Our beliefs give us permission to feel "power". When you threaten our beliefs you cause us to feel "vulnerable". And the feeling of "vulneability" causes a fight or flight reation. Psycoslice
, you have presented an OP that gives others permission to threaten your beliefs and thus you open yourself up to being caused to feel "vulnerable". Psycoslice, everything in your OP is a belief that is based on your personality programming and these beliefs give you permission to feel power (to feel safe). And what you say in your OP also applys to you personally
. And what is fun is that you have placed your topic in General "Debate" so that we can we can "Debate" your OP which is about your beliefs and their validity
I love your topic "Psycoslice"
. I love your screen name "Psychoslice"
. And last but not least, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones
. What do I believe? I believe that this topic is fun!
"This whole world has been in conflict for thousands of years, all because of our wanting to be right, when in fact we are all wrong." What you have posted as a statement of fact Psycoslice is not valid. All conflict is based on a fight for "resources", most of which are limited for one reason or another. This is with one exception
, there are some individuals that are just plain mean and they get their "jollies" by hurting others. Behind all belief systems relative personality programming is the battle for resources whether folks realize that or not. From there the just plain mean twist things (belief systems) into conflict.