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Why did God become a man and not a woman in Jesus in Christian teachings?


Well-Known Member
Title question :)
I just was wondering about this today

Also how did they find out God's pronoun before Jesus?

Not only because the Messiah is prophesied to be male, but because He is a priest, king, head of the human race, is called "Everlasting Father," is the husband of the Church, and is the teacher of all, all of which are male positions, is the Lord Jesus male.

As for God being called so by the Church before/after the Incarnation ("He" and so on) it is because God is proactive towards creation always, which in contrast to receptivity is the essence of maleness, so He is called so. A friend of mine wrote this as explanation of it:

"God is Male like how, in nature, there’s maleness & femaleness in plants & flowers, where in the creative cycle there is an active force & a passive force—among human beings & animals that manifests as maleness & femaleness. God being uncreated & eternal, from whom we received everything we can know, and who contained within His thought the entirety of creation… is the ultimate & primordial “active agent” that maleness & fatherhood in nature (in created things) is the direct image (eikone, icon) of. (Even though they don’t know why, nobody ever says “Father Nature” but “Mother Nature”). So “Father” is an icon, an image, but like other icons it conveys information about God that, if you were to put into words, would require a few paragraphs and a bit of reasoning. It also conveys the closeness each creature within creation has with Him. People who depart from the Bible’s repeated insistence on this, inevitably end up misunderstanding & misrepresenting God, and can’t even begin to understand the Trinity (i.e. “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things visible and invisible.”)"

God is male towards all created things, all created things are female towards God, individual created things can be male or female towards one another (or in themselves sometimes) in this sense, and all human persons are masculine towards the world. There are more details that can be gone into on this matter but that's the gist of it and the big picture.

In my opinion of course.
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Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Title question :)
I just was wondering about this today

Also how did they find out God's pronoun before Jesus?
Neutral. The reason Jesus says "Heavenly Father" is that it expresses inheritance. In Jesus culture Children inherit goods from fathers but little or nothing from mothers. This is why the Logos is called 'The Son'. Christians are called 'Joint heirs with Christ'. Its a quirk of language which later gets taken as a gender for God.

Before Christianity I don't know. I don't think God has a gender before that but could be mistaken. I think the entire concept of God is a little different in before times.


Veteran Member
Title question :)
I just was wondering about this today

Also how did they find out God's pronoun before Jesus?
Think about the time that Jesus lived in. How much freedom did women have in those days to walk about on their own, teaching? And how seriously would a woman have been taken, as a rabbi, in that culture?

By the way there is an excellent, thought-provoking novel by Iain Pears called "An Instance of the Fingerpost", set in Oxford just after the English Civil War, in which one of the (several) plot lines involves Christ coming to Earth again, as a woman - and being crucified again.


Well-Known Member
So the question is... Why did God become a man and not a woman in Jesus in Christian teachings?

The answer is very simple. God didnt become either one. God doesnt change, esp change into something like a man. The Creator of the Universe does not come down to our level, we try to go up to him in spiritual knowledge.

Scripture tells us about two. God and.... Jesus. Paul always writes that Jesus has a father and a God.... Plus, there is no reason for God to change into a man at all. Scirpture tells us that God was working "through" his son...... God manifestation. There are two wills at play here. The will of God and the will of Jesus. Jesus never did what he wanted to do but did his father's will always.

To even think that Jesus is God or even that God changes into something else totally degrades our Heavenly Father.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Also how did they find out God's pronoun before Jesus?
The best explanation I have heard is in the context of prayer.

During prayer one of the goals is to request forgivness for sins, and another goal is to have the prayers rise up and out of the material world into the spiritual realms. Both of these goals are facilitated by approaching God as a distant disciplinarian. If God is close, then the prayers don't rise, they have nowhere to go. If God is not a disciplinarian, then there is no need to request forgiveness. A feminine maternal God would be close and always forgiving. She would not require supplication, but a masculine paternal God would. So, during prayer God is spoken of as "He" because the concept of "He" helps accomplish the goals of prayer; but that doesn't mean God is only masculine. It's just a label that helps accomplish a specific task, cultivating a specific intellectual/emotional response in the devotee.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Not only because the Messiah is prophesied to be male, but because He is a priest, king, head of the human race, is called "Everlasting Father," is the husband of the Church, and is the teacher of all, all of which are male positions, is the Lord Jesus male.

Why are all these things male though? Are women not as capable of being priest, queen or head of the human race.

Considering we all came from a woman, got our name from a woman.


Well-Known Member
Why are all these things male though? Are women not as capable of being priest, queen or head of the human race.

