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Why are religious people more disgustingly stupid, barbaric, and evil?


Learner of Truth
You have such a closed mind, lack of education and thread-bare virtues, blatant dishonesty, and poor writing habits that Im afraid responding to you will continue to only be slightly discomforting entertainment for some time to come. And nothing more, really.

Heathen Hammer,

Take it easy, man.
Not everyone who goes against your opinion has a closed mind.
So please discuss peacefully.
Make your point stronger instead of insulting your opponent.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I will not however refrain from 'religion bashing' ...
... nor painting with a broad and bigoted brush.

You wallow in ad hominem attack ignorantly stigmatizing theism as whole based on the attitudes of its more backward elements. I would suspect that the overwhelming majority of theists acknowledge that a person can evolve a robust moral compass without recourse to religion. From personal experience, I would be greatly surprised to find someone within the ranks of Conservative, Reform, or Reconstructionist Judaism claim that atheists are necessarily immoral.

Your petty need to rail against religion has had a cancerous effect on your ability to reason. Bigotry does that to a person.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Again, Jay, you seem to reach reflexively for the insults - "petty bigots", "juvenile religion bashers". Is it your view that anyone who offers any negative view whatsoever of religion must be in one of those categories?
Absolutely not. It is my view that anyone who stupidly and maliciously slanders all theists based on generalizing the attitudes of some theists is embracing the same methodology employed by the racist and the xenophobe, and is doing so with the same deformed zealotry as that displayed by the worst elements of religion. And it is precisely this adolescent sewage that I sought to parody (and ridicule) in the OP title.
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Left Hand Path
Surely it must come to a point where all slander must be reflected upon in a way that purifies the image of "lashing back".

Whether or not the person is religious it is natural for man to judge and impose. The weaker chains tend to follow the strong link, now whether or not they can be compared as "religious or not" is irrelevant because the natural spectrum of things dictates man's intuition to put certain "Gods" and "non-gods" into positions power.


Hitler was baptized as an infant as a catholic does that make him a practicing catholic?

Hitler went on to baptize German babies in the name of hitler

Me Myself

Back to my username
Well, he was also black haired.

This obviously means people with black hair have been the most evil of the last 100 years.




Premium Member
Criticizing someone's faith or religion is not the same as "bashing" it. I can handle criticism, even if I don't agree with it. Criticism is used to convey a message of disapproval. Bashing is nothing more than being cruel.


Premium Member
Hitler was a Catholic, but he wasn't an example for all Catholics or even one other Catholic. That is the point we are trying to make.


Do you 'know' or believe?
... nor painting with a broad and bigoted brush.

You wallow in ad hominem attack ignorantly stigmatizing theism as whole based on the attitudes of its more backward elements. I would suspect that the overwhelming majority of theists acknowledge that a person can evolve a robust moral compass without recourse to religion. From personal experience, I would be greatly surprised to find someone within the ranks of Conservative, Reform, or Reconstructionist Judaism claim that atheists are necessarily immoral.

Your petty need to rail against religion has had a cancerous effect on your ability to reason. Bigotry does that to a person.
You seem to have absolutely no understanding of my own theological position so your arguments are simply not applicable to me in the main part, so let me give you an overview of my theological position before you continue your tirade against your perception of a me that does not exist in the first place.

-I believe in a 'god' - I believe that if there is such a thing as a beginning of time (which I do not believe science has proven) then there must be a 'god' provided that our understanding of the preservation of matter and energy are correct; this god is merely an abstract concept that refers to the event 'the beginning of time' and the contravention of natural laws pertaining to preservation of matter and energy, as such contraventions transcend all natural laws.
-I do not believe attributing ANY further characteristics to 'god' without proof. I do not believe such proof is possible since most theological positions (and attributes that might be attributed) are unfalsible and all are unverifiable (because there exists the possibility I might be delusional and because there exists the possibility that my understanding of the natural laws is flawed).

What's that? I am a theist? I know that - I am a weakly theistic and VERY strongly Agnostic; however I use the ignostic approach to theological positions and my general position is between weakly atheistic agnosticism and atheistic agnosticism (depending on the degree to which the theological position claims to know the characteristics of 'god').

