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Why Blame/Curse God, Before Really Trying to Understand Him?


Please no sarcasm
I've noticed that many here have formed opinions of God, based on very little information. They've had limited exposure to the scriptures, or base their reasoning on small parts of the Bible, ignoring the rest.

But, somehow, they assume they know more on the subject than those who've spent years studying God and his words.

Why is that? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
because many don't have the time to study the bible, and go by what there faith tells them (what little they know of it )


Premium Member
I guess they are going by the actions of people who are religious or call themselves religious.
There are atheists, however, who know the bible better than some Christians I have known--And writings of that of other religions as well.


because many people cherry pick scripture to suit there own life styles and use it to justify their own thoughts and actions


Just me
Premium Member
I've noticed that many here have formed opinions of God, based on very little information. They've had limited exposure to the scriptures, or base their reasoning on small parts of the Bible, ignoring the rest.

But, somehow, they assume they know more on the subject than those who've spent years studying God and his words.

Why is that? :shrug:
That begs the question: Is God only the information in scriptures?


Please no sarcasm
That begs the question: Is God only the information in scriptures?
I would say all of scripture is to help us develop/strengthen our relationship with God and Christ.

Being LDS, I am troubled that the rest of the world can't accept the Book of Mormon. I would find it very difficult to understand God, if I only had the Bible. Not that it can't be done-- it's just more difficult. There is a lot in the Bible that is just down-right hard to understand---it's purpose, what it means, etc.

Fortunately we all have more than the scriptures. We have prayer. And the all-powerful God of this world, our Father-who lives in heaven, has invited each of us to come talk to him. That's just too amazing for words.


Inquisitive Youngin'
I've noticed that many here have formed opinions of God, based on very little information. They've had limited exposure to the scriptures, or base their reasoning on small parts of the Bible, ignoring the rest.
Some praise him using equally small parts of the Bible.

But, somehow, they assume they know more on the subject than those who've spent years studying God and his words.
What are his words? Certainly not the Bible.


Active Member
Hi Starfish,

I fully admit that I could be one who falls into the ignorant category :). Though I don't curse God, I often question the existence of God and what form he/she/it would take. I really enjoy reading posts from people like yourself on this forum who are obviously more well read than I!

In my opinion there are several reasons why someone would come to a conclusion without seriously studying the Bible. One example is that if someone does not believe in the idea of divine prophecy or God speaking through people on Earth - and that can be a hard one to swallow - then the Bible loses much of it's value in their eyes. Whether or not they believe in God, they may not find the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or any other religious text to be a valid source. I'm sure you've heard it before - "There are so many religions that think they preach the divine truth - they can't all be true, so maybe none of them are"?

Second, every person's life experience and how they perceive their experiences is so different. Some people may feel sure that there is no personal God because of the multiple tragedies they've had to endure through no fault of their own. Others feel sure there is a God because someone they loved was cured of a fatal illness, know what I mean?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I would say all of scripture is to help us develop/strengthen our relationship with God and Christ.

Being LDS, I am troubled that the rest of the world can't accept the Book of Mormon. I would find it very difficult to understand God, if I only had the Bible. Not that it can't be done-- it's just more difficult. There is a lot in the Bible that is just down-right hard to understand---it's purpose, what it means, etc.

I can understand that, but would develop it further; all of art helps us develop an understanding of God, not just a couple of holy books. Science helps also, as the reality patterns that come from the scientific process help us understand a little more about ourselves.

I find it troubling that science and religion are often pitted against one another, while art is left by the side to reflect the carnage.

Fortunately we all have more than the scriptures. We have prayer. And the all-powerful God of this world, our Father-who lives in heaven, has invited each of us to come talk to him. That's just too amazing for words.

God is in the experience. Words are just too restricting. :)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I've noticed that many here have formed opinions of God, based on very little information. They've had limited exposure to the scriptures, or base their reasoning on small parts of the Bible, ignoring the rest.

But, somehow, they assume they know more on the subject than those who've spent years studying God and his words.

