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Who are the tyrants and who are the tyrannized

[font=&quot]From an article recieved by email:[/font]
[font=&quot]George Bush proclaimed his plan to fight tyranny during the inauguration speech but the crucial question is: who are the tyrants and the tyrannized. The problem with giving definition and elucidating is that everyone can be measured against it, which explains why terms like ‘terrorism’, ‘tyranny’ has remained vague; such words are usually invoked to denigrate the opponents of the US. It is only by clarifying the terms and debating its meaning a worldwide consensus can be achieved, forming common ideas and universal principles. Therefore, as a small contribution towards that process and a world that is increasingly becoming monopolized by a unipolar mass media let us look at some examples how the others view “tyranny”.

[font=&quot]a) [/font][font=&quot]So, let’s end the tyranny of the trigger-happy US soldiers; murdering Iraqi families, shooting unarmed demonstrators, torturing prisoners and executing the wounded. Only recently the world witnessed the shocking images of Iraqi parents shot dead in front of their children [1]. I pray and hope that those children will grow up to seek vengeance from the US and put an end to those real tyrants from the ‘democratic’ and the ‘free’ world. Simultaneously, the shocking pictures of the British soldiers engaging in acts of barbarity in Abu-Ghraib style was brought to surface by chance when the photographic developer in the shop reported the case after witnessing the pictures. Otherwise such cases would have remained as allegations or conspiracy theories confined to the Internet websites. [/font]

[font=&quot]Can you imagine the mindset of these criminal invaders; they take these pictures as souvenirs for friends back at home and perhaps to meet the demands of the perverted associates around them; this speaks volumes about these so-called ‘liberators’. It does not matter how isolated or frequent these cases are but to recognize the root cause: the criminal invasion and that is where the buck stops, the source of tyranny.[/font]

[font=&quot]b) [/font][font=&quot]How about ending the tyranny at Abu-Ghraib, camp X-Ray and other US-run and UK-run prisons, where innocent prisoners are not ‘abused’ but tortured, even to death, using conventional and unconventional means. The latter method is subjecting the prisoner to all sorts of depraved sexual-perversions, exemplifying the values generated by the ‘freedom’ loving ‘liberators’. They have defiled and polluted an Islamic orientated society with their carnal driven abhorrent traits. [/font]

[font=&quot]c) [/font][font=&quot]As they say charity begins at home. Why not end the tyranny at home where the non white Americans are daily targeted. Like the abovementioned case, it was only by chance that some bystander recorded the brutality meted out to Rodney King by the racist white police officers, is how we came to know. Hence, imagine the crimes that have not been caught on camera, crimes that are not witnessed by anyone. Also, the economic tyranny persists as the gap between the rich and poor continues to increase causing further social disorder, increase poverty and crime. [/font]

[font=&quot]d) [/font][font=&quot]What about ending the tyranny of the third-world debt, where the rich nations are making a fortune at the expense of creating poverty around the world. Unfair trade practices to dubious loans handed to despotic regimes that eventually end up back in the western banks, resulting in crippling the poorer nations into further debt and untold human misery. The motto seems to be that live the American dream even though it may cause nightmares to the rest of the world. Removing the interest based debt is a real measure to remove tyranny rather than to have the rich and famous making the annual donations to increase their popularity, enhance their ego and of course, it all helps to lighten the guilt accumulated as a nation as they continue to bleed the poorer nations of the world. [/font]

[font=&quot]e) [/font][font=&quot]When will the tyranny end in the land of occupied Palestine? Should the Arabs/Muslims continue to pay for the war crimes committed in Europe against the Jews, the birth place of anti-Semitism, Nazism and Fascism! Why can any Jew around the world can come and settle in Palestine but not the thousands of refugees displaced in 1948? Why is the world expected to go back to 1945 to compensate the Jews but it is “unrealistic” to go back to 1948 to compensate the Palestinians! [/font]

[font=&quot]f) [/font][font=&quot]How about ending the tyranny on women and children as the US is one of the major countries to trade in human flesh. It is one of the largest producers and consumers of porn that forms part of the huge sex industry. Women are ‘liberated’ as objects for consumption; almost everything is sold or marketed around her flesh. Even the children are not spared as we witness the rise in child abuse and not a day a passes when another American or a Western tourist is caught in Thailand with under-aged (pre-pubescent) boys or girls. A cursory search in the Internet easily reveal the huge number of websites catering for whom (customers) and by who (sellers), satisfying such sexual-perversions and much worse. But I guess many would call this the economics of demand and supply of the free-market economy! [/font]

[font=&quot]The so-called women’s rights manifested in terms of the superficial economical and political rights have not earned them the respect from the opposite sex. Nor has it led to tranquillity as we witness the rise in divorce rates, broken families and drug dependencies. Genuine mutual respect is generated from the heart when there is profound conviction on persevering modesty and decency. [/font]

