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Which one is right?


New Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:


Well-Known Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

You can never know for sure, You can only believe that a religion is truth.. *stops himself from rambling*.


Veteran Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

Which one brings you closer to God?


Moved on
beckysoup61 said:
Which one brings you closer to God?
Or closer to whatever your goal is. For many people it's whatever brings them closer to god. For some it's enlightenment. For me, it's bringing me closer to my folk.

Find your goal, then look from there.


Then what is the purpose of following one at all?

because sometimes it is a good way to follow, a good road. faith is alot like a relationship, like having a husband or a wife. it is, for me, kind of like a marriage.

but to find a soul's partner is not often easy. sometimes one comes to you, sometimes you come to it through study, through prayer. everyone is different, FT. "knock and you shall find" still hold very true, i think.


angellous_evangellous said:
Ever heard of "spin the bottle"?

The trick to that game is making sure that everyone in the circle is cute enough to kiss before you spin.:flirt:

You can't lose.


Well-Known Member
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

I'm right. Follow me. I will be your religion.

But I see you stated that you already have your own.

Perhaps a contest of mojo? Ahh, but there are already too many towels in that ring. Which leads me to why follow any religion at all? Follow your heart. What's the difference?


Deviled Hen
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

What makes you think it has to be just one that's right?


Well-Known Member
No one can tell you which one is the right one, NOR should anyone here try to tell you that thire's is the right one.
This is something that you have to do alone. I'd take 4 or 5 of them that you lean towards & research them leaving no stone unturned.

Good Luck with your search! :D



The Feisty Penguin
They are all right and they are all wrong, depending on who you talk to. So what do you do with that? Talk to no one, listen to yourself and you will find the "right" path for you.


Well-Known Member

The teachings of my religion say each of us has the right and duty to investigate all the religions, to decide which path is best, and then to follow that!

No prejudice ("pre-judgement"), and no condemnation for those who choose a different path from someone else . . .

And the Baha'i scriptures say this:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

-- (The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, page 114)

Best, :)



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
I would follow Oneness and not EGO...simplest religion known ;)


Well-Known Member
It depends on your goals - but I caution you - pick your goals wisely.

I once thought I loved a guy named Rod. So it was natural to want to join the Rod of God congregation. Before I knew it some dude was slapping me on the head with a Bible and people were standing over me speaking in tongues.

Scared me straight. In many more ways than one........


Student Nurse
To me it's like asking which comic book superhero is the most powerful. You might be able to pick one, but it's still just make believe. The point is to have fun reading and try to learn lessons about reality in the process.


Well-Known Member
Kungfuzed said:
To me it's like asking which comic book superhero is the most powerful. You might be able to pick one, but it's still just make believe. The point is to have fun reading and try to learn lessons about reality in the process.

But there are exceptions. Anyone who thinks Aquaman was the most powerful superhero is just flat out wrong.


see me run
Which religion is the correct one to follow? There are more than 200 in existance and most of the stances of the religions are that there is only one true religion. SO, which one is right? :help:

Ask God. If you are truly searching for a religion that is the right one, not just right for you, then God will tell you. Read, study, listen and pray, you will find the right one. God will always lead you to the truth.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
FatMan said:
But there are exceptions. Anyone who thinks Aquaman was the most powerful superhero is just flat out wrong.

At least he was better than the Wonder Twins.
