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Why creationism wins.

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


I am in the worst kind of denial.

1) I deny that evolution is substantiated by every inquiry into natural science for the past 200 years.

2) I deny that I cannot prove God exists without using Scripture OR creationism

3) I deny that it is possible to disprove the existence of an evangelical God

4) I know how to debate. I deny that this is a delusion of grandeur.

5) I know how to evaluate scientific evidence while denying the basic scientific methods that affirm evolution.

Yippie! I'm ready to debate, because I have established a meaningful contact with evolutionists through which I can participate in the discussion!

What utter contempt for humanity that I have. I disrespect myself so much that I will pretend to embrace thinking that I despise to lie to myself and everyone else.

Seriously, the presence of this debate area is an insult to our collective intelligence. There has never been a meaningful challenge to the theory of evolution produced by anyone. We may as well have a forum where we engage in debates about things like unicorns and elves - that would be a much more intellectually stimulating.

Creationists: you lost the debate 200 years ago. Get over yourselves. For once in your miserable intellectual life put on your big boy / girl pants and move on.


As Neil Degrasse Tyson stated on the last episode of Cosmos in closing.

What would this world be like, and how far we would we have advanced beyond our own time without Fanaticism and Fundamentalism.

Out problem is children get behind a keyboard and hammer on the keyboards with severe ignorance and stubbornness having such a limited view of life. Because they don't have the sacks to talk in public to people like this, they can only voice their opinion like cowards. Some of these children are over 70 :facepalm:


I hope the good news is that these "children" are otherwise intelligent, contributing members of the community.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I hope the good news is that these "children" are otherwise intelligent, contributing members of the community.
I'm not holding out hope that the news is good...

Many of them assert that the whole scientific and evolutionist community has been brainwashed.

And I know for a fact that some of these yardbirds help design the nuclear button. :run:


I'm not holding out hope that the news is good...

Many of them assert that the whole scientific and evolutionist community has been brainwashed.

And I know for a fact that some of these yardbirds help design the nuclear button. :run:

One of those yardbirds had his greasy finger on that button for 8 years.

Good thing other variables like greed and stupidity helped avert nuclear war -- while it could not prevent all of the other atrocities.

But W. sleeps well at night, completely unconcerned with the fact that he's the only American President to ever be convicted of war crimes by an international body.


Classical Liberal
Seriously, the presence of this debate area is an insult to our collective intelligence.

The presence of religion (in the form of having a holy script and for lack of a better word) is an insult to our collect intelligence.
Knowledge is a by-product of intelligence.
Knowledge encompasses looking at the facts and making conclusions.
Religion doesn't look at the facts and make conclusions.
Therefore by deductive reasoning, this type of religion has no place in intelligent and knowledgeable debate.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I am in the worst kind of denial.

1) I deny that evolution is substantiated by every inquiry into natural science for the past 200 years.

2) I deny that I cannot prove God exists without using Scripture OR creationism

3) I deny that it is possible to disprove the existence of an evangelical God

4) I know how to debate. I deny that this is a delusion of grandeur.

5) I know how to evaluate scientific evidence while denying the basic scientific methods that affirm evolution.

Yippie! I'm ready to debate, because I have established a meaningful contact with evolutionists through which I can participate in the discussion!

What utter contempt for humanity that I have. I disrespect myself so much that I will pretend to embrace thinking that I despise to lie to myself and everyone else.

Seriously, the presence of this debate area is an insult to our collective intelligence. There has never been a meaningful challenge to the theory of evolution produced by anyone. We may as well have a forum where we engage in debates about things like unicorns and elves - that would be a much more intellectually stimulating.

Creationists: you lost the debate 200 years ago. Get over yourselves. For once in your miserable intellectual life put on your big boy / girl pants and move on.
Creationists are gonna be like, "NUH-UH!".

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I am in the worst kind of denial.

1) I deny that evolution is substantiated by every inquiry into natural science for the past 200 years.

