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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps to juxtapose, in Buber's terminology, Two Types of Faith. One kind of faith could be said to be blind but therein inspiringly powerful. The other is based on seeing the face of God but requires picking up one's cross and being invisible to those with blind faith.

So which do you prefer, torah and keeping the commandments as a matter of choice and responsibility or believing someone died for your sins and that prophecy has been fulfilled?

I prefer keeping the rules as a matter of choice and maintain a clear conscious in happiness that fulfillment, the promise is coming.


Premium Member
God selected one planet for humans over other planets.

God created our universe with billions of possible planets with possible intelligent life similar to humans
He selected a general body type for humans and another one for other animals. He made me and thee humans rather than grasshoppers.
He made grasshoppers too,
He selects lots of things that don't always appear to equate to universal equality. He seems quite capable of making determinations and selections that don't necessarily assuage the fairness mode (or doctrine) of some of his creatures. Which is to say he doesn't seem to put things up to a vote all that often.
Never claimed any fairness doctrine
The Psalmist said to trust in the Lord with all your heart and mind and lean not to your own understanding such that in all things you acknowledge Him and he will guide your paths. If God chose one ethnicity for a special (chosen) purpose perhaps we should trust Him that it benefits all peoples in a divinely fair manner?
I believe the Trust you describe is not necessarily Trust in God, but selective view of an ancient tribal view that God is selective as to who is the "Chosen few good humans" Your view of God is a very small limited view of God.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Inspiringly powerful for the "chosen only few humans" that believe in the one "True" belief.Jews believe the Chosen will be Jews, Islam the Chosen will be true Muslims. IF you are a believer in the one true church out of many possible choices, you are one of the "Chosen few good humans."

Because there are multiple suitors doesn't mean none of them are the genuine one. Because everyone believes they have the Truth doesn't mean no one does.


John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
So which do you prefer, torah and keeping the commandments as a matter of choice and responsibility or believing someone died for your sins and that prophecy has been fulfilled?

My beliefs aren't related to my preferences.

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Premium Member
Because there are multiple suitors doesn't mean none of them are the genuine one. Because everyone believes they have the Truth doesn't mean no one does.
With hundreds of possible choices of conflicting subjective beliefs. What would be the criteria one and only one possible 'Truth'? Gven that by far most people chose the belief of their peers and/or family. In the USA it is common for people to church shop for the shoes that fit, but they rarely wander far from the flock.

The fallible nature of human concerning subjective beliefs makes it more likely they (we) are all wrong.
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Premium Member
I don't think so. It is rational. I may not agree with another's viewpoint or choice. Do you have a choice of belief?
The question here is not my choice of belief, but why and how people chose their belief.

Everyone has reasons for their choice of subjective belief, but it is by far most common on choses a belief like their peers and family. Jews become Jews, Christians become Christians and Moslems become Moslems almost all the time.

I do not consider the subjective personal preference is logical. It so circular it bits you in the butt. I reject my personal preference for belief for the scientific historic and archaeological evidence as a foundation. This type of objective information is based on consistent prediction and subject to change when there is new information.

I am skeptical of all choices when it involves subjective beliefs even my own. Everything is in pencil pending new information.

Actually many who have religious subjective beliefs the do not claim them as their personal preference.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do not consider the preference for subjective personal preference as logical. It so circular it bits you in the butt. I reject my personal preference for belief for the scientific historic and archaeological evidence as a foundation. this type of objective information is subject to change when there is new information.

I am skeptical of all choices when it involves subjective beliefs even my own. Everything is in pencil pending new information.

Actually many who have religious subjective beliefs the do not claim them as their personal preference.
I see. Thank you for seeming to say that you are skeptical even of the beliefs you may ascribe to. Maybe I'm not phrasing it correctly, but that is interesting.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Very revealing of an egocentric view of one's choice of belief.

Sorry. That was a typo. I meant to say my beliefs aren't related to my preferences. I get to choose my preferences. Not so much my beliefs. . . . Then again, on second thought, even my preferences are probably more ingrained than I'd like to think.


John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
With hundreds of possible choices of conflicting subjective beliefs. What would be the criteria one and only one possible 'Truth'? Gven that by far most people chose the belief of their peers and/or family. In the USA it is common for people to church shop for the shoes that fit, but they rarely wander far from the flock.

