I am a virgin (edit: at age 25), but mainly for lack of trying. I was you're typical "nice guy", very anxious and inhibited, someone who spent too much time with his head in a book to get through school and to live up to his often demanding parents expectation. they're both teachers, so I was either learning stuff at school or at home and I didn't have many friends or a social life and kind of drifted through without much connection to other people until I reach Uni. I should have made more effort in my adolescence to socialize, make friends, flirt and rebel more as teenagers are supposed to.
That was until I started to come out as bi and the idea of sex has become something I'm happier and feeling more comfortable with- at least talking it about anyway. I had a hopeless crush on a girl in sixth form, but my first love was a "bad boy" for my first year at uni, an amazing friend and all-round and much needed bad influence who my parents took an instant dis-like to. they hated him on sight, literally. it might have been the dreadlocks, the ADHD and all the reckless and petty criminal behavior that goes with having no inhibitions.... you know, all the things that make someone an "interesting" person to be around and instantly attractive for all the 'wrong' reasons. he was an *******, but.... he did it ....so ...well.
if you've been here, you'll know
exactly what I mean as only a reckless free spirit can teach you how to love life and show you what you're missing out on. There was a near miss when we were both drunk, he came on to me and I could have had a one night stand with him, but it was never going to lead to us being together as he was officially straight (and with attractive girlfriend at the time, so he would have had an interesting morning after if it had played out). one day I'll get over it, but until then- there will be a lot of swearing when I think about that moment. deep down I don't mean it as I loved him very much and he would have broken my heart for a quick f**k. he would have been good though.
There haven't been any chances like that for a while (and now it's up to me to create them), so I'm still working on feeling more confident about asking people out but am very isolated as I live in a rural area. So dating is not much of an option for now.