Why is that? :shrug:

I don't know whether you would consider me as part of that group, but I have quite a bit of information about the Bible. I went to Catholic school for 8 years. I wouldn't say I know more than most believers, but I'd venture to say that I know more than some, at least.

I think a lot of times it's not that we think we know more about the scriptures, we just don't believe in them. That means that we then have a different view of them. I looke at the story of the flood, and it doesn't make sense to me. If God truly was omnipotent and all-loving, he would have other options than to just kill everyone and start over. That's the way I see it because I don't believe. You see it differently because you believe.

Basically it's not that none of us understand the Bible or other scriptures, it's that we understand them differently, just as many of the same faith understand them differently.


Please no sarcasm
Hi Starfish,

I fully admit that I could be one who falls into the ignorant category :). Though I don't curse God, I often question the existence of God and what form he/she/it would take. I really enjoy reading posts from people like yourself on this forum who are obviously more well read than I!

In my opinion there are several reasons why someone would come to a conclusion without seriously studying the Bible. One example is that if someone does not believe in the idea of divine prophecy or God speaking through people on Earth - and that can be a hard one to swallow - then the Bible loses much of it's value in their eyes. Whether or not they believe in God, they may not find the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or any other religious text to be a valid source. I'm sure you've heard it before - "There are so many religions that think they preach the divine truth - they can't all be true, so maybe none of them are"?

Second, every person's life experience and how they perceive their experiences is so different. Some people may feel sure that there is no personal God because of the multiple tragedies they've had to endure through no fault of their own. Others feel sure there is a God because someone they loved was cured of a fatal illness, know what I mean?
Hi Texan1,
Throughout history, there have been people who chose death rather than deny God. I can't think of anyone who did that for atheism. Maybe I'm wrong.
But there's something pretty powerful in a belief in God. I see so many quick to dismiss such a belief as silliness, without considering how it has changed lives. The answers are in the scriptures, just as the examples you gave. The well-known story of Job, for instance. Everything bad happened to him, yet he never doubted God. Yes, miracles can strenthen the faith of people, yet there are many who have faith in spite of loss.
Something is powering these people. Something wonderful gets them through the rough times. That something is found through seeking God in the scriptures and in prayer. This takes effort. Much more effort than is required to simply discount religion altogether.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Throughout history, there have been people who chose death rather than deny God. I can't think of anyone who did that for atheism.
This might be because of the different approaches to life itself... Believers who have done this almost always have an expectation of a blissful afterlife. Atheists, who often (but not always) believe that this life is all we get, might value life enough to prevent their murder by a uttering a few meaningless (to them) words.


I would say all of scripture is to help us develop/strengthen our relationship with God and Christ.

Being LDS, I am troubled that the rest of the world can't accept the Book of Mormon. I would find it very difficult to understand God, if I only had the Bible. Not that it can't be done-- it's just more difficult. There is a lot in the Bible that is just down-right hard to understand---it's purpose, what it means, etc.

Fortunately we all have more than the scriptures. We have prayer. And the all-powerful God of this world, our Father-who lives in heaven, has invited each of us to come talk to him. That's just too amazing for words.

When God speaks to you in all of Life...
you do not need a bible...
or a book of Mormon...
or anything else.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
I've noticed that many here have formed opinions of God, based on very little information. They've had limited exposure to the scriptures, or base their reasoning on small parts of the Bible, ignoring the rest.

But, somehow, they assume they know more on the subject than those who've spent years studying God and his words.
We have very little, if any, actual information on God, and certainly none at all verifiable. All we have is faith-based writings and claimed subjective experience. If you believe the Bible or other holy text, either all or part, you are really putting your faith in the author that he or she was divinely inspired. We know this because there are various holy texts all claiming divine inspiration, but they conflict with each other.

When you use second-hand revelation to "know" about God, you put every bit as much faith in the fallible humans who wrote it as you do God.


New Member
I would say all of scripture is to help us develop/strengthen our relationship with God and Christ.