The fallible nature of human concerning subjective beliefs makes it more likely they (we) are all wrong.

For there to be a singular kind of subjective truth (that's absolutely true) the person receptive to that truth would need to have the ability to intuit that truth without reference to relative references or natural cognitive evaluations. In other words, I would have to know something is true because its true, not determine it's true after subjecting it to relative, fallible, evaluations.

Every person over a given intellectual threshold possesses, at least initially, the ability to intuit truth as truth. But early on we all choose between truth for truth's sake, versus our natural, biological, means of determining relative facts. It takes arrogance only the size of a mustard seed to trade the given ability to perceive truth for our biological means of determining facts.

My spiritual mentor Col. R.B.Thieme Jr., stated that whenever a person trades their ability to perceive truth for the mess of pottage that is the biological brain's ability to evaluate facts, they create a wound on the soul that eventually becomes, in the Col.'s nomenclature, "scar-tissue of the soul." Once enough scar-tissue builds up on the soul (and for most persons we're probably speaking of pre-adolescence) the ability to perceive truth, for truth's sake, is completely eliminated creating a spiritual state Thieme calls, "blackout of the soul."

Once a person has blacked out their soul by creating scar-tissue over the truth module of the soul, the ability to receive the Gospel truth has been utterly eliminated. They then become cosmic-evangelists spouting nothing but fallible fallacies and sheer fantasy. They see truth, and those who speak of it, as lies and liars since, for what it's worth, they're speaking what is now true for them in their sad state of blackout of the soul.



Well-Known Member
Religion is like alcohol: Great in moderation but down right dangerous when abused.
It depends on what Religion you practice. Some Religions are Non-Violent and others put a Premium on Violence. The World is Ruled by Violence or the Threat of Violence.

I've not observed that identification before. It appears to almost be an oxymoron.
Appearances are often deceiving. Heathen Atheism is Really the Rejection of Spirituality. Heathen Atheism is Natural Religion.

i disagree, as many still have no idea what religion is.
It appears including yourself having no idea what Religion Really Is. Your Religion is the most important aspect of any persons life whether they realise this or not. Your Religion Is What Keeps You Alive.

People get out of bed because of being alive. Religion is not the cause.
Yes, your Religion is what keeps you Alive. Natural Religion is what keeps almost every person on the planet alive.

Another scope that I have not witnessed before.
Left-Hand Path Religion is Natural Religion. Almost all Religions are Left-Hand Path Religions that Elohim/God Created for his Earthly Kingdom. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Budhism and Heathen Atheism are the same Left-Hand Path Religions. Within the Theology Religions there are a few practising Right-Hand Path Religion.

Agreed and why i am against the format. Racism is wrong and disgusting.

Again, you represent very radical information. But with your direct approach, it is not offensive. Thank you.
1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

True Christianity is often offensive. The World is Evil having inherited the Evil Nature from Adam. The World is Left-Hand Path Religion. People of the World are Evil Children of the Devil/Satan.

Interesting. Israel is not my favorite location, as i have too many decades of life, watching too many atrocities. Judaism on the other hand is one of my favorite frameworks of religious foundation. I have learned to divide to 2.
Israel is the People. The People Israel are Created and Sustained by the Rules/ of the Elohim/God of the Israel. There is also the Country Israel.


Well-Known Member
No, Jesus isn't racist - you're the racist! Who cares what the world is, Christians aren't supposed to follow the world. Christians are supposed to be people of the spirit, not flesh.
It could be that you, @Saint Frankenstein, are the Racist. Some the of the Greatest Racists cry all the time about others being Racist. For example, Jews cry about Racism all the time while being among the Greatest Practitioners of Racism. The Nazi-KKK Christians are seeing a Racist Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ and they have Dominion over the World.

You have stated that you are Christian in the Ascetics thread: Are There Any Religious Ascetics On These Forums?
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Well-Known Member
Racism is not limited to white people. Racists come in every color and ethnicity.
1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

That's true. Racism is the Nature of the World based on Appearances. Certainly Racism is Not limited to White People, although White People are the Dominant Racists of the World. White, Black, Brown, Yellow and Mixed-Race people of the World are All Racists under the White World Racist System. This is Ordained by Elohim/God.