In Christian tradition, Satan was condoned in heaven up to the book of Revelations. Satan is not thrown from heaven until after the events of the Old and New Testament; through the life and rebirth of Jesus. Satan being condoned in Heaven, implies Satan was an acceptable part of the Divine drama, teaching humans the lessons of good and evil, in both the Old and most of the New Testament, besides Revelations.
Revelations may have been the original first book of the New Testament; Diary of John, in exile on Patmos. It was placed last, since it was still assumed to be in the future, when the New Testament was compiled in 2nd century AD. Revelation, unlike the tales of Jesus, was far too complex and scary to have been handed down by oral traditions. It may have been from the original transcript. My guess after John dies of old age the Romans saw John's unsettled vision did not see it as a harm to Rome; preserved. I was so different from the teachings of Jesus; scary instead of hopeful.
Before Satan, was called Satan, he was called Lucifer. In Roman folklore, Lucifer ("light-bringer" in Latin) was the name of the planet Venus, though it was often personified as a male figure, bearing a torch. This is symbolic of the rise of the secondary center of human consciousness; ego appearing. The ego, like Satan, can choose apart from the inner self; primary or God.
Venus can be seen in the morning sky. It lingers from the darkness of night; unconsciousness and inner self, and appears at dawn; dawn of the conscious mind and the ego secondary; torch in the darkness.
Venus is also often associated with love and desire; Aphrodite. My guess this tells us the ego first appears connected to compulsive desire, beyond the natural instinct of the inner self; animal nature. The Bible describe how humans become perverted; compulsive desire, leading the symbolic great flood; dissociated consciousness, for cleansing and a renewal of the mind.
Satan first appears in the Bible, in the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. He is still condoned in heaven, but his nature as Lucifer and desire changes. Adam and Eve compulsively picked the wrong tree; desire was changed to law and self control. Lucifer becomes Satan; transition of the ego. The cure for ego compulsion, was law of good and evil; structured the desire to make it less compulsive and productive. Satan is still in Heaven, shows this transition was condoned by God; inner self.
After Satan is thrown from Heaven; Revelations, he becomes the Devil. He is no longer condoned by Heaven; inner self, but is still connected to law, with the Devil the dark side of law; all the evils described by law. Law of good and evil is like a magnet that has both a north and a south pole, which always come in pairs. There is no magnetic monopole in entire. Like law, if evil exists, so does the opposite good, even if it is not yet conscious. From the evil of perverted and cruel Rome, the good was revealed as Jesus, who is the polarized opposite of Satan; zones of maximum field strength, as reflected from the evil that would appear; Rome.
This symbolism tells us about the evolution of the ego secondary in terms of its firmware; Ego IT, and the potential for an update that can reunite us with the inner self.