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Who Or What Is Israel?

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Hi @River Sea .

Because there is so much to learn, depending on the various eras of the Egyptian timeline, I decided to interpret the various Gods and Goddesses through the lens of the Christian Bible to make things easier for me.

Here is one example from Wikipedia:

In the New kingdom, Ra came to be associated with the epithet "Kamutef" ('Bull of his mother') alongside Amun. As Kamutef, he was seen as the son and husband of Hathor who impregnates his own mother to give birth to himself.

The above is a perfect description of how the Sons of God 'came into' the Daughters of Men to give birth to themselves. Their so called 'wives' were also their Mothers. The end result were the Giants.

Jesus did something similar in that he conceived himself, making Mary both his Mom and Wife. There are a lot of other interesting parallels.

From Wiki:

Mistaking the beer for blood, Sekhmet drinks it, and upon becoming intoxicated, she reverts to her pacified form, Hathor.

Mystery Babylon (Mother Earth) 'drinks Blood', which describes soil fertilization and is a euphemistic way of describing Ovum Fertilization.

Her 'black soil' craves more Blood so that it can be fruitful. She is all about the cycle of death and rebirth. We are currently trapped in it.

Hathor is also known as the Lady of the Sycamore Fig Tree. Those that partake of her Forbidden Fruit (i.e., eat her flesh and drink her Blood) are 'Born Again'... literally as in reincarnation. Think of the Covering of Fig leaves in the Garden of Eden...

Yokefellow is from this verse...

Philippians 4:3
"And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life."

The icon is to show that I work to help others understand Scripture. I am a Servant of no particular importance.

Yes. It helps describe female anatomy for example without having to post graphic pictures...

View attachment 85370

The Bible uses the same euphemisms so that Children can be taught certain concepts without it being obvious at first. Milk vs. Meat.

Depending on context, Ra vs. Hathor can be likened to the Sun (Father) vs. Moon (Mother). It is all about which Parents we choose to reincarnate from...
  • Abraham and Sarah = Glorified Body
  • Ra and Hathor = Body of Corruption
The 'Mystery' is ultimately all about rebirth.

I am unsure of what you are asking. Abraham was not supposed to get Hagar pregnant.

Pillar of Fire = Baptism with Fire (Thrown into the Lake of Fire to be reincarnated)
Pillar of Cloud = Baptism with Water (Conceived and birthed from the Amniotic Fluid of the Womb)

The Tabernacle was a picture of the Zygote we all were conceived into...

@Yokefellow @Bthoth RA one eye is EL one eye as well, making two eyes, yet still only one eye.

I'm going to continue studying your post @Yokefellow , and I'll respond more than once to your post. I think that'll be easier for me. Here's my first drawing, that's further down my post.

Your information, the tabernacle was communicating a cell. I just noticed the outer cell membrane courtyard fence. I have written often about going through the membrane, then learned about this word portal. Then I learned this word, Shechina; that's a light tunnel that goes through the membrane, and we're being pulled through the tunnel when we leave this cell and we go to light that burns. However, look at the word courtyard fence, and it's the outer cell membrane. My drawing shows the inner wall cell membrane.

RA one Eye Cell.JPG
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Premium Member
Racism is not limited to white people. Racists come in every color and ethnicity.
I scanned through the thread, and considered the various arguments as to who is a Jew not much different in reality who is White, Black. Chinese, Japanese, Native American or one nationality or the other. The criteria described in the various posts is an artificial standard based on ancient tribal criteria, and like the issues of the differences and identity of all races. All such artificial ancient tribal definitions are grounds for racism and ethnic prejudice, and the violence ancient tribal divisions haunt our world with wars and conflicts like in Israel and Ukraine today.

The reaction of the West especially in the USA of the unbalanced emotional response to the war in Israel and growing indifference to the tragedy in Ukraine where the war crimes, slaughter of innocents and the kidnaping of children that is a thousand fold tragedy of tribal conflicts. Both conflicts represent tragic human rights conflicts.

The bottomline is ancient tribal standards as to who is who represents the tragic source of conflicts for thousands of years, It is time to give up the ghosts of past tribal paradigms.
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Active Member
@Yokefellow @Bthoth RA one eye is EL one eye as well, making two eyes, yet still only one eye.

