With hundreds of possible choices of conflicting subjective beliefs. What would be the criteria one and only one possible 'Truth'? Gven that by far most people chose the belief of their peers and/or family. In the USA it is common for people to church shop for the shoes that fit, but they rarely wander far from the flock.
The fallible nature of human concerning subjective beliefs makes it more likely they (we) are all wrong.
For there to be a singular kind of subjective truth (that's absolutely true) the person receptive to that truth would need to have the ability to intuit that truth without reference to relative references or natural cognitive evaluations. In other words, I would have to know something is true because its true, not determine it's true after subjecting it to relative, fallible, evaluations.
Every person over a given intellectual threshold possesses, at least initially, the ability to intuit truth as truth. But early on we all choose between truth for truth's sake, versus our natural, biological, means of determining relative facts. It takes arrogance only the size of a mustard seed to trade the given ability to perceive truth for our biological means of determining facts.
My spiritual mentor Col. R.B.Thieme Jr., stated that whenever a person trades their ability to perceive truth for the mess of pottage that is the biological brain's ability to evaluate facts, they create a wound on the soul that eventually becomes, in the Col.'s nomenclature, "scar-tissue of the soul." Once enough scar-tissue builds up on the soul (and for most persons we're probably speaking of pre-adolescence) the ability to perceive truth, for truth's sake, is completely eliminated creating a spiritual state Thieme calls, "blackout of the soul."
Once a person has blacked out their soul by creating scar-tissue over the truth module of the soul, the ability to receive the Gospel truth has been utterly eliminated. They then become cosmic-evangelists spouting nothing but fallible fallacies and sheer fantasy. They see truth, and those who speak of it, as lies and liars since, for what it's worth, they're speaking what is now true for them in their sad state of blackout of the soul.