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Which religion has love?


Avid JW Bible Student
It seems strange with all this talk of "love" that no one has even offered a definition of what love is?

Is the love we have for God the same as the love we have for our spouse? Is it the same as we have for our children? Our siblings or parents? Do we love our friends in the same way? How do we "love" food? Animals and pets?

Is the love of love songs, the same one we have for Jesus?

This word has many dimensions, so what does it really mean to "love God" and to "love our neighbor as ourselves?"

Is it not in the 'expression' of that love?

Would a parent who struck down a man attacking his child, be expressing love for his child whilst at the same time expressing the opposite for the offender? Sometimes the two are consequential of one another, so why treat God as a monster if he attacks those who through their words and actions, attack his own children or who rob them of peace? Personally doing these things is bad enough, but even if you never raise a hand to harm anyone, if you support agencies on earth who do, you are condoning their activity and share their guilt.

Peace cannot come to the world unless the wicked are removed permanently. Since he is the Creator, the earth belongs to God. He, as the celestial 'landlord' has the right to set the rules of our 'tenancy'. He retains the right to evict those who have no respect for his rules and who continue to damage his property.
He has informed the 'tenants' that he has inspected his property and found them to be in breach of their agreement as caretakers of this earth and an eviction notice has been served.

It is already written that they will not go quietly....angels will be called in to carry out the order....hence 'the battle of Armageddon'. :(

Love for his obedient children will manifest itself in the removal of the disobedient ones. It's not like he hasn't given every tenant the opportunity to change their ways, but they don't want to change, so the consequence is already stated. No one should be surprised when it is carried out.

"God is love" but he also hates wickedness.
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Active Member
It seems strange with all this talk of "love" that no one has even offered a definition of what love is?

Biological attraction of your wife and protection of your offspring as established via hormonal and electrochemical stimuly in your frontal cortex as well as spinal cortex and neurocortex.

These are primal instincts, same as any animal, only difference is that a dawg says woof to the female and you say, so how you doin tonight babe.

Or something like that, i'm not all that great at flirting in English, but i'm your man if you're hitting on a Spanish or Swedish or Serbian girl.


Avid JW Bible Student
Biological attraction of your wife and protection of your offspring as established via hormonal and electrochemical stimuly in your frontal cortex as well as spinal cortex and neurocortex.

These are primal instincts, same as any animal, only difference is that a dawg says woof to the female and you say, so how you doin tonight babe.

Sexual attraction is not the only thing that drives humans to seek a mate (or it shouldn't.) We have so much more than chemical attraction to consider. Animals do not consciously take into account their chosen mate's ability to be a good provider for their young. (some play no part in the care of their offspring) Animals don't consider whether their chosen partner is good-natured, or whether he will treat his mate and others with affection or respect. In animals its all about the chemistry and instinct, nothing else matters. I have been a dog breeder, I know about instinct. But humans should be above the behavior of animals....surely. :shrug:

Humans have a whole range of criteria that is not just 'pheromonal' (though that may be what first attracts us to some and repels us with others) There are many things to consider. People can fall in and out of love because of the behavior of the individual, no matter how good looking a person is, they should not be judged merely on their looks. What benefit is it to be in the company of a good-looking, conceited moron? :p

"Love" doesn't come into the equation at all with animals, but it should be the deciding factor in humans. The "love" that is the stuff of love songs is not the love that we are speaking about with regard to Christians. The Greek word for this kind of love (eros) is not even mentioned in the Christian writings.
"Agape" (love based on principle) is the love we are talking about in this thread. This is the love that can be expressed even towards our enemies.

Or something like that, i'm not all that great at flirting in English, but i'm your man if you're hitting on a Spanish or Swedish or Serbian girl.
And of course you have the most noble motives in "hitting" on these women....marriage, children, pets, a nice house with a picket fence.....a motgage? LOL :D


Well-Known Member
Jesus said "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34,35) which religion, in your opinion, is identified by the love they have for one another?

Do you think it is only your denomination where members have love for one another?
Having love for one another is not black and white like you seem to present it. Many people from all sorts of backgrounds have love for one another and there are many who do not, including in your denomination.


