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When Was The Last Time...

...you attended a church/religious meeting of a church/religion other than your own? What religion was it, and what did you think? Would you consider going back?


Obstructor of justice
About a year ago I went with a friend of mine to the AOG church she attends. I don't plan on going back - they were a little bit nutty (screaming, crying, belting out "prophecy" in the middle of the sermon).
As for me, I went to a Mormon church a little over a year ago, although it wasn't on a Sunday, so I didn't attend a service or anything; my school actually rented out a room for a test. The only really religious thing I actually saw was a painting of Joseph Smith when received his vision of the Father and the Son side by side. The people working there that day were nice, as usual, I didn't mind it at all. Wouldn't mind going back, although I wouldn't want to go back on Sunday because then I would miss my own church! :D
About a year ago I went with a friend of mine to the AOG church she attends. I don't plan on going back - they were a little bit nutty (screaming, crying, belting out "prophecy" in the middle of the sermon).
I've never felt comfortable in those types of churches either. :run:


i went last Sunday to a Catholic church- and loved it very much. a nun from India came to speak and ask for help for her mission with disabled and orphaned children. i think i'll go back when i can- this weekend i might be going to a Baptist church.


Premium Member
I went to Jewish temple before. I really loved it. If it weren't for Jesus, I may have become a Jew (I have Jewish ancestors anyway).


I went to a Church of Christ service about two years ago, for the sake of a friend. I was very out of my element - at the time, a pink-haired, liberal, yankee, agnostic in an ultra-conservative, fundamentalist, bible-literalist church in the deep south. They were very friendly, though they knew nothing about me, so other than the pink hair, they had no real reason not to be. Still, the sermon didn't focus on any of my hot-buttons (homosexuality, for instance) so it wasn't too bad. I'd go back again if I had to, but not for my own benefit.


Student Nurse
I went to my Grandma's funeral about a year ago. I don't remember the name of the church but it was one of those non-denominational Christian ones. I didn't really pick up much about their religion.


Admiral Obvious
I went to my wifes church about three weeks ago.
The preacher asked why I did not come more often and I told him that it is because I do not like sitting in an overheated room listening to the opinions of the speaker with no chance of asking questions afterwards.


Let go
I went to my wifes church about three weeks ago.
The preacher asked why I did not come more often and I told him that it is because I do not like sitting in an overheated room listening to the opinions of the speaker with no chance of asking questions afterwards.

What was his reply? I bet it wasn't, "Silly Mestemia! Questions are for kids!"


Admiral Obvious
What was his reply? I bet it wasn't, "Silly Mestemia! Questions are for kids!"
Strangely enough he agreed with me.
Perhaps he will look into an 'after sermon pow wow' of some sort.
If so, then I would be most interested in attending at least the initial one to find out if it is to be productive or merely more preaching to the choir.


Not your average Mormon
A little over a year ago, I went to a Black Pentacost church service in Harlem, New York. The worship was considerably more animated and enthusiastic than I'm used to (LDS worship services are very quiet and reverent by comparison), but the people were extremely welcoming, and the gospel music was great!


Gosh, I've been to a few. Most recently, this past Sunday actually, I attended an Anglican service for the first time. It's in the same building as my church (an inter-denominational one), but meets earlier. It was very liturgical, and definitely different than what I'm used to. But I really liked it.

I've also been to an Egyptian Coptic church in Scotland (very, very unique!), a Catholic-style afternoon mass in a medieval church on Holy Isle, England (loved it), and a Jewish synagogue here in Richmond, VA. I was only an outside witness to the service at the synogogue, but what I saw I really liked. I'm really wanting to visit a Messianic Jewish synogogue here in town sometime soon. There's something in me that is so drawn to the Jewish traditions and style of worship.


Deviled Hen
...you attended a church/religious meeting of a church/religion other than your own? What religion was it, and what did you think? Would you consider going back?

A few weeks ago. It was a Reformed Church, and our family goes with grandma whenever we're in town. We know the congregation and pastor very well, and usually pitch in when needed, especially for the Ministry of Music portion. I expect we'll be back again in a few weeks when we're back in town. When we're there we'll figure out what Eibhlin might be able to do by way of liturgical dance during a service later in the year. She's joined a liturgical dance troupe here in Atlanta, and is getting excellent experience with them.

