So basically, your argument now is that all Creationist arguments are wrong no matter what, and there's no need to debate them, no need to even have a Creationist vs Evolution forum, because they're already wrong, and that Creationists cannot be respectful no matter what, even if they present their arguments in a mature and non-condescending way, because they don't respect "actual knowledge" (whatever that means).
That is about the measure of it.
It comes with the usual yet unfortunate decision to define Creationism not as the belief that there is a Creator behind it all (which would not clash with Evolutionism, btw) but instead as some sort of "resistance" to Evolutionism.
Resisting the facts may be thrilling, but it is not particularly admirable.
There is a reason why Darwin and Wallace found out about Evolution independently. There is a reason why people from all kinds of metaphysical beliefs end up endorsing the findings of evolution when they actually have access to the data and the experiments. There is a reason why for all its motivation and popularity the Creationist movement has not and will not rise over just expressing mistrust and something that seems to want to be defiance, despite statements of "proving evolution wrong" coming a dime a dozen all the same.
Those reasons are, quite simply, that Biological Evolution is quite well-documented; finding out about it was as unavoidable as finding out about gravity; and as it turns out, there is no true reason, even from a strictly religious or theological perspective, to even attempt to deny its existence. It has
no value whatsoever as an argument against the existence of God, and is only very rarely presented as such.
But if you hear the tale from so-called Creationists, you would think there is a major conspiracy attempting to sell Evolutionism out there, and that it will "fail" any day now.
That is just not a very mature or very respectable story for people to listen to. Sorry, but that is the truth.
No need to actually humor them by addressing their claims, links, and such, they're just automatically wrong because they refuse to acknowledge "real knowledge". Gotcha.
There is no shortage of information or availability to same, even just inside RF. At some point we must stop pretending that there is an even ground to start with.
Sure, it makes us seem rude. But there is only so far to go with kindness before one has to refuse to be played for a fool. And there is a whole lot of passionate "Creationists" that, with varying degrees of insistence, do their best to force people to choose between reassuring them or challenging them.
It just isn't our fault that it is so. In fact, I often find it incredible that it is so. But what is a person to do?
Essentially you're saying that a Creationist cannot be rational and respect knowledge.
No, there is a third possibility; he can be ignorant as well.
That has become increasingly difficult with the ready availability of relevant information, but there are those who manage, often out of misguided pride alone.
Do Creationists get to say the same thing about the Evolutionists here or do such blatantly insulting characterizations only get allowed one way?
You tell me.
Do I get to be just as brutally honest as well?
Sure. Tell me when you want to stop.
You're providing a lot of fuel for my professional Psychological evaluation of Evolutionists, I thank you for that.
Whatever. I don't fail to see that you have a set goal and little regard for how you will arrive there.
It is not my responsibility to choose the wisdom of your goals, nor of your justifications.
Thank you for totally exemplifying the attitude I'm trying to discuss here.
If you say so.
Just do the right thing, and change the title of this subforum to "Creationist Bashing Forum: We don't want Creationist arguments here" and be done with it.
We do want Creationist arguments. It is too bad that they have been put in the backburner for far less respectable things (such as unfounded conspiracy theories) in disguise.
Of course, it is not like there is a whole lot of options once one takes as a premise that evolution "may" be untrue after so many decades of quality findings. It is just not possible to put up a good fight once the end result is already established. Which makes the existence of the current form of Creationism far less than intelectually useful, until and unless we decide to analyse it from a sociological perspective. By any other measure it is just useless.