Individuals are not being asked to apologize. Community organizations have been asked if they support or denounce such actions. Is that an inappropriate question to ask? When we have a crazy white man with a gun, yes it may be religion or some other insanity that motivates him. But does he have a support network? Does he have monthly meetings? Does he have financial support? Does he have cultural and community organizations pumping out rhetoric that states the actions were justified? As there are a number of prominent community leaders stating these actions were justified, it seems to me that community organizations that oppose these actions would want to be clear about it.
If a western church, christian, jew, muslim or any other, bought weapons, organized a para military, and began killing people that drew cartoons, do you really think it wouldn't make the papers? Do you really think other's wouldn't condemn the actions? Take a look at any horrendous action taken by fundamentalist christians and there are hundreds of churches that come out and condemn these actions.
The truth is that this condemnation is almost universal when it is a christian fundamentalist group. Why is this? It's because there is a very large gap between the fundamentalist christian and the average christian. (Maybe there just are that many REAL christians.) It's not an issue because no one wonders if most churches condemn these actions, they speak up and say so.
When it's a christian action, you don't have prominent preachers justifying the actions!