God gave us 2 special gifts:
1- An advanced intellect that enable us to think on the abstract level and reach the right conclusions with the right information
2- A free will to believe or disbelieve, and if we believe to obey or disobey
God wants us to get to know Him and believe in Him by our own free will for us to live a happy life here and in the Hereafter
If we use the gifts He gave us we would not be skeptical
I would adjust this. I would say that we have this:
1- An advanced intellect and sensory organs that enable us to collect information about the world around us, and build a model of how this world works and to make predictions about it.
2- Ability to interact with this world according to our understanding of it in an attempt to impose our will upon it.
I don't really think we have a choice about whether to believe in God or not any more than we have a choice to believe if it's day time or night time. If you wake up after sleeping for a long time and you are in a basement, you might not
know if it is day or night. You might not have enough information to decide. But you can't be like: Hah, it's night! I choose to believe that it is night! You can choose to try and obtain more information about it. Or sometimes you can sift through the data you already have and put it together in a new way that gives more meaning. For instance, you might remember that when you fell asleep it was 2:00 in the morning. Having slept a long time you could come to the conclusion that it is
probably day time. You believe what your experience and your intellect tells you to believe. And when you lack enough experience to come to a conclusion, you are in the dark until you can gain more. You can come up with hypotheses and ways to test them, but you can't simply turn a switch from believing one thing to it's opposite.