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Who Was Baha’u’llah, and How Can We Evaluate His Claims?


Well-Known Member
You first said you agree with it, then when that position clashed with something else, you changed it to not agreeing.
I gave you the quote and the post number. This is beyond ridiculous now.

But earlier you said that it does not require another messenger to change Bahaullah's message. You also said that ordinary Bahais cannot change Bahaullah's message.

You may not bother to keep track of the various positions you have taken, but some of us do...

View attachment 64042

You said...
"I am happy to ignore or reject what society deems to be moral if it conflicts with what Baha'u'llah said"
You don't even realise you are doing it, do you?

And on what basis do you consider them to be "immoral"?
Well, according to your own words...
"if it conflicts with what Baha'u'llah said"

I made a claim. That claim is my I=opinion.
You have literally no idea what you are on about.
It is par for the course, KWED
But Tb finds your post to be optimistic, as I do, because you make sense.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
No need to be sorry, Tony. I am used to misunderstanding of the Christian concept of the Triune God.

God is only knowable and accessible because He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three-in-One
NOT 1 + 1+ 1= 3
BUT 1 x 1 x 1= 1

Yes indeed. Father and Son are visible stations of the Holy Spirit

All the Messengers = Holy Spirit = All we will know of God.

Remember all Names will become One

Zechariah 14:9 "And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one."


Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Muhammad, Bab, Baha'u'llah all are the names of and Father, Son, etc are stations of, that all = Holy Spirit, which = All we can know of the Most Great Spirit, God.

To us, the 'Self of God' are the Messengers who are the Essence of the Attributes of God, or the embodiment of the Holy Spirit that is reflected from them.

God always remains unknown in Essence.

There are many ways to explain this.

Regards Tony


Non-debating member when I can help myself
So you disagree with Bahaullah and Shoghi Effendi on the issue.
It's always good to see people breaking the oppressive shackles of their religious dogma.
I am definitely not disagreeing.
So you can't provide any rational argument or evidence to support the claim that A) there is a god and B) Bahaullah was his messenger. You admit that it is purely a matter of belief. So Bahaism is no different to any other religion on the planet, and your claims carry no more weight than theirs.
You would have to investigate. Rational proofs for the existence of God convince very few people. Baha'u'llah said this about this in a prayer:

O people, if ye deny these verses, by what proof have ye believed in God? Produce it, O assemblage of false ones.

Nay, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, they are not, and never shall be able to do this, even should they combine to assist one another.
(Compilations, Baha'i Prayers, p. 209)

The verses of God are one of the proofs of a Manifestation of God, and once the Manifestation of God is proven to yourself, the existence of God is proven to yourself.

rational experiences

Veteran Member

Men theory back over past events relating to new technology. Science theories strings by a human man's mind only.

Science is by man's wants motivation only theoried by his mind not owning mass.

Father said O earth is cosmic law. No cosmic law for the gas as it came from inside of the planet. So theorising about it is fake. The exact warning.

As the string of man's cosmic science themes was mans brain changed by falling star first.

Humans are spiritual direct from eternal to human and we were meek innocent mutual loving kind caring healers as theists. Innate condition.

All of us.

So our brother lost correct brain use and he then became satanic visionary.

Proven to me. Star fall brain burnt by heavens mass not star body. He would instantly have burnt to death otherwise.

As cities of God earth temples buildings are etched in earths stone. Rock face. All over earth. I see it in movies in backdrop of stone. I've even seen other images of the Sphinx etching too.

As my brain was scorched. Brain prickling. I learnt. I now see what my brother had.

Some structures are like sealed temples. It's just rock.

So brother designed machines position was out of God earth pressures. Images in rock first. Reason. It had destroyed first life on earth is our exact memory.

Why he built civilisation first as designer then theoried technology. Copying gods mountains. Design of themed already existed. In gods mass body.

We didn't know evil. We didn't know how to convince his changed brain not to hurt us. Richs man history. Rich man changed his rich man mind when he got brain burnt. Why rich man owned particular chosen reminder behaviours.

Celibacy one notification.

Used to whip himself to own pain as a reminder of what rich man caused. As it's true.

Brother rich pays brother satanic science brother to remember by Satan cloud to ferry life across the burn. Fake. All in his own brother to brother thoughts.

As dusts were once pressured earth mass first the sun changed. He faced based pressure on stone himself...pyramid. Capstone. Said now his God had travelled back in time.

Why he was doing nuclear converting underground and pumped water to a cooled casement. Yet it blew off from inside out. Blasting off the casement.

