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Why can't some people accept that the Israelites were black?


So if modern Jews are actually from Edom, what's that say about all the other dark skined Jews?

You mean the Saphardic? Are you talking converts? Surely you don't mean the bloodline. The original Israelites are downtrodden and under those curses and shouldn't be in the land. I can't identify everyone.


Me thinks you guys are having a hard time coming to grips with this information, which is understandable. If you decide not to watch, that's fine. I just want everyone else to know.

You're having a hard time understanding the lizard people. It's understandable you wouldn't want to recognize the cold-blooded leaders that are also our gods.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term Agagite is used in the Book of Esther as a description of Haman. The term is understood to be an ethnonym although nothing is known with certainty about the people designated by the name. As the events of the Book of Esther occur in Persia, it is considered likely that the term refers to people from the Persian town of Agag.
A well known Midrashic explanation of the term relates it to King Agag of the Amalekites whereby it is viewed as meaning either a literal descendant of Agag or an antisemite, the Amalekites having come to be symbolic of the antithesis of Judaism.

Survival of the Amalekites

It is not clear if the historical Amalekites were exterminated or not. 1 Samuel 15:7-8 seems to imply ("He took Agag king of the Amalekites alive, and all his people he totally destroyed with the sword.") that - after Agag was also killed - the people of Agag were extinct, but in a later story in the time of Hezekiah, the Simeonites annihilated some Amalekites on Mount Seir, and settled in their place: "And five hundred of these Simeonites, led by Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi, invaded the hill country of Seir. They killed the remaining Amalekites who had escaped, and they have lived there to this day." (1 Chr. 4:42-43).

Wow the leaps he makes to get there are pretty strong.

I'm not bothering replying with a detailed analysis since you didn't appear to read anything else I wrote though. He continues to fail to connect Javan to blacks or to the original Greeks and his identification of Agag with Amalek and Esau is not terribly strong. Followed by his equivocation with all Macedonians as Agagites which the very text he's using doesn't do - Phil isn't called an Agagite.

(And again, no indication at all that Javan is black at all.)

If they're ALL brown, then where did the white people come from. And that Esau was "red" because the blood showed through his skin but his brother was not? Ok seriously this is all a joke right?

lol at why they took the books out of the bible.

I give up on you. If this is what you consider convincing, you'll probably send a check to a Nigerian astronaut prince tomorrow, so it's not worth it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Therefore, even your illogical idea has a hole.

The problem with arguments which not only ignore but actualy reject logic is that you can't really address them with pointing out logical flaws resulting from their logically invalid deduction or induction.


also my posts were deleted. I don't think I offended anyone, except when I called Drolefille a joke. I apologize for that.


Obama is still black like the "true israelites" and he runs the most powerful country. Therefore, even your illogical idea has a hole.

No, he's not black, depending on your definition of black. All of the struggle in this country was fought by the descendants of slaves. They're the ones who fought for equality and opened doors for all others who aren't white. Only to hear other minorities come in to brag about how they're surpassing blacks on the socio-economic ladder. It doesn't bother me because they're showing their hand of ignorance. He has the "one drop" rule. Not everyone considers him a "true israelite". He's related to Dick Chaney. Sorry. Wrong family. I have nothing against him and actually thinks he's been a great President. But his family tree was made known by Obama himself during his campaign. He's Dick Chaney's cousin.


Dr. Greenthumb
No, he's not black, depending on your definition of black. All of the struggle in this country was fought by the descendants of slaves. They're the ones who fought for equality and opened doors for all others who aren't white. Only to hear other minorities come in to brag about how they're surpassing blacks on the socio-economic ladder. It doesn't bother me because they're showing their hand of ignorance. He has the "one drop" rule. Not everyone considers him a "true israelite". He's related to Dick Chaney. Sorry. Wrong family. I have nothing against him and actually thinks he's been a great President. But his family tree was made known by Obama himself during his campaign. He's Dick Chaney's cousin.

LOL! Dick Chaneys cousin. Well illbe dang tootin flootin flabbbergasted!


LOL! Dick Chaneys cousin. Well illbe dang tootin flootin flabbbergasted!

Again, based on your posts you don't know or understand the history or the covenant between the Most High and his people, Israel. Obama himself admitted that he was not a descendant of slavery but he understands it through his wife, Michelle, who is.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading parts of Snoden's book Blacks in Antiquities which can be found on Google. (which seems to be no more than what the guy in the video did) however, upon actually reading a few of these pages, no where does it say that black were the original Greeks. In fact it says quite the opposite. Snoden's book calls Ethiopians refugees on page 157.


Well-Known Member
Roman historian Tacitus wrote that many of his time believed that the Jews "were a race of Ethiopian origin."

The Bible classifies the Ethiopians & Jews together, "Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, “O children of Israel? Saith the Lord." (Amos 9:7) Black Paul is mistaken for an "Egyptian" and declares he himself to be a "Jew." (Acts 21:37-39, 22: 2,3)

I wouldn't use the bible is an historical account of anything.


Active Member
The argument that the the original Hebrews and Greeks were black is more wishful thinking than anything close to reality. We have Egyptian art that depicts various peoples who were their subjects including Canaanites and Hebrews, definitely not black. And you have ever been to the Athens museum? I have, I saw only one object in which portrayed a black person, it was a small sculpture of an African and the features were very exaggerated as their was no mistaking it was of an African tribesman. It wasn't portraying one of them but someone other than them who they had come in contact with. All the other artwork portrayed the people of Greece themselves as very European looking. Those who want to believe this nonsense because it makes them feel special can go ahead, but historically it does not reflect reality.


Dr. Greenthumb
Wouldn't Black Americans claiming another's heritage and accomplishments actually be an insult to ones own ancestors who accomplished great things?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Israel currently and historically is at a crossroads for three continents, therefore there is a mixture of many different nationalities found within. Generally speaking, we are generally classified as being "semitic", which is not a race and, genetically speaking based on the genome testing, we are closely related to the "Arabic" population in the same area, especially the Syrians and "Palestinians" (most Palestinians are genetically/historically mostly Syrian).