Dunno, but nothing is perfect. The government here is Royal which means it is inherited by the royal family only. Some people complain about it while some others are happy with it. Yeah, Saudi Arabia, the country with the law people all over the words criticize, does indeed have those happy with it. Can you believe that public safety in the parts I live is achieved without major efforts from the force? Street ganging is unheard of hear! I know at least two persons who had been in an armed robbery, one in USA and the other in London, while in their whole lives here in Saudi Arabia they were never assaulted for anything.
I never really expected anyone to complain about democracy in USA but here I am proving myself wrong. I'm not trying to criticize here, all I'm saying is that we as humans are never satisfied. We tend to see the bad before we see the good, while the latter is actually there and we are actually enjoying it but without noticing it as much as we notice what we complain about.
All I can say, or rather advise, is to be optimistic and try to see the good that we living and appreciate it more. If we look at some other countries, we see them in civil wars and rebellions. Okay, there are problems here and there, but they are not as grave as civil wars or rebellions or other stuff.
After all, we are talking about managing a whole country, not a compound or something like that. Some of us have difficulties managing even a small house with a spouse and a couple of children... and a cat maybe... specially Bengal cats... those little renegades
Let's give the officials a break. Their duties are not as easy as we think.
I know and agree that it is good to make a change with an intention to have to to the better, but we shouldn't allow it to give us too much stress.
A load of chicken feathers I said up there, I know