Well-Known Member
If you truly believe in these things, seek help.

We have seen time and time again how these things end, you may think you never would but if you believe that this world is ruled by satan and you are a messenger of god you need to be locked up.

See, if you talk to god you are praying, if he talks to you you are clinically insane.

You seem to forget that Satan transforms into an angel of light-2 cor 11:12-15) he is posing as every false god--he uses love-sharing to mislead.


Well-Known Member
And not a single Christian follows Jesus, if they did they would be die hard liberal socialists who would stumble all over themselves to help their fellow man.

Those are atheists of today, if Jesus were alive today he'd be an atheist.

Jesus lives 24/7 to do the will of his God-- YHWH(Jehovah)---- he would never be an atheist. The true Christians do live to help their fellow man--the way Jesus taught them to--house to house knocking on doors with the good news of Gods kingdom and Gods appointed king Jesus. They became fishers of men.


Avid JW Bible Student
Do you think it is only your denomination where members have love for one another?
Having love for one another is not black and white like you seem to present it. Many people from all sorts of backgrounds have love for one another and there are many who do not, including in your denomination.

H....is there some reason why you take everything JW's say as indicating that we are somehow perfect and everyone else isn't?

Like the Jews in ancient times, we are anything but perfect, but God did not judge his people on whether they could keep all his laws perfectly, he judged them on their efforts to do all that he commanded them and their willing obedience to his laws.

King David said he "loved" God's laws and that they filled his thoughts "all day long". This did not prevent him from committing grievous sins, (adultery and murder were both capital offences) but he was forgiven because of his genuine repentance.

The law was perfect, but the people were not, and God knew that they could never keep it without faltering...he never really expected them to. This perfect law was a constant reminder of their sinfulness and their need for a permanent solution to their inability to rise above their imperfect inclinations to do the wrong thing. He thus provided the means for them to be forgiven in the blood of animal sacrifices. Why blood? Because blood represents life itself. Jesus' blood would be offered "once and for all time", never needing to be repeated.

When Jesus gave the command to "preach the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations" before the foretold "end" of this present system, then we should be looking for one united Christian body, with one united message preaching in all the world as Christ instructed it to be done. (Matt 24:14; 28:19, 29) He said he would be supporting this work, so nothing would stop it.

Read Matt 10:11-15 and see why it had to be a personal message delivered in person by his disciples. (Acts 5:42; 20:20) When one accepted the Christian message, they in turn, became preachers of the message to others.

When a natural disaster is looming today, how do emergency service workers warn the public? They go house to house so that no one is missed. They cannot count on the fact that media alone will sound the warning...when lives are at stake, you leave no stone unturned. Police too will conduct house to house investigations so that witnesses to a neighborhood crime might bring new evidence to light.

There are quite a few areas in which Christendom fails in its duty of care.
No churches in my living memory have ever sent representatives to my door to offer "the good news of the kingdom" to me...ever.
A local church who might see their Christ assigned responsibility may conduct a local preaching work, but local is not "the entire inhabited earth".

And the good news has to be one unambiguous message for all. How can churches preach, (even if they see the need to) one message when they can't even agree on what the kingdom is, let alone what it will do for mankind.

How can they serve the "Prince of Peace" whilst supporting the wars of their nations, even recruiting clergy in an officer's capacity (and paid an officer's salary) to quell any conscience issues that "Christian" soldiers may face in training to kill an enemy that Christ commanded them to love?

When Christian faced Christian on the battle field in two world wars, both prayed to the same god....but it wasn't Jehovah. (1 John 4:20, 21) They even blessed weapons that were going to kill fellow Christians!

In those two areas alone (and there are many more) Christendom is screaming out to Jesus that they are Christians in name only.

Any wonder Jesus will say to the "many" who protest at his rejection of them, "I never knew you! Get away from me you workers of lawlessness" (Matt 7:21-23)

These ones assume that they are his disciples, but he says he has NEVER known them, despite their doing all these things "in his name".

