Why did he leave though? As far as I know he was said to have went to heaven and said he'd return, but why did he leave in the first place? Why didn't he stay as soon as he came back to life? Why come back when everything falls apart when he could have stayed and established his Kingdom from the start and prevent the end times instead.? What was the reason for him leaving to begin with?
Jesus left heaven in the first place because God sent Jesus from heaven to earth for us. - Matthew 20:28
God resurrected Jesus back in his heavenly spirit body, so Jesus returned to his heavenly home.
Because we sin we die. We can Not resurrect oneself or another, so we need someone who can do that for us. Jesus can and will - Revelation 1:18
After the first prophecy at Genesis 3:15 was said about a coming ' seed ' or offspring who would be Messiah then Jesus could have come at any time.
One reason for Not establishing his Kingdom earlier or from the start is because Genesis 1:28 would have to be completed.
Mankind would first have to populate, or fill the earth, before Jesus would return in the action of Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:15
The passing of time has allowed for us to be born and think who we would like as Sovereign over us.
If Jesus would have come sooner we would Not have the opportunity to have been born.
Remember: Satan challenges all of us - Job 2:4-5 - that touch our flesh ( loose physical health ) and we would Not serve God.
The passing of time gives us the opportunity that, even under adverse conditions, we would Not turn our backs on God.
Both Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar and so can we.
Adam and Satan started the ' falling apart ' process.
By Adam breaking God's Law, then Adam was in effect taking the Law out of God's hands and placing the Law into man's hands.
Who can do the better job? By Adam breaking God's Law then Adam set up People Rule as being superior to God's Rule.
The passing of time has shown that mankind's history apart from God, independence from God's Rule, has Not brought Peace on Earth.
Man can Not direct his step, so we need someone to step in. God will have Jesus step in and ' end the falling apart ' when Jesus ushers in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill.