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When do you say "God, forgive me!"?


This was inspired by Just's thread in the Islam section. Saying "God, forgive me!" after using the bathroom just sounded so hilarious to me, but for him its respectful.

So that made me wonder... in what situations are we all saying "God, forgive me!" either out loud or to ourselves?

I usually say it at the end of a vulgar sentence, it's reflex now, it doesn't even have a different emphases than the rest of my sentence.

"You ************! What the **** are you ******* doing with that ******* **** on my ******* lawn God forgive me!"

"Oh **** that **** God forgive me."

My friend Ljdia does the same thing with another phrase.

"Oh Jesus Christ!... Mary, and Joseph, Amen."

So when do you say it?


Active Member
When I sin and am truly repentent. I don't say it in passing like the examples you give. It's something very important to me that takes a lot of time to say.

Judgement Day

Active Member
I always try to ask God's forgiveness anytime I can because as humans we always make mistakes every time, even for just going into the bathroom (think of all the dirty things that we do there). We are dirty creatures while God is ultimately holy. We are inferior compared to God's superiority.


Terrible Dancer

If I wrong someone, it's up to them whether or not they forgive me. Why ask a god for forgiveness that he has no right or authority to give for a wrong that is none of his business?

If I simply break some arbitrary religious moral rule, well... You can probably tell by my saying "arbitrary religious moral rule" what I think of asking someone else's god for forgiveness for that kind of thing. :p

Aside from that, the phrase simply never entered my personal commonly used vocabulary. Other religious (in my case, Christian) holdover phrases have, but never that one. Probably just because it isn't really part of the vernacular around here.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I profoundly repent and ask for forgiveness on those rare but painful occasions when I fail to fully appreciate the divine form of a girl bouncing on a trampoline.


When you ask God to damn something, what is your expression by reflex?

I've noticed that in these situations, people in North America tend to say "God damn it" while people in Europe tend to say "God damn me".


Bodhisattva in Recovery
In all fairness it simply would never occur to me to ask god for anything, for any reason. Why? As for asking for forgiveness, well... the idea is perfectly alien to me.

To my way of thinking, the only sin is that people believe in sin in the first place.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I guess I think it, when I know I have done something bad, and feel remorse..........

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
All the time, though not in exactly those words. The prayer I most commonly say is basically just a request for forgiveness. I even include it (in Romanian) as my signature at the bottom of every post, as a reminder to me.



i seek forgiveness when i pray, and strive to realize the wrongs i've done when not actively praying. in those times, i realize my wrong (hopefully!) and quietly ask that i be lead to a more righteous course of action in the future.

though there are exceptions- should i run over a creature :sorry1: i'll ask forgiveness immediately.


Brother Napalm of God's Love
I have a tendency to use quite 'Old' phrases like:

"Damn your eyes, sir!"
"Damn me if I don't"


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I believe if it something that is bad, the negative karma will come back to hit me.

I've noticed that in these situations, people in North America tend to say "God damn it" while people in Europe tend to say "God damn me".
I know alot of people, for whatever reason, will say "God bless it."


Well-Known Member
Luke Wolf said:
I believe if it something that is bad, the negative karma will come back to hit me.

I know alot of people, for whatever reason, will say "God bless it."
I feel the same way, if it's bad then "negative karma' will be a lesson I need to learn since that "sin" or "moral wrong" that I committed was something that I was unable to succeed in doing the right thing.

I also pray to God, by asking for forgiveness, although I don't committ terrible sins:D , if I felt it was bad enough, I feel like I do deserve a lesson to be learned from it.(karma). But i do believe God at least deserves my recoginition of knowing that what I did was wrong and that I will need to learn from it accordingly.
Every day, I pray for forgiveness because every day I fall short of His Glory. I also ask for His help in my letting go of my own resentments toward others.
Luke 6:37 Forgive, and you shall be forgiven

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
AllisonW70 said:
Every day, I pray for forgiveness because every day I fall short of His Glory. I also ask for His help in my letting go of my own resentments toward others.
Luke 6:37 Forgive, and you shall be forgiven

As do I. In fact the prayer at the bottom of every post I make (it's in Romanian) says 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me the sinner'.



Quran & Sunnah
When do you say "God, forgive me!"?

I ask forgiveness from God almost daily after each prayer and during the day, for this is what we've learned from our Prophet peace be upon him. And of course after I sin I ask immediate forgiveness and pardon.
May Allah forgive us all!!!
