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Who do you vote for and why?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys

The Hammer

Premium Member
Honestly, if they had a chance, most of my policy ideas and votes agree with the Green Party. I vote Dem, but consider myself independent (not independent party) because they agree more with my ideas then the GOP.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
And in my youth the Republican party had a Senator who is to the left of many Democrats today (Jacob Javits). I also supported Eisenhower although I was too young to vote at the time. When I first could vote, I split my vote between one of the socialist parties of the day and the libertarian party because I did not know what I believed in.

For a time my idea of government was as a counter-balance between big business and too powerful unions (Eisenhower's military-industrial complex was something accurate to me). Over time unions faded and business bought government all too often.

I suspected then and still a bit today that LBJ hid the truth about Kennedy's assassination and that was a very big deal as well. Later on when we had Humphrey running, I was for McGovern because I was anti-war as the #1 issue.

After a while I was a "weak" democrat as the surveys' ask because I thought Bush Sr. was a decent POTUS.

Since then as the right has moved the Overton window, I've become more and more staunch Democratic. When Trump became a thing and now that Trump mini-mes are all over the landscapt, I find that party no longer one of ideas along with fealty to our institutions but a clear and present danger to the future of the US and the promoter of the most anti-moral actions.

So now I'm Democratic all the way with thoughts of a new civil war being possible as the right steps up criminal activity like the brown shirts did in Germany in the 1930's.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
I vote for whoever I will, because it is my will.

My loyalties are to myself and my God(s), my family, my friends, and my nation. I am not loyal to any one political party. If I vote primarily for Red, it is because they are the side here who also values God, nation, and blood.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I support candidates who are...
  • ... actually qualified to hold the job they're being elected for based on their experience and education. If it were up to me, there would be substantive qualifications to running for various public offices just like almost every single other job that exists.
  • ... understand there is no civilization without ecosystems and the environment and correspondingly consider ecological and environmental angles in all policymaking decisions as a major priority
  • ... unquestionably support publicly-supported and accessible education, from pre-school to post-secondary education.
  • ... unquestionably support basic science research that isn't about profit motive, utility, or anything other than just learning more about stuff because learning is cool.
  • ... patronize the fine arts and cultural enrichment of the people, with special attention played to diversity and equity across all cultural groups.
  • ... supportive of diverse investments in the greater good, ranging from universal health care and universal basic income to bolstering infrastructure and needed social services like law enforcement, wellness initiatives, and more.
  • ... willing to reign in threats to the common good (and especially the non-human world) posed by unrestrained and unregulated capitalism.
  • ... not a direct threat to my basic and fundamental human rights or any other obviously evil rubbish (I can't believe I even have to add that to my list but after this past summer... urgh).
Needless to say, it should be pretty obvious where I fall. I still (sort of) research candidates and give them a fair hearing, provided they are actually qualified for the job. But these days, well... a line was crossed. I don't negotiate on basic human rights.


Veteran Member
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys
We have that nice thing called WAHL-O-MAT. They take a questionnaire about a range of topics and compare how your answers fit the positions of the running people/parties. That helps to narrow the field. I usually end up with a set of new, small parties far off the main stream. I think it's at least 20 years I last voted for a party which had done anything wrong pre or post election. (Because they didn't get elected ;).)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys
I vote Labor (Australia).
They provided my education and health care.
They provided me work.
They provided social support when I was too mentally ill to work until I recovered.
They will likely provide the pension when I'm too old to work.

The Liberal party just seem to want to abolish or do the minimum necessary to scrape through an election for all of the above, so they can get flushed away for all i care.

In my opinion.

Sedim Haba

Outa here... bye-bye!
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys
I don't vote FOR anyone or anything, only against. The lessor of evils. (They're all evil)

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?
  1. The Democratic Party
  2. A Trump-subservient GOP victory will pose an extremely serious, multifaceted, threat to human rights. Talk of "good points" have no more relevance than did talk of on-time Italian trains.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys
The senior leaders of the party I used to support (in a lukewarm way) got caught with over 200 crores (that is around 20 million dollars) of cash from under the beds and cabinets of their girlfriends' and limo-drivers' houses. They are currently in jail for gathering these money (and over 50 million more worth of illegal properties) as bribes for getting people jobs and smuggling cows.
So now I am open to being woo-ed. But the only alternative party already has 10 years at the center and I do not think its good for democracy to give them one more term there as they have accumulated too much power already.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Honestly, if they had a chance, most of my policy ideas and votes agree with the Green Party. I vote Dem, but consider myself independent (not independent party) because they agree more with my ideas then the GOP.
Another who has fallen victim to the cult of the two party system. While it's true it's hard to get a third party in there, every vote towards third party counts. Just think of the countless others who have the same mindset and vote for the Blue side (just as corrupted as the Red) instead of the ones that really should be in office (The Green side).