In the Book of Ezekiel, the 'Eyes' that are orbiting on the 'Rings' are representative of Electrons...


The Rings represent the Orbitals or 'Shells'...

They are the Spirit (Energy/Power/Electronic Communication, etc.) of the Living Creatures...

Ezekiel 1:20
"Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."

That is why the Eye is Light...

Matthew 6:22
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

Light is Electromagnetism. Everything that is alive has a Spirit. It is the Power of the Holy Ghost.

Naturally, we find that RA's 'Power' is also the Eye...

"Extensions of Ra's power were often shown as the Eye of Ra, which were the female versions of the sun-god."

All of the Mystery Schools have their own 'spin' on this concept. :p


Your information, the tabernacle was communicating a cell. I just noticed the outer cell membrane courtyard fence.


I have written often about going through the membrane, then learned about this word portal. Then I learned this word, Shechina; that's a light tunnel that goes through the membrane, and we're being pulled through the tunnel when we leave this cell and we go to light that burns.

The Lake of Fire that burns is a Portal that leads people back into the Zygote to be reincarnated. The belief of Christians (i.e., Salvation) is to escape that fate...

However, look at the word courtyard fence, and it's the outer cell membrane. My drawing shows the inner wall cell membrane.

View attachment 85428

What I find interesting about your sketch is that you show a Wandering Star entering the Nucleus. Falling Stars are representative of Children that are about to be conceived. The Union of Sun and Moon produces the Child...

Genesis 37:9-10
"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?"

The Star that falls in Revelation 9:1 is a being that will be reincarnated to be given the Key to the Bottomless Pit.

We can compare Falling Stars with the concept of the Egyptian 'Ba'...

It was believed that the stars did not just inhabit this world, but in the Duat (land of the afterlife) as well. The Egyptians believed that the ba might ascend to the sky to live as a star in heaven. Many tombs also featured deep blue ceilings dotted with bright yellow stars in the exact image of the hieroglyph in hopes to make the ba feel at home in its new dwelling place. The stars were called the "Followers of Osiris and represented the souls in the underworld.

Now we are back to the Cow Goddess and Nut...

Because of her role in saving Osiris, Nut was seen as a friend and protector of the dead, who appealed to her as a child appeals to its mother: "O my Mother Nut, stretch Yourself over me, that I may be placed among the imperishable stars which are in You, and that I may not die."


Thus the 'Followers of Osiris' are those that will be reincarnated back into this world. The opposite would be the Followers of Jesus that wish to escape the reincarnation trap. At least, that is how I interpret it.


Genesis 32:28

28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Does Genetics Only Determine Who Israel Is?

Do you Beleive that there is a Spiritual Israel?

Do you agree that Elohim/God has Ordained Spiritual Israel and Fleshly Israel?

What does it mean to have the Israeli Trait of Power With Elohim/God and With Men?
Spiritual or not, True Israel are all those who embrace, and follow, Jesus Christ and His Ways.

Christian means follower of Christ.

There are others who call themselves Israel who do not accept, nor embrace, Jesus Christ.

Galatians 3:16, 26, 29 make this very clear.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Spiritual or not, True Israel are all those who embrace, and follow, Jesus Christ and His Ways.

Christian means follower of Christ.

There are others who call themselves Israel who do not accept, nor embrace, Jesus Christ.

Galatians 3:16, 26, 29 make this very clear.
There is only one People of Israel, and it has nothing to do with Chrsitians.


Premium Member
There is only one People of Israel, and it has nothing to do with Chrsitians.
From strictly from the perspective of the Torah this is in a literal sense true, and the claims of Christianity and Islam are terribly weak if based only on the Torah. I take a more universal perspective as to what figuratively would be the Chosen people or 'Israel' as the diverse spiritual evolution of humanity and the nature of our physical existence over billions of years, and many Creations of God's image in the universe.

This universal perspective is rejected by virtually all ancient religions. The claims of the True Covenant neglects the fact that if God Created all of existence God is not selective of one Chosen people over another.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
The claims of the True Covenant neglects the fact that if God Created all of existence God is not selective of one Chosen people over another.

