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Which religion has love?


Coincidentia oppositorum
However, in today's society with Christianity being th e LARGEST religion there is, we still have poverty increasing to record numbers. How is that?

And also, America is being in the top 5 Christianized countries, yet it has the most people in prison in the world.

Religion doesn't make people good. Only good people can make religion look good.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And also, America is being in the top 5 Christianized countries, yet it has the most people in prison in the world.

Religion doesn't make people good. Only good people can make religion look good.

I disagree. I believe what a person is taught by their religion can and does have a profound effect upon them, for good or bad. As to true Christianity, 1 Peter 1:22 show the results: "Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart." On the other hand, false "Christianity" has produced the wicked fruitage Jesus said would identify the rotten tree that produced it. (Matthew 7:17-20) During both world wars, professed "Christian" churches on both sides of these conflicts preached that God was on their side and urged their adherents into the slaughter.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I disagree. I believe what a person is taught by their religion can and does have a profound effect upon them, for good or bad. As to true Christianity, 1 Peter 1:22 show the results: "Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart." On the other hand, false "Christianity" has produced the wicked fruitage Jesus said would identify the rotten tree that produced it. (Matthew 7:17-20) During both world wars, professed "Christian" churches on both sides of these conflicts preached that God was on their side and urged their adherents into the slaughter.

How is someone supposed to tell the "true" churches from the "false" ones? From my perspective, I've never seen a church that's completely in line with the Bible (though I'm not sure such a thing would be possible), and it seems like there are a mix of "Bible-believing" churches that are generally cruel OR generally loving.

You talked about judging churches by their fruits... but in my view, things like preaching that people will be sent to hell (i.e anything short of universal salvation), campaigning against same-sex marriage, or ever advocating for war would be "bad fruits". What does this leave us? Certainly not much of mainstream Christianity, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
How is someone supposed to tell the "true" churches from the "false" ones? From my perspective, I've never seen a church that's completely in line with the Bible (though I'm not sure such a thing would be possible), and it seems like there are a mix of "Bible-believing" churches that are generally cruel OR generally loving.

You talked about judging churches by their fruits... but in my view, things like preaching that people will be sent to hell (i.e anything short of universal salvation), campaigning against same-sex marriage, or ever advocating for war would be "bad fruits". What does this leave us? Certainly not much of mainstream Christianity, IMO.

I believe true Christians can be found who are following the Christ, and living in accord with Bible teachings. This religion would be an international brotherhood based on love. (Revelation 7:9,10) I agree with you that the mainstream churches are not where true Christianity can be found; neither in teachings nor in conduct, IMO.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe true Christians can be found who are following the Christ, and living in accord with Bible teachings.
Whenever I hear the last part of what you say here, I cringe. "Living in accord with Bible teachings," according to whom? The way your particular sect interprets them? They then sit in judgment of others as "True" or "False" based upon their sad interpretations that reflects their personal or group biases. Anyone who does this, IMO, is absolutely not practicing Christianity.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I believe true Christians can be found who are following the Christ, and living in accord with Bible teachings.
Meaning what, exactly? What are some examples of "Bible teachings"? Do "true Christians" preach pacifism? Do they preach "just war"? Do they support or oppose same-sex marriage? Do they demand a "godly" government or separation of church and state?

You say that mainstream churches aren't Christian in "teachings nor in conduct"; what are the sorts of teachings or conducts that tell you a church isn't "truly" Christian?

This religion would be an international brotherhood based on love. (Revelation 7:9,10)
Are you sure that you referenced the right passage? That passage describes people gathering to follow the Lamb; in the following chapters, the Lamb orders the destruction of the world and most of the people in it. Personally, I don't consider genocide - or proclaiming loyalty to a perpetrator of genocide - to be a loving act.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Jesus said "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34,35) which religion, in your opinion, is identified by the love they have for one another?



Well-Known Member
While the Gospel describes Jesus paying lip-service to love, it also describes Jesus foretelling some decidedly unloving but supposedly "godly" acts; there's no love in damning all but a few people. If the Gospels is identified by anything about love, I'd say that it's identified by hypocrisy about love.

And does it actually work to command a person to love? From my perspective, you may as well be telling someone to decide to have a different favourite food. I've never found love to be a matter of choice.

You are mistaken---God has warned mankind well in advance of what is to occur and what has to occur--it is mankinds fault if they do not enter Gods kingdom.


Will to love
All religions are ultimately about love. Simple in concept, difficult in practice and made complicated by time, place and culture.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You are mistaken---God has warned mankind well in advance of what is to occur and what has to occur--it is mankinds fault if they do not enter Gods kingdom.