I feel like both the Red and Blue are two sides of the same coin, perhaps in a way even working together in some ways to enslave us with their corporate greed.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Four years under Bolsonaro have healed me from any remnants that I might have had of willingness to vote for right wing or openly Christian parties or candidates.

It just won't happen. I will vote against them every single time now.

Mostly I will attempt to vote for specific parties. Here in Brazil we are in bad need of some actual ideology for a change.

I am no fan of the Worker's Party, although I happen to be supporting them at the moment out of urgent need to challenge the right wing in no unclear terms.

Whenever I have the chance, I will vote for the Sustainability Network or the Green Party. I am quite fed up with appeals for superstition, delusion, inconsequence and arrogance in our society, let alone our politics.

Also, I will not be caught voting for anyone with a nationalistic platform if I have any choice. I am alergic to nationalism of any sort.
Last edited:


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
I voted for the Zionist Religious bloc last elections (which took place last Tuesday, 5th time's the charm???????). This time I voted for them for different reasons than previous times that I voted for them or other incarnations of that bloc. I'm less pleased with things that the bloc's head did last time around when the party was part of the opposition. But I liked what another member of the bloc has been doing and that he has visibly toned down some of his more extremist positions. And I still wish that all of the national-religious parties would re-unite. So three together are better than no parties together.

But for a short time a couple of months ago I considered voting for the Pirate Party, mostly because one of my professors is a member of the party and that's a running joke in the department. Actually, their political views aren't that crazy. They have some good ideas. It's just unfortunate that they insist on having a ridiculous name and showing up to sign-up their party every election cycle dressed as pirates...(here are some pictures of them signing up for elections from different cycles).


Veteran Member
But for a short time a couple of months ago I considered voting for the Pirate Party, mostly because one of my professors is a member of the party and that's a running joke in the department.
We have a Pirate Party, too and I have voted for them in the past. It was modelled after the Norwegian Pirate Party and their main concern was online privacy and computer security. But they are all around progressive and we agree on many things. But ours don't dress in pirate regalia, maybe they should?


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
We have a Pirate Party, too and I have voted for them in the past. It was modelled after the Norwegian Pirate Party and their main concern was online privacy and computer security. But they are all around progressive and we agree on many things. But ours don't dress in pirate regalia, maybe they should?
I've heard they do well in some Scandinavian countries. I'm happy to hear your branches are more sane...


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Okay I feel like this will mainly be about US political parties lol but I thought to try to add a bit of variety I’d post this in a more general forum
Which party in your country do you support? Why? Do you consider the other party as having good points, even if you don’t agree with them?

I don’t really fit in with either of our main parties here. But I do usually support Labor just because as my uncle says, I seem to have more disposable cash when they’re in power so they’ll do lol

The Reason Party (previously known as the Sex Party. Yes, really) usually gets my vote since they are they claim to be a civil libertarian party, promising legalised drugs and broader safety for sex workers. Hence their original name.

Discuss as you please and try to keep things civil guys
Even though I'm an independent, I vote a straight Democratic ticket because of what I believe is likely to be an attempt by Trump & Co to "win" no matter what the election numbers may be.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I support candidates who are...
  • ... actually qualified to hold the job they're being elected for based on their experience and education. If it were up to me, there would be substantive qualifications to running for various public offices just like almost every single other job that exists.
  • ... understand there is no civilization without ecosystems and the environment and correspondingly consider ecological and environmental angles in all policymaking decisions as a major priority
  • ... unquestionably support publicly-supported and accessible education, from pre-school to post-secondary education.
  • ... unquestionably support basic science research that isn't about profit motive, utility, or anything other than just learning more about stuff because learning is cool.
  • ... patronize the fine arts and cultural enrichment of the people, with special attention played to diversity and equity across all cultural groups.
  • ... supportive of diverse investments in the greater good, ranging from universal health care and universal basic income to bolstering infrastructure and needed social services like law enforcement, wellness initiatives, and more.
  • ... willing to reign in threats to the common good (and especially the non-human world) posed by unrestrained and unregulated capitalism.
  • ... not a direct threat to my basic and fundamental human rights or any other obviously evil rubbish (I can't believe I even have to add that to my list but after this past summer... urgh).
Needless to say, it should be pretty obvious where I fall. I still (sort of) research candidates and give them a fair hearing, provided they are actually qualified for the job. But these days, well... a line was crossed. I don't negotiate on basic human rights.
^^this^^ :clapping:


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
We have a Pirate Party, too and I have voted for them in the past. It was modelled after the Norwegian Pirate Party and their main concern was online privacy and computer security. But they are all around progressive and we agree on many things. But ours don't dress in pirate regalia, maybe they should?
Lol Australia has their own Pirate Party, I think modelled after the Sweden version.
Though it has since combined with other parties (Science Party, Reason Party and a couple of smaller environmental parties) now called Fusion. Which is kind of a shame since I liked voting for the Pirate Party as a youngin lol
But their platform is something I do actually agree with. Secularism, using science based evidence to make decisions, government transparency, legalisation and control of weed etc