[font=&quot]Think about a group of young men like football players, soldiers or office colleagues are intoxicated with alcohol, how do they relate to the opposite sex? In fact, even when they are sober, genuine respect is the last thing in the minds of those lads as their conversation barley rises above the waist lines. Naturally, a woman in their perception has been liberated when she is available for direct consumption or she exposes her flesh to entertain the seedy perverts in the clubs. But she is oppressed when she chooses to cover herself exhibiting modesty also distinguishing her self from the animal kingdom that has no notion of shame. We all remember how a lone US-based Afghani women was paraded semi-nude in a beauty contest as a symbol of ‘liberation’, yet no mention was made of the vast majority who maintained their modest veil in the post Taliban era. [/font]

[font=&quot]g) [/font][font=&quot]On the topic of tyranny, why is Mr. Bush so comfortable with the tyrannical regimes e.g. Egypt, Turkey, Saudi and Uzbekistan, that torture people to death for merely expressing their opinions? How does Mr. Bush reconcile his constant bragging about ‘freedom’ by allying with these countries? Or is the notion of ‘freedom’ only means something when one expresses a viewpoint that complies with US interests. [/font]

[font=&quot]h) [/font][font=&quot]If Bush wants to end tyranny then why does he continue to develop and stock pile the weapons of mass-tyranny? Weapons that burnet men, women and children to death, far more barbaric and painful than a few beheadings! Weapons that are sold in the market, huge profits are made in the business of death and destruction. Yet, Mr. Bush and his cohorts preach peace to the world. Deeds must match the words spoken otherwise it tantamount to exhibiting hypocrisy! [/font]

[font=&quot]The proclamation to fight against tyranny is nothing more than declaring the US-Government intention to further its domination of the world as Bush proclaimed: “[/font][font=&quot]The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands[/font][font=&quot]”[/font][font=&quot]. This means more military bases will be established, more puppet regimes installed and invade countries that show any inclination of opposing the interests of the US Capitalist Class and its Military-Industrial Complex. All will be done using the fig leaf of, UN resolutions and lofty slogans, in a bleak world that is governed by the law of the jungle, i.e. “survival of the fittest” or “might is right”! [/font]

Ok guys I am new here I didn’t know I had to say who wrote whatever I posted I didn’t think its was even relevant to the point I was trying to make , BUT I agree that it is not right so next time I will provide all the information possible about what I post cause I got this in the mail and I deleted it so I can’t say now who wrote it ....still Duet here didn’t address anything in the topic but was still able to notice I had copied it from somewhere ... does it not have a meaning unless it has an author ? Ok its John Smith ... now does it mean something?


"[font=&quot]All will be done using the fig leaf of, UN resolutions and lofty slogans, in a bleak world that is governed by the law of the jungle, i.e. “survival of the fittest” or “might is right”!"

Welcome to the new world order. :jam:
One nation under god. :biglaugh:

Its a miracle
Miraculous you call it babe
You ain't seen nothing yet
They've got Pepsi in the Andes
Mcdonalds in Tibet
Yosemite's been turned into
A golf course for the Japs
The Dead Sea is alive with rap
Between the Tigris and Euphrates
There's a leisure centre now
They've got all kinds of sports
They've got Bermuda shorts
The had sex in Pennsylvania
A Brazilian grew a tree
A doctor in Manhattan
Saved a dying man for free
It's a miracle
Another miracle
By the grace of God Almighty
And pressures of marketplace
The human race has civilized itself
It's a miracle
We've got a warehouse of butter
We've got oceans of wine
We've got famine when we need it
Got a designer crime
We've got Mercedes
We've got Porsche
Ferrari and Rolls Royce
We've got a choice
She said meet me
In the Garden of Gethsemane my dear
The Lord said Peter I can see
Your house from here
An honest man
Finally reaped what he had sown
And farmer in Ohio has just repaid a loan
It's a miracle
Another miracle
By the grace of God Almighty
And pressures of marketplace
The human race has civilized itself
It's a miracle
We cower in our shelters
With our hands over our ears
Lloyd-Webber's awful stuff
Runs for years and years and years
An earthquake hits the theatre
But the operetta lingers
Then the piano lids comes down
And break his ****ing fingers

It's a miracle

Roger Waters.