What does advanced warning have to do with it? Does genocide become a loving act just because the perpetrator makes his plans known ahead of time?


Well-Known Member
What does advanced warning have to do with it? Does genocide become a loving act just because the perpetrator makes his plans known ahead of time?

God has warned mankind that the only way to rid his earth of all wickedness is Harmageddon. There are good reasons why it has to be the way it is--One who trusts God knows its fact.


Coincidentia oppositorum
God has warned mankind that the only way to rid his earth of all wickedness is Harmageddon. There are good reasons why it has to be the way it is--One who trusts God knows its fact.

If it's so clearcut obvious that God warned mankind, then why is it so much confusion about if God really did? And why are there different religions with different views of God and if he did or how he did it? I still don't understand why an all powerful God with a very strict agenda and hard-set goal can be so extremely vague to the world.

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Jesus said "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34,35) which religion, in your opinion, is identified by the love they have for one another?

The 5th Shia Imam Said the following:

"Religion is LOVE and LOVE is religion"
"قال الامام الباقر {ع} : " الدين هو الحب والحب هو الدين

So the answer is : Shia Islam.


Active Member
Jesus said "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34,35) which religion, in your opinion, is identified by the love they have for one another?
I believe its possible for people to love or have mutual respect for one another without the need for religion. However, does that mean those who do are disciples of Jesus? So, either way, there is no escaping the fact that those who do love others aren't disciples of Jesus.

Boom! Another mystery solved! Jesus didn't have just 12 disciples, he has a army.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The 5th Shia Imam Said the following:

"Religion is LOVE and LOVE is religion"
"قال الامام الباقر {ع} : " الدين هو الحب والحب هو الدين

So the answer is : Shia Islam.

Do you believe the record of violence and war made by many religions support the Imam's statement?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God has warned mankind that the only way to rid his earth of all wickedness is Harmageddon. There are good reasons why it has to be the way it is--One who trusts God knows its fact.
I know God, and I know this is not a fact.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I know God, and I know this is not a fact.

I agree. Armageddon is not God's way for the removing of wickedness. God does not gather people to Armageddon. Expressions inspired by demons do, according to the New World Translation Bible. How is it that demons work for God's peace?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree. Armageddon is not God's way for the removing of wickedness. God does not gather people to Armageddon. Expressions inspired by demons do, according to the New World Translation Bible. How is it that demons work for God's peace?
Actually, if there ever is anything in the future resembling the 1st century vision of doom of the Roman Empire of this John of Patmos' who wrote Revelation (not the same John as Gospel John), it will be a self-fulfilled prophecy brought about by the Christian and Jewish Zionist believers themselves! Christians like these rub their hands in glee at the thought of the world entering into a worldwide war surrounding Israel, because they are selfish pigs who think if it comes then Jesus will come to whisk them away from this world to their shiny new homes where they will be happy for ever and ever, amen! This is of course, not love.

The underlying tension and political maneuverings are driven by this sick religious ideology. You are right, is is sin, and it is demon inspired. And its done in the name of Jesus by Christians.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually, if there ever is anything in the future resembling the 1st century vision of doom of the Roman Empire of this John of Patmos' who wrote Revelation (not the same John as Gospel John), it will be a self-fulfilled prophecy brought about by the Christian and Jewish Zionist believers themselves! Christians like these rub their hands in glee at the thought of the world entering into a worldwide war surrounding Israel, because they are selfish pigs who think if it comes then Jesus will come to whisk them away from this world to their shiny new homes where they will be happy for ever and ever, amen! This is of course, not love.

The underlying tension and political maneuverings are driven by this sick religious ideology. You are right, is is sin, and it is demon inspired. And its done in the name of Jesus by Christians.

I agree with everything but the selfish pigs part because it has pleased me that I have had no point for a awile. Haha The same thought has been stewing in my mind too. Amazing huh?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree with everything but the selfish pigs part because it has pleased me that I have had no point for a awile. Haha The same thought has been stewing in my mind too. Amazing huh?
Yes, that was harsh language from me. :) But it is deserved. It is a narcissistic, and worse, sociopathological view. It does not see others through empathy. It reflects a total lack of empathy, which defines the sociopath.

The other thought to add to this, is that what will end up happening if this self-created nightmare were to occur, is that it will not be the 2nd coming of Jesus or any such thing as that. It will not be the new millennium where they get to be crowned by Jesus with a big smile on his face towards them. All it will be is misery and disease and death. No rewards for these imbeciles.

Why do they not work for Peace, if they claim to serve the king of peace? Liars. Hypocrites.