As the sun owned why dusts existed first place. Not pressure.

As no man is God. Told exactly why.

Claimed he was applying thesis as earths origin body mass before a nuclear ground converting. What human scientists claim is highest wisdom.. the before place.

As he placed his science machine back in time lying.

So as mass is as lots of little atoms are destroyed by him.... nuclear atomic orbitals images are then seen in clouds. As giant cooled mass.

How the modern collider was designed from mind notified power plant or old star burn images as cloud images giant cooled are seen as the ones today. His claim my machine came from the clouds owns cloud mass is said directly by natural psychic innate first.

Then he thinks he theories it. It was told to him just as teachings quote from evil Satan cloud angel. About God earth changed history.

So what new machine in clouds would emerge in its place...as his cooled metal not existing design machine first a cloud now a metal ....it would blow up.

Design including power plant. Overheating power plant. Overheating new machine too.

The warning is real.

As power plant is an exact updated temple pyramid model...from cloud images also.

As he is mind visionary possessed in science only by man thought... the warnings.

So if you said I want Jesus when Jesus was life cell attacked first. As a human.

Russia hit. Finished but he wanted it returned...so it would be somewhere else. As cooling changed earth life and DNA.

Science is motivated to study DNA by machine says yes environment changed DNA body.

Same as Baha'i shroud attacks. Events I want returned. As it's by predicted data mass and reaction.

Same as the four day earthquake...but it would be different. To say signals in heavens as and by Jesus terms.

Looking back.

Why Moses event Rome had looked back. Gave back earth a burning asteroid is the exact advice. As earth by Moses inherited a wandering passing by asteroid last he said.

As no one believes a human can be that arrogant again.

Why legal say no thesis allowed and don't look back.

I learnt as I was taught by life's attack.

Nearly died as a new born baby. Mother's spirit saved me and taught me her exact spirituality in her memory.

Very innocent beyond explanation but I came to know her.

She wanted our life saved. She motivated me to learn as much as I could with father's spirit visiting every now and then. By man of science causes time of nuclear testing.

As it's real. Our life is spiritual. Our brother wanted to go home. He was proven wrong machines are evil.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
There is a huge difference in debate an what happens in this thread. You as an example does not accept Baha'is answer, because instead of saying, Thank you for your answer, I may not agree with you, but can you explain further.

You "attack" them in an unpleasant way. Telling them how bad they are for holding a belief you disagree with. Then telling them because the founder of Baha'i faith said something every Baha'i must be evil due to believing in a teaching ypu see as wrong or bad.

That IS harrasment.
Why do you have "freedom of expression" as your religion. I don't think you really live that. In fact, you are kind of attacking me. So, why don't you stop harassing me about me "harassing" them, and why don't you study up on the claims and beliefs of the Baha'i Faith and see if it makes sense to you? Go find Baha'is in your city. Go to their meetings and get to know them and study about the Baha'i Faith with them. If you agree with everything they say, then great. But if you don't, then why not? Because their claim is that everything Baha'u'llah said is the exact and infallible truth from God for this age and for the next 1000 years. And the number one thing he claimed... Is he the return of Christ?

Research it out and see if you think that is true or not. Then come back to this thread and tell me why you believe it. Or, if you find things about that claim that you don't believe are true, then what are you going to do? Because if his claim to be the return of Christ is not true, that makes him a false prophet. I think that is worth determining.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Why do you have "freedom of expression" as your religion. I don't think you really live that. In fact, you are kind of attacking me. So, why don't you stop harassing me about me "harassing" them, and why don't you study up on the claims and beliefs of the Baha'i Faith and see if it makes sense to you? Go find Baha'is in your city. Go to their meetings and get to know them and study about the Baha'i Faith with them. If you agree with everything they say, then great. But if you don't, then why not? Because their claim is that everything Baha'u'llah said is the exact and infallible truth from God for this age and for the next 1000 years. And the number one thing he claimed... Is he the return of Christ?

Research it out and see if you think that is true or not. Then come back to this thread and tell me why you believe it. Or, if you find things about that claim that you don't believe are true, then what are you going to do? Because if his claim to be the return of Christ is not true, that makes him a false prophet. I think that is worth determining.
I have "freedom of expression" because i do no longer hold on to a religiius label that say , Muslim, Sufi, Christian, Baha'i and so on.

I do not have to agree 100% with Baha'i'ullah and his teaching because i am not a Baha'i,
In every religious scripture there will be parts One does not agree fully with, or fully understand, but that is not a wrong thing. It means there are more to learn, more to understand within that teaching.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I like how Abdul'baha explains it, as it leaves it open to mysterious possibilities, and life is great with those mysteries.

