Veteran Member
No, I do not understand what Hinduism is, and there is no one belief because it is very different to different people. The older the religion, the more divergent it is from the original religion. Hinduism is very old.There is no God, no ambassadors from God, no revelations. These are all beliefs of people. Society ascribed what it wanted from people to various Gods/Goddesses. Society wanted that people should speak truth between themselves, that became a rule from God. Society wanted that no person should covet what another had, that too became the rule and society ascribed it to God. What revelation is, is morals and ethical code of a particular society. That is why historicity of God/Goddesses is not important for us. What Krishna is supposed to have said in Gita is near about the ideal for Hindu society. These ambassadors just crop up and try to take all the credit for themselves.
You do not demand evidence from other religions because you have no evidence to show for your own religion except belief/faith. A seal, anybody could use the seal. Who knows if Abdul Baha used the seal in that way. Any opposition and he would stamp a paper. That is the way Mohammad came up with new Surahs as and when required. When he wanted to marry the wife of his step-son or when a month away from his wives became too much for him. Aisha mentioned that his God was very partial to him. In Buddha's time (around 500 BCE), India did not have writing.
All I can say is what I believe. The followers of the older religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have gotten away from the original teachings of the Prophets who revealed those religions. That is why they are religions of man, not religions of God.
I do have evidence for the Baha’i Faith and that is the only reason I believe in it. I do not even like religion and I am not all too fond of God either. I tried to NOT be a Baha’i for decades, but in the end I could not run away from what to me is so obviously the Truth from God.
The evidence that Baha’u’llah was who He claimed to be is His character; the history of His life; what He did during His mission on earth; the scriptures that He wrote; what others have written about Him; the Bible prophecies that He fulfilled and the prophecies of other religions that He fulfilled; the predictions He made that have come to pass; the religion that was established as the result of His Revelation, what His followers all over the world have done and are doing now.
All this constitutes evidence that is verifiable.