. I knew better than that. Well to be honest, I never really researched it but somebody here told me what could happen.
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Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
The Bible clearly and undeniably registers it becoming a human being once it takes “the breath of life“.
I tend to consider it a baby as the placenta disengages from the uterine wall. Perhaps your survey would have ‘cutting of the umbilical cord’ as it’s equivalent.
As long as it exists as a parasitic life, getting nutrients and oxygen from the uterus, then it is a fetus.

This of course has nothing to do with abortion.
When considering the last possible date to get an abortion, then there are many many variables to consider between the mom and her doctor and no one else; particularly not some intrusive government agency controlling every aspect of peoples’ lives, shoving a single religion’s current political model down everyone’s throat, as if the government’s religion were somehow better than your own.

As far as the fetus versus baby thing, you’re trying to drive at, its a matter of “when is it viable”?
It is the woman’s uterus, and she can decide whether she wants it to be emptied of any parasitic lifeforms or not.
When the fetus becomes “viable”, that means that if you extract it from her uterus, it will still live on its own: by being able to breathe air. (Kind of Biblical, yeah?)
A major determinant of whether it will survive or not is a chemical in the airspace of the lungs that acts as a surfactant. Essentially a surfactant allows the microscopically small air spaces to remain open when air is breathed in and out, rather than collapsing and sticking together like a wet plastic bag will. This surfactant is formed in the fetal lungs as early 24 weeks into gestation, but not enough to keep them breathing outside air until at least 32 weeks.
One of the reasons that babies who were born prematurely as little as 22 weeks of gestation can survive is that human science and medicine have created artificial surfactant, which can be blown down into the premature infants lungs to keep them operational. The survival rate for such preemies is still extremely bad, and it cost thousands of dollars per night to keep them alive in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Then, of course, there are all the genetic abnormalities most of which get aborted by God in the first trimester. But often times, especially without universal healthcare, the pregnant women cannot afford to seek out appropriate care, let alone full diagnostic testing on the fetus, until late in the pregnancy. In these situations, the parasitic fetus, clearly has lethal defects that would cause it to die as soon as it emerged from the uterus. Or worse, be born and die in a few days. :cry: These account for the vast majority of the late term abortions beyond 20 weeks gestation. But an intrusive and controlling theocratic government doesn’t care about reality, and forces entire families to suffer through the horrors that “God has wrought”.

Let us all now take a moment and thank the Lord God who is undeniably the most prolific abortion performing doctor for all species throughout all time, and particularly for aborting the millions of fetuses each and every year that would’ve been forced to endure horrific and short life-spans, dying in the uterus or dying gasping and filled with pain in their parents‘ arms, in the first hours or days of life.
We thank God the abortionist for his mercy, and not allowing human governments to destroy families with their insane crime on a timeline bull****.
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Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Rape, incest, baby deformity. Such sad things. Some woman have the baby some don’t. I feel bad supporting pro life regarding situations like these, but I feel worse about supporting ending someone’s life. The fact that I even have to support one side or the other makes me sick. Can I punk out and be neutral?
Yes, you can. Just let women make their own decisions with their doctors, and their God.
Don’t force your ideology onto them by choosing politicians who wish to push forward theocracy. Instead vote for politicians who let women make their own choices. Then, you and the Gestapo government are not involved. :D:sunglasses:

“Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.” :shrug:


Veteran Member
Yes, you can. Just let women make their own decisions with their doctors, and their God.
Don’t force your ideology onto them by choosing politicians who wish to push forward theocracy. Instead vote for politicians who let women make their own choices. Then, you and the Gestapo government are not involved. :D:sunglasses:

“Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.” :shrug:
Actually I’m pro choice with rape and incest. I didn’t word that correctly


Veteran Member
Yes, you can. Just let women make their own decisions with their doctors, and their God.
Don’t force your ideology onto them by choosing politicians who wish to push forward theocracy. Instead vote for politicians who let women make their own choices. Then, you and the Gestapo government are not involved. :D:sunglasses:

“Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.” :shrug:
I meant to write I feel bad supporting pro-choice but I feel worse supporting pro life

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member

The question comes from the video
Not watching the video. The theological question is when does the soul enter the fetus. Ensoulment - Wikipedia gives an overview. That is utterly tied to the abortion issue. The other factor is of course who decides because we don't know the answer to that question. We can accept or reject various theological exegesis but none are scientifically provable. Related to that question of who decides is that in our country that values freedom, to what extent should the beliefs of a religious minority be enforced on the majority to the extent that women are suffering and even dying because of the decisions of that minority.

Personally I find some conception advocates totally hypocritical because they are not truly "pro life" with the need to address what a true pro-life means. The Catholic church does have a conception to death theology and I give them props for consistency. But many but not all others don't.

Personally I really don't like abortion but don't want to impose my belief. And as someone who considers himself pro-life, I would want a sea change in many areas: sex education, health care, attacking poverty so people don't make choices based on lack of health care and money. And I would encourage pregnant women who don't want a baby to make the child available for adoption making that choice not a financial one by paying all expenses during pregnancy. I would also make birth control free. But finally as we've seen, women demand the freedom to choose for themselves and I think we need to honor that before viability.

So I'm both pro-life and pro-choice.