Regards Tony
The problem... Why God, as if God really inspired the Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran, would have contradictory stories in them? The Bible... paraphrasing... A young woman, or "virgin", will give birth to a son and when he gets older the two kings that are threatening Judah will be dead. Then the NT... The virgin will have a son and she did... 700 years later. So, Isaiah's prophecy wasn't about the two kings? But only about the "virgin" birth? And then what a story... there was a star that moved, and angels appearing to shepherds. One story has the family going to Egypt. The other going to Jerusalem, then back to Nazareth. The Quran... has Mary giving birth to Jesus under a palm tree.

These things are called "Scriptures"... as if they are God's word and can be trusted to be true. But they weren't. None of the religions had the true story?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
No man is God is exact without argument.

It was legal CH gas that arose was only a human man's theist position. Thinking quoting ideas.

O body is God rock earth mass

O body god ∆ given an erection mountain viewed as volcano gases spirit that ejected arose out of it. Heavens earth beginning to the immaculate. CH gases were fake.

Earth God in womb space was exact.

Immaculate only was gods.

CH they said came out of the earth's body. No man is God.

As methane is a CH gas that sacrificed your bio life mind body taught only by experienced humans.

So how is a man O God the planet a mountain of a volcanic mass or changed ground masses to get a CH gas again returned?

CH a humans designed thought about a mans single evaluation only.

Christ hadn't returned as you didn't get a sink hole cave tomb spirits gas emptied leaving hole. Sink holes. Nor a four day vacuum voiding earth pressure void vacuum change. Did he!!? As Bahu Allah. Not Jesus.

+ Cross science addition of temple maths conversion of mass added removed place. Cross evaluation itself exact terms only. Of scientists. Sciences practice plus attack of life.

A man using a named title teaching only is exact where it happened to his one of man's life.

Yet the reactive change to earths mass and heavens and any body changed. Isn't science. It's a medical review only.

Christ is the anti teaching.

You tried to impose Christ was holy anti unholy. Christ stopped cooled holy. Saviour term body of ice no man is God.

As we don't own ice the saviour.

Yet if you want to stop a lying satanic human theist scientist you preach man's life owned the saviour not his alien evil metal machine.
.....if you used correct spirit advice.

The teaching is anti Christ of earths holy day body and immaculate body.

Sacrificed artificially by satanic men.

As volcanoes today don't instantly release the immaculate.

As only empty space formed the immaculate was the teaching

I always wondered why a man would claim they owned CH gases unless you were confessing in science terms as cause of.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In America the patriot father innocent and spiritual is totally ignored. He is the native American father.

Not any immigrant from any other's nations.

He is innocent of all fake governings trade and science and technologies.

You aren't. You're his alien takeover yourselves.

In your minds you naturally get told that direct natural advice.

As any national tribal father has.

As his own nation got irradiated many times. So it led to new family tribal lands rights as personal DNA changed. Causing new ways of thinking. By baby life inherited sin.

In country status. Personal.


Veteran Member
I do not have to agree 100% with Baha'i'ullah and his teaching because i am not a Baha'i,
In every religious scripture there will be parts One does not agree fully with, or fully understand
That's right, even for some of us Baha'is. I do not agree with or fully understand everything Baha'u'llah wrote, so I keep trying to understand. Life is a journey that never ends..

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I have "freedom of expression" because i do no longer hold on to a religiius label that say , Musline, Sufi, Christian, Baha'i and so on.

I do not have to agree 100% with Baha'i'ullah and his teaching because i am not a Baha'i,
In every religious scripture there will be parts One does not agree fully with, or fully understand, but that is not a wrong thing. It means there are more to learn, more to understand within that teaching.
The claim is that he has brought the infallible truth from God. He can't be wrong. So, if some of us find things that we believe are wrong, what do you want us to do? Be nicer? Respect their answers that sometimes don't answer anything? To me, the world doesn't look like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha or any of the other people that were prophesied to return and fix things has come. There are prophecies about what is supposed to happen before and after they return. What I see around us doesn't reflect what those prophecies predicted. So, what do we do? Ignore them? Sure, except one of the claims of the Baha'i Faith is that Baha'u'llah has fulfilled all the prophecies of all the major religions. So, I didn't ignore them. I read several of them. And I don't believe they have been fulfilled. And, what's worse, I see verses taken out of context that are make into prophecies.