Less than a year ago we went to our neighbor's bar mitzvah at the local Orthodox shul. We were there before for the younger son as well, so it was not unfamiliar. It was a much longer than usual service, as the rabbi's daughter was getting married also, and it was a new moon, so there were extra portions of the service and extra prayers and celebrations. Being an Orthodox congregation, the men and women sat separated by a wall and curtain. But it was great getting to dance in celebration with all the ladies on our side. :)

I don't get out too much quite yet, so it's hit or miss, really. I would like to visit the LDS church in my old hometown at some point. I'm not sure I'll be able to this trip. We kinda have to escort Mom, who is still a bit slow after a hip replacement. Although, you never know, if her church has a visiting pastor, she might just come to the LDS service with us. ;)

My husband and kids have been to the local Unitarian Church not too long ago, but for the details I suppose you'd have to ask EIbhlin.

Last summer I and some Baha'is from my community went to a local Presbyterian Church at the invitation of one of their adult study groups, where they were spending a few weeks studying other religions. That didn't seem particularly different for me. Being raised Reformed, which is just a Dutch version of Presbyterian, it was kinda like old home week for me. :D


Deviled Hen
About a year ago I went with a friend of mine to the AOG church she attends. I don't plan on going back - they were a little bit nutty (screaming, crying, belting out "prophecy" in the middle of the sermon).

But, as a friend of mine who is in the music engineering business said, AOG always has the best sound system anywhere. :D


Deviled Hen
Strangely enough he agreed with me.
Perhaps he will look into an 'after sermon pow wow' of some sort.
If so, then I would be most interested in attending at least the initial one to find out if it is to be productive or merely more preaching to the choir.

You woulda liked my Mum's church much better then. They have coffee and cake afterwards (well, they *are* a Dutch church :D) and there's plenty of time to ask the pastor anything you like.

He's a nice guy -- I do wish they had placed him in a church with more youth, though. He's a natural.


Active Member
Just this past Sunday me and my aunt went to the local Lutheran church. It was Heritage day for my city and they had an Inter-faith mass so all the churches were celebrating one service.It was quite different for me since I usually go to a Catholic mass. It was almost like a Catholic mass without the exercise :D . I noticed some prayers like the Our Father were said differently and the Apostle's Creed was recited instead of the Nicene Creed(they're basically the same except the Apostle's Creed is much shorter and easier to remember) they passed a collection plate instead of a basket being shoved into your face there we other small differences but I felt welcomed in this church and felt part of Christianity rather than just/only part of Catholicism and I would go back again I loved it since it was different ,sometimes you need something different, it felt nice staring at the Communion line from the back wonder what to do.It felt great getting a taste of a different religion.I really hope to visit again . One day I hope to visit the local synagogue, once I get over my nervousness.


Religious Headbanger
...you attended a church/religious meeting of a church/religion other than your own? What religion was it, and what did you think? Would you consider going back?

i generally avoid entering churches but I did attend the funeral of a friend in an Episcopalians church. It creaped me out because two priests came out and when they got to the big cross on the wall they bowed down to it. I nearly shrieked like a little girl. LOL!


Well-Known Member
I have attended many different "denominations", but not a separate religion to my knowledge. Although I dabbled with other religions on my own when I was younger (early twenties), kind of the American Indian, and other 'spiritual' types of things, marijuana, magic mushrooms, LSD, etc. which I do not recommend, lol. I have attended, catholic, christian (its a denomination), methodist, presbyterian, lutheran, baptist (independent and southern), pentecostal holiness, pentcostal, church of Christ, Christ's community, [City] community, church of God, assembly of God, some nondenominational (although even they have certain beliefs), charismatic services and events, calvary chapel, I believe I went to an episcopal church before, not sure, and some others I can't even remember throughout my life. Baptist is closest to my beliefs as far as doctrine and some are very close, and several of these churches are NOT my beliefs. Last one I went to a couple weeks ago was called "the crossing", and I believe they turned out to be like church of God. I currently mainly attend a service called "the waystation 10:47", a contemporary service with loud music at Asbury Methodist Church, and our 1st Baptist Church, but am looking for a good independent baptist church in my area. I attended some southern baptist churches for most of my church life, but I lean more toward independent baptist, although I would like to find one with a more laid back contemporary feel. Anywhere Jesus is lifted up and the Bible is taught as God's Word is cool. :)