Simply doesn't matter whether one is "poor", wealthy or rich. You should free to smoke a joint if you like despite some psuedo-authoritarian saying you shouldn't. And where's your evidence that smoking weed leads to thievery?....
I never said that smoking weed leads to thievery; Although it does. What I said was, "poor people who smoke joints are more likely to be thieves." However, I should point out that this isn't just my opinion.
Here is some evidence for you to consider.
"According to a National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, kids who frequently use marijuana are almost four times more likely to act violently or damage property. They are five times more likely to steal than those who do not use the drug."
Marijuana Facts - Information About Smoking Pot & Weed - Drug-Free World
"Research shows that kids who use marijuana weekly are
nearly four times more likely than nonusers to report they engage in
violent behavior. One study found that young people who had used
marijuana in the past year were more likely than nonusers to report
aggressive behavior. According to that study, incidences of physically
attacking people, stealing, and destroying property increased in
proportion to the number of days marijuana was smoked in the past year.
Users were also twice as likely as nonusers to report they disobey at school and destroy their own things. In another study, researchers looking into the relationship between ten illicit drugs and eight criminal offenses found that a greater frequency of marijuana use was associated with a greater likelihood to commit weapons offenses."