God selected one planet for humans over other planets. He selected a general body type for humans and another one for other animals. He made me and thee humans rather than grasshoppers. He selects lots of things that don't always appear to equate to universal equality. He seems quite capable of making determinations and selections that don't necessarily assuage the fairness mode (or doctrine) of some of his creatures. Which is to say he doesn't seem to put things up to a vote all that often.

The Psalmist said to trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and lean not to your own understanding such that in all things you acknowledge Him and he will guide your paths. If God chose one ethnicity for a special (chosen) purpose perhaps we should trust Him that it benefits all peoples in a divinely fair manner?

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Well-Known Member
The Psalmist said to trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and lean not to your own understanding such that in all things you acknowledge Him and he will guide your paths.
Lots of song writers, wrote songs. Do you know who wrote Master of Puppets?

If God chose one ethnicity for a special (chosen) purpose perhaps we should trust Him that it benefits all peoples in a divinely fair manner?

Did you ever consider that the writers were a bit off?

The egyptian pharaohs also had the exact same framework, that the god's chose them to rule but then the kush tribes took over that reign and absorbed the same model imposing it upon the people as well. Remember Julius Caesar (romans) also conquered egypt and tried to take on the exact same framework of being CHOSEN to lead by god..... eventually taking on the title as a god.

Moses lived in the house of pharaoh per the torah, per him, per se. So absorbing that model does have merit, when the man that conveyed torah came from the'house of pharaoh'.

But how many considered a different point of view: that the people that keep the commandments, are the best qualified to lead and educate the new generations?

Did you ever consider that the good, the honest and the commandment adhering persons, no matter the tribe, 'CHOSE' by themselves to maintain personal responsibility? Versus or in direct contrast to being 'chosen' as the most practical, fair and best representing what god would support?

Perhaps a vote within the RF people?

Perhaps a whole thread to debate which make sense?

Please keep in mind, that I am non compliant to the accepted frameworks of more than one discipline but this topic is one that each and every person on RF should measure and participate to see a local consensus.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
The egyptian pharaohs also had the exact same framework, that the god's chose them to rule but then the kush tribes took over that reign and absorbed the same model imposing it upon the people as well. Remember Julius Caesar (romans) also conquered egypt and tried to take on the exact same framework of being CHOSEN to lead by god..... eventually taking on the title as a god.

What's that Springsteen song say: Israel is still here, they're all gone.

A lot depends on what a person thinks of the Bible? All or most of it's written by Abraham's natural-born offspring. So if a person considers it God's word, like I do, then God appears to have chosen Abraham's natural-born offspring for an extremely important task.

Jesus was a Jew too.


John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Did you ever consider that the good, the honest and the commandment adhering persons, no matter the tribe, 'CHOSE' by themselves to maintain personal responsibility? Versus or in direct contrast to being 'chosen' as the most practical, fair and best representing what god would support?

Moses, like some of the prophets, didn't want to be chosen for a divine mission. God chose them anyhow.

Perhaps a vote within the RF people?

Perhaps a whole thread to debate which make sense?

Please keep in mind, that I am non compliant to the accepted frameworks of more than one discipline but this topic is one that each and every person on RF should measure and participate to see a local consensus.

Do you think God does things democratically, or sovereignly? I vote the latter.



Well-Known Member
What's that Springsteen song say: Israel is still here, they're all gone.
I have no problem with Israel, but the apartheid WILL END eventually.

What is sick, is trying to equate what israel is doing with jews or judaism.

It is causing unwarranted hatred all over the world for innocent people.

A lot depends on what a person thinks of the Bible?
I like the honest approach, it's man made.
All or most of it's written by Abraham's natural-born offspring.
OK.... no proof, but the belief has been made.

It's almost like the cohen claiming to be levite and not a one, has a blood line chain of birth certificates back to the 6th century BCE.

So if a person considers it God's word, like I do, then God appears to have chosen Abraham's natural-born offspring for an extremely important task.
Thanks for the clarification of your belief. Very clear and concise.

Per moses, per torah, per se ..... by god, Moses was born in egypt and raised in the house of pharaoh.

Do you believe that He learned from the libraries of egypt?

Jesus was a Jew too.

So the story goes but many deny that he was any type of king to Jews.