Being LDS, I am troubled that the rest of the world can't accept the Book of Mormon. I would find it very difficult to understand God, if I only had the Bible. Not that it can't be done-- it's just more difficult. There is a lot in the Bible that is just down-right hard to understand---it's purpose, what it means, etc.

Fortunately we all have more than the scriptures. We have prayer. And the all-powerful God of this world, our Father-who lives in heaven, has invited each of us to come talk to him. That's just too amazing for words.

Hi. I'm new to this forum and ya gotta start somewhere.........
What peaked my interest in this thread is your comment on the Book of Mormon. You find it troubling that others won't accept it. And that it seems to portray God in a more comprehensible light for you. I'm glad you have that.

Others must feel that way regarding their choice of sacred texts. Muslims must feel that way about the Quran, don't you think? They are so sure it is the truth and has the REAL answers to our deepest questions. Many feel that the bible is THE only book and all others are deceptive works of satan.

So, I guess with your understanding of how it feels to be sure of your particular text preference, you must be very able to consider others feelings as well in this matter.

It's been much more difficult for me. I found that the more I studied the bible, the more reference books I needed to really discern the truth correctly. As I went along in my reading I soon realized the vast quantity of translations, editions, inclusions and exclusions into Canon, etc. Then I found that other texts offered similar teachings and different teachings - all which could equally be 'inspired'. Had to read some of those as well. I'm now coming to the conclusion that if you try to live God's will and follow good teachings of Jesus and many others, you'll be OK. I think ALL texts contain some wisdom and some man-made nonsense. This can be the only way for me to believe in God - after all, if He's God - He must be the God of us all.
No special groups of selected/elected
No particular preference of culture
If He IS God - He is there no matter what any text proclaims or doesn't.
That's my .02 anyway - seems like an interesting group here :) with good debates !


I think people objecting no more then Christians give them credit for. Some members of this forum were Christians for years before they left.


Active Member
Hi Starfish,

I'm not trying to dismiss belief in God as silliness. So sorry if I came across that way. I was just trying to answer the question in your post. If someone doesn't believe in God, studying the Bible will not change their mind. If they don't believe in God they probably don't believe that God spoke to prophets and that the Bible is his divine Word. Studying it, for them, would seem to be pointless. Like you don't need to have any understanding of fashion or costume history in order to determine whether or not someone has clothes on.

And I agree with others that it's limiting to think that God can only be understood through scripture. His presence is a mystery and can neither be proven or disproven with absolute certainty. And it does require a leap of faith. I grew up in a Catholic school and have been exposed to several different churches......and now questioning it all. But the moments in my life where I have felt spiritual have not been at church or while studying scripture.

You also mentioned that it's hard for you to understand why people can't accept the Book of Mormon, but could you accept the Qu'ran? Muslims also believe it to be the divine revelation of God. This is an example of why I think belief in the Bible or any other religion, is separate from belief in whether or not there is a God.

It's all so mysterious!


Throughout history, there have been people who chose death rather than deny God. I can't think of anyone who did that for atheism.

What a truly odd statement. (underlined by me)

But there's something pretty powerful in a belief in God. I see so many quick to dismiss such a belief as silliness, without considering how it has changed lives......Something is powering these people. Something wonderful gets them through the rough times. That something is found through seeking God in the scriptures and in prayer. This takes effort. Much more effort than is required to simply discount religion altogether.

Dear Starfish, I can tell you're quite the believer and that is fine. This "power" as you describe can easily be attributed to people's faith and the mind is a very powerful thing that can get one through many hardships. Don't forget that stories of the bogieman kept kids behaving nicely for a time too! And drugs can help you get through many things too. Mind altering processes, verbal or chemical, can achieve a variety of powerful results. As for seeking God through scripture and prayer taking effort, I would put it to you that a person who has no God (religion) to have faith in, is in fact using even more effort and may have a greater internal power working for them because they have nothing else to rely on but themselves and what's inside them, but that's just my opinion.