Considering we all came from a woman, got our name from a woman.

Of priest and head of the human race in my opinion no. Ultimately all of these things are rooted in how God exists, such as with headship having the offspring represent the parent (and so the Father and Son are the basis of this being that the first is the proactive one in relationship), and the priesthood is similar in corresponding to the Father speaking the Word, likewise that is what a priest does among other things. In short, the reason for these things lies in how God exists, of whom all things represent (so Scripture calls all of creation His garment or many other says it is like the body of God).

In my opinion of course.
Not only because the Messiah is prophesied to be male, but because He is a priest, king, head of the human race, is called "Everlasting Father," is the husband of the Church, and is the teacher of all, all of which are male positions, is the Lord Jesus male.

As for God being called so by the Church before/after the Incarnation ("He" and so on) it is because God is proactive towards creation always, which in contrast to receptivity is the essence of maleness, so He is called so. A friend of mine wrote this as explanation of it:

"God is Male like how, in nature, there’s maleness & femaleness in plants & flowers, where in the creative cycle there is an active force & a passive force—among human beings & animals that manifests as maleness & femaleness. God being uncreated & eternal, from whom we received everything we can know, and who contained within His thought the entirety of creation… is the ultimate & primordial “active agent” that maleness & fatherhood in nature (in created things) is the direct image (eikone, icon) of. (Even though they don’t know why, nobody ever says “Father Nature” but “Mother Nature”). So “Father” is an icon, an image, but like other icons it conveys information about God that, if you were to put into words, would require a few paragraphs and a bit of reasoning. It also conveys the closeness each creature within creation has with Him. People who depart from the Bible’s repeated insistence on this, inevitably end up misunderstanding & misrepresenting God, and can’t even begin to understand the Trinity (i.e. “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things visible and invisible.”)"

God is male towards all created things, all created things are female towards God, individual created things can be male or female towards one another (or in themselves sometimes) in this sense, and all human persons are masculine towards the world. There are more details that can be gone into on this matter but that's the gist of it and the big picture.

In my opinion of course.

Very well thought answer thank you for giving it :)
Are these ideas based on sexual metaphor?
Neutral. The reason Jesus says "Heavenly Father" is that it expresses inheritance. In Jesus culture Children inherit goods from fathers but little or nothing from mothers. This is why the Logos is called 'The Son'. Christians are called 'Joint heirs with Christ'. Its a quirk of language which later gets taken as a gender for God.

Before Christianity I don't know. I don't think God has a gender before that but could be mistaken. I think the entire concept of God is a little different in before times.

What do christians inherit?
Think about the time that Jesus lived in. How much freedom did women have in those days to walk about on their own, teaching? And how seriously would a woman have been taken, as a rabbi, in that culture?

By the way there is an excellent, thought-provoking novel by Iain Pears called "An Instance of the Fingerpost", set in Oxford just after the English Civil War, in which one of the (several) plot lines involves Christ coming to Earth again, as a woman - and being crucified again.

I'll definitely read that book I haven't really read other than some things for this forum in a long time thank you :)

Can God not have changed their culture? Why did they not do it?
So the question is... Why did God become a man and not a woman in Jesus in Christian teachings?

The answer is very simple. God didnt become either one. God doesnt change, esp change into something like a man. The Creator of the Universe does not come down to our level, we try to go up to him in spiritual knowledge.

Scripture tells us about two. God and.... Jesus. Paul always writes that Jesus has a father and a God.... Plus, there is no reason for God to change into a man at all. Scirpture tells us that God was working "through" his son...... God manifestation. There are two wills at play here. The will of God and the will of Jesus. Jesus never did what he wanted to do but did his father's will always.

To even think that Jesus is God or even that God changes into something else totally degrades our Heavenly Father.

Where did Jesus come from before he was born?
The best explanation I have heard is in the context of prayer.

During prayer one of the goals is to request forgivness for sins, and another goal is to have the prayers rise up and out of the material world into the spiritual realms. Both of these goals are facilitated by approaching God as a distant disciplinarian. If God is close, then the prayers don't rise, they have nowhere to go. If God is not a disciplinarian, then there is no need to request forgiveness. A feminine maternal God would be close and always forgiving. She would not require supplication, but a masculine paternal God would. So, during prayer God is spoken of as "He" because the concept of "He" helps accomplish the goals of prayer; but that doesn't mean God is only masculine. It's just a label that helps accomplish a specific task, cultivating a specific intellectual/emotional response in the devotee.