So even though there are those who might be very loving towards others, whether they purport to be "religious" or not, among them there are noble minded humanitarians who are atheists. Since God requires faith and obedience, along with the demonstration of unselfish love, it cannot be stated that showing love is the 'sole' determining factor, though it is a big identifying mark. (John 13:34, 35)


Well-Known Member
H....is there some reason why you take everything JW's say as indicating that we are somehow perfect and everyone else isn't?

Like the Jews in ancient times, we are anything but perfect, but God did not judge his people on whether they could keep all his laws perfectly, he judged them on their efforts to do all that he commanded them and their willing obedience to his laws.

King David said he "loved" God's laws and that they filled his thoughts "all day long". This did not prevent him from committing grievous sins, (adultery and murder were both capital offences) but he was forgiven because of his genuine repentance.

The law was perfect, but the people were not, and God knew that they could never keep it without faltering...he never really expected them to. This perfect law was a constant reminder of their sinfulness and their need for a permanent solution to their inability to rise above their imperfect inclinations to do the wrong thing. He thus provided the means for them to be forgiven in the blood of animal sacrifices. Why blood? Because blood represents life itself. Jesus' blood would be offered "once and for all time", never needing to be repeated.

When Jesus gave the command to "preach the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations" before the foretold "end" of this present system, then we should be looking for one united Christian body, with one united message preaching in all the world as Christ instructed it to be done. (Matt 24:14; 28:19, 29) He said he would be supporting this work, so nothing would stop it.

Read Matt 10:11-15 and see why it had to be a personal message delivered in person by his disciples. (Acts 5:42; 20:20) When one accepted the Christian message, they in turn, became preachers of the message to others.

When a natural disaster is looming today, how do emergency service workers warn the public? They go house to house so that no one is missed. They cannot count on the fact that media alone will sound the warning...when lives are at stake, you leave no stone unturned. Police too will conduct house to house investigations so that witnesses to a neighborhood crime might bring new evidence to light.

There are quite a few areas in which Christendom fails in its duty of care.
No churches in my living memory have ever sent representatives to my door to offer "the good news of the kingdom" to me...ever.
A local church who might see their Christ assigned responsibility may conduct a local preaching work, but local is not "the entire inhabited earth".

And the good news has to be one unambiguous message for all. How can churches preach, (even if they see the need to) one message when they can't even agree on what the kingdom is, let alone what it will do for mankind.

How can they serve the "Prince of Peace" whilst supporting the wars of their nations, even recruiting clergy in an officer's capacity (and paid an officer's salary) to quell any conscience issues that "Christian" soldiers may face in training to kill an enemy that Christ commanded them to love?

When Christian faced Christian on the battle field in two world wars, both prayed to the same god....but it wasn't Jehovah. (1 John 4:20, 21) They even blessed weapons that were going to kill fellow Christians!

In those two areas alone (and there are many more) Christendom is screaming out to Jesus that they are Christians in name only.

Any wonder Jesus will say to the "many" who protest at his rejection of them, "I never knew you! Get away from me you workers of lawlessness" (Matt 7:21-23)

These ones assume that they are his disciples, but he says he has NEVER known them, despite their doing all these things "in his name".

So even though there are those who might be very loving towards others, whether they purport to be "religious" or not, among them there are noble minded humanitarians who are atheists. Since God requires faith and obedience, along with the demonstration of unselfish love, it cannot be stated that showing love is the 'sole' determining factor, though it is a big identifying mark. (John 13:34, 35)

And so what is the point of this thread Jayjay!!??


Active Member
I would suggest not making answers complicated...the truth is simple...catorgorizing beliefs into 'religions' seems foolish...i think certain parts of most 'religions' are true...and other parts...not so much. If we put them all together...what do we get?? Confusion...if we start from the one belief we cant deny (thats up to you)...and piece it all together...what do we get?? 1.) Acceptance of others beliefs....and 2.) a belief we call our own. That in itself...is love. And i have come to this conclusion using knowledge of all so called 'religions' :) because individuality is beautiful. :)


Avid JW Bible Student
And so what is the point of this thread Jayjay!!??
If you cannot tell by now H, I don't know what more can be said. :(