Deut. 32.8 said:
Yes, it means that you continue to have difficulty with honest discourse. Those who check the link above will find that the person you chose to plagiarize is Yamin Zakaria
First of all I don’t know who Yamin Zakaria is and I don’t really care…. what me and YOU should care about is what he wrote and weather you agree with it or not , all did was just post something I thought expressed how I and many ppl I know feel about the situation in Iraq ,on the other hand I don’t really care about what you linked about Yamin Zakaria cause its the same lies that made Bush go into Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place ...
Now I got another mail and I know now exactly who wrote it so I will post another essay by Yamin Zakaria weather you like it or not so please try to discuss the post not the person who wrote it .
Yamin Zakaria
Due to an extremely low turn out it is possible that the election will fail so badly that it may even be dismissed by the occupying powers. Consequently, the status quo will not be altered and the Iraqi resistance will continue to fight the occupiers until Iraq is liberated. However, if the election ‘succeeds’ it may eventually result in one of two, mutually exclusive scenarios.
a)A free Iraq that is genuinely independent and free of foreign influence.
The US track record when it comes to genuine free and fair elections in the Islamic world is zero! On the contrary the US has an excellent track record for propping up countless dictators, including Saddam Hussein. In the early 1990s when the Algerian elections were about to deliver the reins of power to FIS (Islamic Salvation Front), the Western World (including the US) agreed to a military coup in order to abort the elections. The same happened when the Islamic party in Turkey won the election !
If the US is really interested in bringing democracy through free elections why doesn’t she start with her client states like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Kuwait etc?
Capitalist nations are driven by material interests and it is a sheer myth that they are driven by principles, such as democracy, freedom and liberty. Therefore, only the naive and the treacherous would advocate that the Capitalist US has invaded Iraq for altruistic reasons. Those who are naïve and treacherous have expressed gratitude towards the US, as if the Americans have incurred a huge expense and loss of lives only for the Iraqis to hold free elections; - the US is definitely not a charitable institution!
The Pentagon has already announced that it will keep 120,000 troops for the next two years, hence Iraq will certainly not be independent and free regardless of the elections. How can the US be so confident that the elected Iraqi government would agree to the continuation of the US occupation, given that the recent polls showed over 90% of Iraqis viewing the US with contempt? In addition, the US has been building military bases and the largest embassy in the region.
The answer is the US intends to engineer the elections. A ‘free and fair’ election would most likely result in producing an anti-US regime thereby the US would risk being: getting kicked out humiliated, loosing its plan for the long-term domination of Arab oil and not fully recuperating at the very least the cost of this war.
b) The election may trigger a full scale Civil War after a sectarian-Shi’ite based pro-US puppet is ‘elected’.
Everyone is predicting a Shi’ite dominated parliament with some Kurds and no Arab Sunnis (NB. The majority of Kurds are also Sunni). The Arab Sunnis abstaining will feel betrayed and reluctant to accept the election result. Sistani ordered his followers by issuing a fatwa not to resist the invasion. Despite the toppling of the Ba’athist regime followed by Moqtada as-Sadr’s uprising and the desecration of Shi’ite shrines Sistani still remained silent.
The Kurds are insisting on maintaining a loose autonomy over the Northern Kurdish autonomous region. The Peshmergas participated in the Fallujah massacre, siding with the American forces from the onset and many work for the US as spies.
A divided and weakened Iraq would suit the long term interests of the US, since the oil rich provinces in the North would be under the Kurds and in the South under the Shi’ites.
From the onset the US has deliberately tried to fracture the unity of Iraq by promoting the sectarian and ethnic agenda. The US kept referring to the Shi’ites as the “majority-oppressed-Shi’ites”; - as if their heart bled for them! After the 1991 Gulf War, the US allowed Saddam’s army to crush a nascent Shi’ite uprising. Similarly, the US constantly moaned about the oppressed Iraqi Kurds but strangely, the US is muted about the subjugation of the Kurds in Turkey who happens to be an US ally!
Manufacturing the elections
Common sense dictates that any election held under occupation is flawed as only a sovereign nation is capable of holding a free and fair election. Furthermore, according to the Vienna Convention the occupying force has no right to change the composition of the occupied territories politically, thus any election is void. Why is the UN not forthcoming in declaring the impending elections as void?
The US is clearly engineering the elections and the means used are elaborated below:

Nepotism - Those who are going to comply with the US policies will receive greater publicity and funding; those who oppose will be automatically excluded. Many of the opposition leaders and intellectuals have been assassinated. Iyad Allawi’s participation is making the whole episode resemble the recent farcical Afghan elections (substitute Karzai for Allawi).
Participation Level - Many in the streets of Baghdad are calling this an “election at gun point” and “the first secret election in history”. Certainly the entire Iraqi nation will not have the ability to participate due to the fear of violence and access to the polling stations !
Fraud – Most of the candidates are unknown. The parties contending in the elections are largely supporters of the occupation. No international election monitors will be allowed inside the country: so who is going to insure that the votes are not massaged? Who is monitoring the eligibility of the Iraqi expatriates? Allegedly there are 240,000 of them voting in Israel!
Of those seeking election, virtually none have made the expulsion of the US as a central issue. The seeking of compensation for the war crimes committed by US and its allies should have been a must, as Iraq WAS without WMDs. Additionally there are plenty of other reasons for seeking compensation e.g. theft of oil revenues, Abu-Ghraib, the routine murder of civilians etc.
Even before the routine murders, pictures of Abu-Ghraib, the carnage in Fallujah etc. The US was never viewed as liberators by the Iraqis. Every Iraqi recognizes this simple fact. But some of the leaders seeking to secure personal/tribal/sectarian benefits are sacrificing the interests of the entire nation. Short-sighted decisions based upon narrow self-interests can only incur a heavy price.
Voting at best will only produce a pro-US regime through which the US will seek to legitimize its occupation and continue the Abu-Ghraib style oppression, at worst it will lead to Civil War which will fragment the country.