Do you consider bible to be by god?


Well-Known Member
Moses, like some of the prophets, didn't want to be chosen for a divine mission. God chose them anyhow.
What was so divine? He left egypt and took people to an egyptian held land mass, the levant.

Heck He was forbidden to cross the river and even had to murder 3000 at mt sinai.
Do you think God does things democratically, or sovereignly? I vote the latter.

If that is the case, then why DID he call israel as dross and then make promises that the very people cannot understand.


Premium Member
God selected one planet for humans over other planets. He selected a general body type for humans and another one for other animals. He made me and thee humans rather than grasshoppers. He selects lots of things that don't always appear to equate to universal equality. He seems quite capable of making determinations and selections that don't necessarily assuage the fairness mode (or doctrine) of some of his creatures. Which is to say he doesn't seem to put things up to a vote all that often.

The Psalmist said to trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and lean not to your own understanding such that in all things you acknowledge Him and he will guide your paths. If God chose one ethnicity for a special (chosen) purpose perhaps we should trust Him that it benefits all peoples in a divinely fair manner?

I believe believers like you as in the other diverse conflicting religions cling blindly without question the beliefs handed down to you, Jews believe as their peers without question, Moslims believe as as their peers without question. There is a problem here with your claim from the fallible human perspective.

You apparently accept the literal interpretation of the Bible without question, You reject the science of nature an history life, humans and physical existence for ancient tribal scripture without provenance or known witnesses concerning the Pentateuch compiled and dated after 600 BCE.

Where is the evidence outside or beyond your blind devotion to ancient tribal scripture?

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Israel, but the apartheid WILL END eventually.

I love the scene in the movie Wanted, when Morgan Freeman says to James McAvoy, "Shoot the wings off the fly," to which McAvoy responds, "I don't even know what that means!"

What is sick, is trying to equate what israel is doing with jews or judaism.

It is causing unwarranted hatred all over the world for innocent people.

If what Israel is doing is causing antiSemitism all over the world, then you and I should probably realize that the father of antiSemitism is behind what they're doing, and thus, we, me and you, should not buy into the negative backlash, knowing the architect of antiSemitism is playing us for fools.

I like the honest approach, it's [the Bible is] man made.

In a real, natural sense, Jesus is man-made. So God is, in a natural sense, man-made. Which is a roundabout way of implying the man-made nature of the Bible doesn't take away from the incarnation of God's glory as revealed in, through, it.

It's almost like the cohen claiming to be levite and not a one, has a blood line chain of birth certificates back to the 6th century BCE.

Did Jesus' birth-certificate have "God" in the spot where the father's name generally goes? :)

Per moses, per torah, per se ..... by god, Moses was born in egypt and raised in the house of pharaoh.

Do you believe that He learned from the libraries of egypt?

Yes. The way naturalistic events and spiritual realities interact and mix requires that they be examined with a supernaturally attuned prism or microscope.

Do you consider bible to be by god?

Yes. I believe its literally true, every word, in the signature text. I believe in verbal plenary inspiration; which means God is able to convey his word perfectly even though using human authors and their human idiosyncrasies.


John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
I believe believers like you as in the other diverse conflicting religions cling blindly without question the beliefs handed down to you,

. . . Versus what?

There is a problem here with your claim from the fallible human perspective.

I like the scene in the movie, A Few Good Men, when Col. Jessup says: "Is there any other kind?"

You apparently accept the literal interpretation of the Bible without question, You reject the science of nature an history life, humans and physical existence for ancient tribal scripture without provenance or known witnesses concerning the Pentateuch compiled and dated after 600 BCE. . . Where is the evidence outside or beyond your blind devotion to ancient tribal scripture?

Knowing one is the possessor of a fallible human perspective could be read to mean that they shouldn't necessarily question traditions and faith-perceptions that their fathers and mothers and mentors claim come from some source other than human perception.

If we reject sacred-traditions we surely do so from the misinformed belief that we possess something other than a fallible human perspective from which to judge things that come from beyond the ken of our personal, fallible, perspective.

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
If that is the case, then why DID he call israel as dross and then make promises that the very people cannot understand.