Providing a definition of what love is and what God's expectations of his people were in ancient times and adding a small list of Christian requirements, allows the readers here to discern who is in fact showing true Christian love. :yes:


Active Member
If you cannot tell by now H, I don't know what more can be said. :(

Providing a definition of what love is and what God's expectations of his people were in ancient times and adding a small list of Christian requirements, allows the readers here to discern who is in fact showing true Christian love. :yes:

True 'christian' love?? Are you restricting love to just one 'religion'.??if so...seems selfish imo...llove is different from one relationship to the next...it doesnt always have to be the same...or check off all the boxes to be true....if its love...its love. Unrestricted. :) and pure and divine love seems logically only accomplished threw practice...which in thoery would be lacking at first...but is it really lacking?? Kinda get my point??


Well-Known Member
If you cannot tell by now H, I don't know what more can be said. :(

Providing a definition of what love is and what God's expectations of his people were in ancient times and adding a small list of Christian requirements, allows the readers here to discern who is in fact showing true Christian love. :yes:

The OP question was, which religion has love amongst it's members...I am pretty sure it is easy to love and care for your own members, lots of religions have a brother/sisterhood, where they help each other and are charitable towards each other because they belong to the same group, JWs are not special when it comes to this.


Well-Known Member
Basically the OP was not actually trying to debate anything, just preach about why their religion is the best, it was a rhetorical question.
My point was love is not unique to the JW's...sorry


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The OP question was, which religion has love amongst it's members...I am pretty sure it is easy to love and care for your own members, lots of religions have a brother/sisterhood, where they help each other and are charitable towards each other because they belong to the same group, JWs are not special when it comes to this.

Another very good point Horrorble. I saw a video on GodTube. It was about a man who wanted to propose marriage to a woman. He set up a scene of about a thousand people to walk his girlfriend through. Even before they got to the end, where there were many more people, I thought it was not possible for a person to have so many friends. And I am sure there was family there too but even so, there were so many people cooperating in love. It was amazing. Were they Jehovah's Witnesses? (it is the POINT of the thread, I know - I guessed right away) I think they were not Jehovah's Wintesses. Will they all become Jehovah's Witnesses sometime in the future? I do think it is possible. Where did they get the love they show for their friends and family? How are they showing love like that without the "true religion" about them? I would link the video but I deleted it and it's too long for most people, I think.


Well-Known Member
Another very good point Horrorble. I saw a video on GodTube. It was about a man who wanted to propose marriage to a woman. He set up a scene of about a thousand people to walk his girlfriend through. Even before they got to the end, where there were many more people, I thought it was not possible for a person to have so many friends. And I am sure there was family there too but even so, there were so many people cooperating in love. It was amazing. Were they Jehovah's Witnesses? (it is the POINT of the thread, I know - I guessed right away) I think they were not Jehovah's Wintesses. Will they all become Jehovah's Witnesses sometime in the future? I do think it is possible. Where did they get the love they show for their friends and family? How are they showing love like that without the "true religion" about them? I would link the video but I deleted it and it's too long for most people, I think.

It is natural to love because it benefits humankind and the individual, if you show kindness and charity to your family and friends you also gain a stronger support system for yourself in return, that means when you need help or your offspring needs help you have people around you which will help you and them back, which means if anything happens to you like you die, there are people who will look after your kids. And of course humans need affection and companionship so do other animals.
They have done tests on a monkey by isolating them and only giving them food and water, but making sure they couldn't see the humans who were feeding them, so they had no contact with other living creatures and they monkey became mentally ill.


Well-Known Member
Basically the OP was not actually trying to debate anything, just preach about why their religion is the best, it was a rhetorical question.
My point was love is not unique to the JW's...sorry

You are right--all humans have love--- the JW,s have love and live to do Gods will.


Well-Known Member
You are right--all humans have love--- the JW,s have love and live to do Gods will.

That was not the question though, the question was which religion has love amongst its members? The answer is every religion. Until you leave of course then in certain religions the love goes, and you on your own. The love is very conditional, is very conditional love, really love though? I guess that is up for debate, lincluding doing god's will.