Perhaps you should have inquired a little before you concluded that I must be an atheist or even an anti-theist merely because I was critical of a theistic argument (not even the position, merely the argument!), this seems driven by your petty need to rail against those who are not completely credulous but instead examine things critically, it has had a cancerous effect on your ability to reason. Bigotry does that to a person... Do you notice how such a judgement is uncalled for? That is because it is a cynical belief that one knows the motivations of others and a prejudgement that their positions are fallacious; I would suggest we both refrain from such unpleasant and unfounded lines of reasoning.

Now onto the points that were substantive:

I was using the phrase in a very specific instance if you bothered to read the entire post rather than jump your guns - I was told I only knew how to be moral because of Christian influences on society and I proceeded to refute that with relevant points - a refutation I acknowledge those overly sensitive might call bashing (hence the quotation marks) around the phrase.

I am not saying that theists (yes including those belonging to some of the more traditional Abrahmic traditions such as the Coptics) are immoral - I know and love many theists and have done community work with some in the past to help the less fortunate; many are both moral and intelligent people. I am however asserting most strongly that many religious traditions incorporate gross immorality (by this I do not mean solely gross immorality, merely that there is some in there) by the supposed exemplars or role models within their sacred texts. I used the Abrahamic god (only because it is the one that I am most familiar with and because it was the example used by the other member as being the supposed origins of my morality) which, within the Torah or Old Testament in particular, is repeatedly shown to engage in incredible immorality.
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.45 Cal
Hitler was a Catholic, but he wasn't an example for all Catholics or even one other Catholic. That is the point we are trying to make.

Is there a difference between Catholic and Chistian? I say no. In my book, Hitler is a false brother, much like many of the politicians today who try to win votes by claiming Jesus is a part of their life

Me Myself

Back to my username
Is there a difference between Catholic and Chistian? I say no. In my book, Hitler is a false brother, much like many of the politicians today who try to win votes by claiming Jesus is a part of their life

But you can't know that.

I am sure he believed in it.

And the Catholic Church, certainly didnt oppose him

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Heathen Hammer,

Take it easy, man.
Not everyone who goes against your opinion has a closed mind.
So please discuss peacefully.
Make your point stronger instead of insulting your opponent.
I appreciate the call for peace.
Unfortunately this opponent and I have a short history. :D Not everyone who does, has a closed mind; this guy does. And he's a bit of an exposed porkie-er as well.

Sometimes, peace isn't the answer. :D
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
You seem to have absolutely no understanding of my own theological position ...
I will not however refrain from 'religion bashing' when I am told the only reason I know right from wrong is because of religion (specifically because of mainly Christian influences on western societies) - when the religion that they say is the reason for my moral basis contains innumerable examples of incomprehensibly disgusting and vast in scale immorality by an entity supposed to be perfect.
Thanks for sharing.


Tell me, 1Robin, would you like to create a VS. thread where we can argue head to head? There's a forum specifically for that, and our droll exchanges are likely to become clutter very quickly.

We can argue about Paul simply being a dishonest cult stealer there.
Well ordinarily I would be interested, I have a strange fascination with seeing just how crystal clear a point can be and still be dismissed by a bible critic. This may change, but as of right now I have a problem with the aircraft test set I work on and will be devoting serious time to troubleshooting. Besides you have been sarcastic since the first post I have had with you but you have went from someone who made claims I didn't agree with but were reasonable to lately making ones so ineffective and illogical it has lost it's challenge. It is like telling someone 2 + 2 = 4 and they so no it isn't 2 + 2 = arctan^2 * hypcos^-1 and that means saint Paul was a hermit crab who was visited by aliens on the road to the Demascus red lobster. I will however reply to your last round of illogical claims if you want. Right now that's all the time I can spare.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Thanks for sharing.
Are you attempting to use the fact that I used the phrase "I will not however refrain from 'religion bashing' [snipped to make it look as bad for my own position as possible]" to refute my argument that you did not sufficiently know my theological position? If so your evidence is rather insubstantial... you might for example look at the previous posts I have done (even simply in this thread) for examples of how I have actually defended religion numerous times where the circumstances warranted it. My only comment that might have been considered truly critical was a satirical response to the member 'Me Myself':
Please don't cannibalise people... a possible god possibly cares about what you do and will possibly do something about it... but probably not in this life.
And that is not religion bashing - it is a satirical reference to the assertion that was earlier made to Me Myself about the origin or basis of his knowledge of morality. If you are unable to discern the difference between the two, that is a failing on your part - not on mine.