Perhaps to juxtapose, in Buber's terminology, Two Types of Faith. One kind of faith could be said to be blind but therein inspiringly powerful. The other is based on seeing the face of God but requires picking up one's cross and being invisible to those with blind faith.



Well-Known Member
I love the scene in the movie Wanted, when Morgan Freeman says to James McAvoy, "Shoot the wings off the fly," to which McAvoy responds, "I don't even know what that means!"

Israel's apartheid against Palestinians - Amnesty International​

https://www.amnesty.org › ... › Campaigns › 2022 › 02

Feb 1, 2022 — There is no place for apartheid in our world. It is a crime against humanity, and it has to end.

Apparently you're not up to date on global affairs.

If what Israel is doing is causing antiSemitism all over the world, then you and I should probably realize that the father of antiSemitism is behind what they're doing,
Are you suggesting that because israel is imposing atrocities and then using the Jewish label, that they created 'anti semitism'?

I disagree. But israel using the jewish label has done more damage to Jews and judaism than anything since ww2.

It's so sad.
and thus, we, me and you, should not buy into the negative backlash, knowing the architect of antiSemitism is playing us for fools.
Architect of antisemitism did that come from " verbal plenary inspiration"

Because i have no idea of an architect (single identity) of such hatred. But likewise, how could anyone hate human beings that keep the commandments as a matter of culture?
In a real, natural sense, Jesus is man-made. So God is, in a natural sense, man-made. Which is a roundabout way of implying the man-made nature of the Bible doesn't take away from the incarnation of God's glory as revealed in, through, it.
What glory is there to claiming jesus died and then the followers continue sinning?
Did Jesus' birth-certificate have "God" in the spot where the father's name generally goes? :)
That's cute. Hercules didn't have one either. But comparing cohen to jesus, has got to be lower than claiming israel is holy land
Yes. The way naturalistic events and spiritual realities interact and mix requires that they be examined with a supernaturally attuned prism or microscope.
An electron microscope.... they are man made too. It's is kind of spiritual to realize how far knowledge has evolved.
Yes. I believe its literally true, every word, in the signature text. I
Is that the first edition?
believe in verbal plenary inspiration; which means God is able to convey his word perfectly even though using human authors and their human idiosyncrasies.
And what is read and written is with human error.


Premium Member
. . . Versus what?
A more objective search outside the box of blind clinging to one of a number conflicting ancient tribal beliefs, which in many cases rejects contemporary knowledge of science, history and those who believe differetnly
I like the scene in the movie, A Few Good Men, when Col. Jessup says: "Is there any other kind?"
From many different perspectives the egocentric standards of what is a "good" man, there are of course only a few good men.
Knowing one is the possessor of a fallible human perspective could be read to mean that they shouldn't necessarily question traditions and faith-perceptions that their fathers and mothers and mentors claim come from some source other than human perception.
No, it cannot be read to mean . . . because it is claiming you know and the sense of comfort of belonging that leads one to not question tradition and ancient tribal beliefs. In particular when there is abundant evidence to question the beliefs and assumption of ancient tribal beliefs.
If we reject sacred-traditions we surely do so from the misinformed belief that we possess something other than a fallible human perspective from which to judge things that come from beyond the ken of our personal, fallible, perspective.

Well, yes there is great deal else other than just the acknowledgement that we are fallible human perspective The fallible human perspective that we could very well be wrong comes first then we have the ability with potential free will "from which to judge things that come from beyond the scope of our personal, fallible, perspective."

If one lives in comfort of 'knowing' one is not willing to consider alternatives to one's narrow traditional beliefs, which often if not most often leads to the belief there is one 'True' belief for only the chosen "'few good humans.". out of billions. I believe the JW calim less thhan half a million will be chosen out of billions of humans in history.
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Premium Member
Perhaps to juxtapose, in Buber's terminology, Two Types of Faith. One kind of faith could be said to be blind but therein inspiringly powerful. The other is based on seeing the face of God but requires picking up one's cross and being invisible to those with blind faith.

Inspiringly powerful for the "chosen only few humans" that believe in the one "True" belief.Jews believe the Chosen will be Jews, Islam the Chosen will be true Muslims. IF you are a believer in the one true church out of many possible choices, you are one of the "Chosen few good humans."