2) I deny that I cannot prove God exists without using Scripture OR creationism

3) I deny that it is possible to disprove the existence of an evangelical God

4) I know how to debate. I deny that this is a delusion of grandeur.

5) I know how to evaluate scientific evidence while denying the basic scientific methods that affirm evolution.

Yippie! I'm ready to debate, because I have established a meaningful contact with evolutionists through which I can participate in the discussion!

What utter contempt for humanity that I have. I disrespect myself so much that I will pretend to embrace thinking that I despise to lie to myself and everyone else.

Seriously, the presence of this debate area is an insult to our collective intelligence. There has never been a meaningful challenge to the theory of evolution produced by anyone. We may as well have a forum where we engage in debates about things like unicorns and elves - that would be a much more intellectually stimulating.

Creationists: you lost the debate 200 years ago. Get over yourselves. For once in your miserable intellectual life put on your big boy / girl pants and move on.

Definitly YEC. OEC still isn't science but not blown out of the water. At least in the sense that god made the universe but evolution is correct and so is all other scientific theories (or at least they are as correct as we can hold them to be)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I deeply respect all those people who believe in Creationism...in Adam and Eve, in the flood, in the ark, etc...

If I may express my humble opinion, creationism is the result of a substantial misconception. People are creationists because they think that our God is a powerful Almighty God, who could kill us if he wanted to.
That's why these people believe that God can save them from death and sin.

and yet this is just a terrible and dangerous illusion that won't take them anywhere.
In the very moment that God gave us free will, he stopped being Almighty. we are those who decide our own fate, both in this life and in the afterlife.

so nature is free and all that we see is the result of freedom, which can also be called evolution in a big scale.
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I deeply respect all those people who believe in Creationism...in Adam and Eve, in the flood, in the ark, etc...

If I may express my humble opinion, creationism is the result of a substantial misconception. People are creationists because they think that our God is a powerful Almighty God, who could kill us if he wanted to.
That's why these people believe that God can save them from death and sin.

and yet this is just a terrible and dangerous illusion that won't take them anywhere.
In the very moment that God gave us free will, he stopped being Almighty. we are those who decide our own fate, both in this life and in the afterlife.

so nature is free and all that we see is the result of freedom, which can also be called evolution in a big scale.

I have respect for the people - but no respect for their irresponsibility.

Anyway, they can be respected for many other things, but deserve nothing for intellectual obstinance.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
One of those yardbirds had his greasy finger on that button for 8 years.

Good thing other variables like greed and stupidity helped avert nuclear war -- while it could not prevent all of the other atrocities.

But W. sleeps well at night, completely unconcerned with the fact that he's the only American President to ever be convicted of war crimes by an international body.
Had his finger on the button and couldn't even pronounce it the right way. "Nucular," indeed!


Veteran Member
I have respect for the people - but no respect for their irresponsibility.

Anyway, they can be respected for many other things, but deserve nothing for intellectual obstinance.
This ↑


Coincidentia oppositorum
Did anyone ever explain to Kirk Cameron why croco-ducks don't exist?

I suspect he's heard many explanations, but I don't think he ever listened.

I remember when I was hardcore fundamentalist Christian (yes, I was one years ago), hearing or reading anything contrary to my belief was scary, and I honestly though that the devil would try to plant doubt and false ideas in my head if I paid any attention to it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, molecular biologist Michael Denton stated that the theory of evolution “is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious . . . scientific theory.” He also spoke of Darwinian evolution as one of the greatest myths of our time.
Bluster and hubris will not turn the ToE from fiction to fact. Nor will attacking those who disagree with this unproven speculation.


In his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, molecular biologist Michael Denton stated that the theory of evolution “is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious . . . scientific theory.” He also spoke of Darwinian evolution as one of the greatest myths of our time.
Bluster and hubris will not turn the ToE from fiction to fact. Nor will attacking those who disagree with this unproven speculation.

This will be exhibit A.