What task does a maternal God do? Is there a task? This is a really cool idea where did you get it?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What task does a maternal God do? Is there a task? This is a really cool idea where did you get it?
The feminine aspect nurtures, loves, and heals without any actions needed from people. No prayer or devotion required.

I wish i could cite a source for you, but, it's something I learned many years ago.


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What do christians inherit?
The use of the term 'Blessing' comes up a lot. The blessing is something inherited. I think the Christian inheritance and the blessing of Abraham are similar ideas. There are two ways of looking at the blessing or the inheritance: from a spiritual (or divine) perspective you are being given a gift, but from a human perspective you are being given responsibilities. To a lot of people its not a blessing or an inheritance at all. Instead it is work and a burden and a struggle. To a spiritually minded person it is a gift but only because they have suppressed and discarded the other way of looking at it.

There isn't a single and consolidated reply to your question; but I think its godly virtues that they can choose to inherit over and above what humans normally use. For example Jesus teaches his disciples to invite not wealthy friends but poor strangers to their parties. To most people that is crazy, but to a spiritual person this is a joy. It is in fact a divine thing to do, not a human thing to do.

I think the blessing Christians inherit is not a physical reward, not a male or female thing, and its not something that comes without effort. Its also an acquired taste. It is described in many ways, however, and so its a confused term. Its called 'Eternal life', for instance and 'Salvation' and also 'The kingdom'. Because of this a lot of people feel it is the resurrection of the individual or else that we go to heaven.
  • [1Co 15:50 NIV] 50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
  • [1Pe 3:9 NIV] 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
So in a nutshell it is easier to reject responsibility and to think like a child. Read the words 'Inheritance' and 'Blessing' and think "Well that's great I don't have to do any work, because I am inheriting wealth." In fact if we do no work then we are rejecting the inheritance since the inheritance is work. It is work we inherit. Work is neither male nor female. Its work.
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The Hammer

Premium Member
Of priest and head of the human race in my opinion no. Ultimately all of these things are rooted in how God exists, such as with headship having the offspring represent the parent (and so the Father and Son are the basis of this being that the first is the proactive one in relationship), and the priesthood is similar in corresponding to the Father speaking the Word, likewise that is what a priest does among other things. In short, the reason for these things lies in how God exists, of whom all things represent (so Scripture calls all of creation His garment or many other says it is like the body of God).

In my opinion of course.

I much prefer equality imo. And a Divine Mother Goddess makes more sense as to how we see the universe ordered. But I'll just step out not my forum :).

rational experiences

Veteran Member

Men who don't own God did reactive earth science as men.

The designer thinker calculator builder owner mind controller of machines. Biological men.

Is a lying greedy man with men his brothers who began inventive science for civilization status by families bullied into slavery.

The teaching why.

O gods fusion is sealed snap frozen instant holding.

Man did science changed by sun nuclear earths held snap frozen of mass. Mother space law origin changed.

So ice came off the saviour wandering star poured into planet earth. Told.

Filled up seams empty sin tunnel holes first.

Ice then snap frozen earth fusion. O was earths God saviour not man's. Ice. NSEW. Ice in two places the end of earth.

Man's thesis to argue against science said my DNA and animals DNA beast biology depends on ice the saviour of gods fusion to remain solid as a body.

Oh I sacrificed it he says. The four seasons did already by two. Win Ter versus sum mer.

What has two sea son got to do with you theist? God controls the sea son.

Notice man says the claim. Baby man telling why. A son of adult theists.

Hu man.
Wo man.
Fe male.
Sea son.

No man human is a sea or the son of God.

Human egotists man status says I name I own by naming and lied.

Why did you name change in gods heavens as a sea son? I shifted sea water mass as man's son. I needed to remind you by word use.

Reason...I knew you would forget by heavy metal mind inheritance.

He did not own any state but a man.

One self a man life is all he owned.

The bible about men in science destroyer thoughts Theism.

The saviour. An asteroid star wandering.
The saviour. Ice and December win ice reborn. Melts summer.

Keeps earth God nuclear dusts stable.

DNA in biology to exist only by stable nuclear state.

The teaching.

Did man inherit phenomena stigmata to his body!


Did man prove science maths caused it?


Did man leave his own body type bio?

where did man go?

He died

Where did his life source water oxygen life go?

Into the heavens to form new cloud mass to flood save Earth gas from introduced burning heavens.

Is that a Stephen number twelve term?

A teaching about science causes?


Was Stephen warnings a king?

Yes a thin king man sacrificed.

Didn't Stephen Hawking tell you that science was trying to set alight our heavens body?