It's great that you're on a spiritual path that is beyond all of this "stuff" that "organized" types of religions get into. But stay spiritual. I'm really not their enemy. It's like if a friend gets into a cult and we want to get them to see "the Truth". But you know the problem. It is our "truth". Maybe not so spiritual. Maybe too worldly. And our friend believes he has found a higher, more real truth. The clash between us and the Baha'is is like that. They see us a blind to this higher spiritual truth they have found. But we see them going off into some beliefs that we feel are make-believe and superstitious. We each think we're right. They want to guide us to the light. And we want to show them how their beliefs aren't real. They have put their trust in something that can't be proven true. And because there are false religions and false religious out there, how do they know, without real proof, that what they believe is true?

We all know what it's like to get "witnessed" to by Evangelistic Christians. They know they are right. They know the Bible is the inerrant word of God. But really? God made the universe a few thousand years ago? Then flooded the world not long after that? Then sent Jesus to save us. And he rose again and floated off into the clouds? Just way too much to believe it all is literally true. But to some of us, the claims of the Baha'i Faith are just as hard to believe. We can't sit back and let them get off without hard and deep questions. Sorry, but to some of us here, their answers are vague and too weak to be taken as true.

I'm not all that spiritual to be a "nice" guy, that shows love and respect to others all the time. So, I'm sorry you feel you had to step in and try and put me and some of the others here in our place. But, in our own way, we too are only seeking the truth.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Like Jesus teachings Bahu Allah said in future human minds consciousness will change again. My teachings will change...knew.

New the same old advice spirituality will emerge taught about why we're against science of man's causes.

Just as said you'd then have to re evaluate your man's support of science. Star fall.

Exactly told.

He knew you were re developing scientific thoughts. Told you so and it was why they murdered him.

Said he wasn't truly teaching the end no more falls. When war was fought to stop the rebuilding of pyramid temple science. Muslim sought.

Then Hitler sought it.

Today you didn't stop it as it's a nuclear updated model of temple pyramid...now the collider to finish us off.

Claiming a metal body is equal to a bio body...can I make it bleed again in Satanism theories. Has been asked questioned and even theoried by men. It's heard voice recorded in actual psyche heard AI mans statements.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
The claim is that he has brought the infallible truth from God. He can't be wrong. So, if some of us find things that we believe are wrong, what do you want us to do? Be nicer? Respect their answers that sometimes don't answer anything? To me, the world doesn't look like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha or any of the other people that were prophesied to return and fix things has come. There are prophecies about what is supposed to happen before and after they return. What I see around us doesn't reflect what those prophecies predicted. So, what do we do? Ignore them? Sure, except one of the claims of the Baha'i Faith is that Baha'u'llah has fulfilled all the prophecies of all the major religions. So, I didn't ignore them. I read several of them. And I don't believe they have been fulfilled. And, what's worse, I see verses taken out of context that are make into prophecies.

It's great that you're on a spiritual path that is beyond all of this "stuff" that "organized" types of religions get into. But stay spiritual. I'm really not their enemy. It's like if a friend gets into a cult and we want to get them to see "the Truth". But you know the problem. It is our "truth". Maybe not so spiritual. Maybe too worldly. And our friend believes he has found a higher, more real truth. The clash between us and the Baha'is is like that. They see us a blind to this higher spiritual truth they have found. But we see them going off into some beliefs that we feel are make-believe and superstitious. We each think we're right. They want to guide us to the light. And we want to show them how their beliefs aren't real. They have put their trust in something that can't be proven true. And because there are false religions and false religious out there, how do they know, without real proof, that what they believe is true?

We all know what it's like to get "witnessed" to by Evangelistic Christians. They know they are right. They know the Bible is the inerrant word of God. But really? God made the universe a few thousand years ago? Then flooded the world not long after that? Then sent Jesus to save us. And he rose again and floated off into the clouds? Just way too much to believe it all is literally true. But to some of us, the claims of the Baha'i Faith are just as hard to believe. We can't sit back and let them get off without hard and deep questions. Sorry, but to some of us here, their answers are vague and too weak to be taken as true.

I'm not all that spiritual to be a "nice" guy, that shows love and respect to others all the time. So, I'm sorry you feel you had to step in and try and put me and some of the others here in our place. But, in our own way, we too are only seeking the truth.
The reason I stepped in, and started to "fight" you and a few others in RF has to do with, even you do not attack mr personally, I do feel their pain physically when they are attacked for what they believe in.

If you can believe whst you do without people agreeing with you , so can they can too