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Why do people hate Muslims?


Well-Known Member
While I don't hate Muslims, I think people see it as a threat to western culture.
I suspect plenty of Muslims feel the same way about us, arguably with as much/little justification.

That being said, I personally feel I should not have to respect, observe or necessarily have any consideration for someone else's religious beliefs. We can share, enjoy, partake in one another's culture if we choose to or not. We have our civil laws and that's the only laws we need to respect.
Respect should be for individuals regardless of their general (or presumed) religious beliefs, not because of them. I very much doubt you’ve ever been required to observe any religious belief or practice in the US other than Christian ones. I think it’d be foolish and counterproductive not to take in to consideration the religion beliefs of people you’re interacting with. Wilfully ignoring them is as likely to cause more problems for everyone than reasonable consideration, just as you would for countless other characteristics those people might have.

If you want to come here, support the USA, become an American citizen, support our secular government, that's great. If not, you shouldn't come.
I’d suggest you need to be talking to some of your fellow Americans too. While your nation is theoretically secular, in practice and certainly the attempted practice by some, it is pushed in a different direction.
Sorry stole this thread since I didn't think it appropriate to respond in the forum it was created.
Why do people hate Muslims

However I also felt I would like to express my feelings.

While I don't hate Muslims, I think people see it as a threat to western culture. I know there are secular Muslims. I've no problem with folks willing to accept secular rule. It works. It's allowed folks from different cultures to live and work together.

That being said, I personally feel I should not have to respect, observe or necessarily have any consideration for someone else's religious beliefs. We can share, enjoy, partake in one another's culture if we choose to or not. We have our civil laws and that's the only laws we need to respect.

If you want to come here, support the USA, become an American citizen, support our secular government, that's great. If not, you shouldn't come.
Yes, there are secular Muslims. There are also benign tumours.

They don't make cancer any less real.

Besides, it's not a matter of hating Muslims, or hating anyone. It isn't Muslims that are the problem, it's the mind virus of Islam itself that is the problem;judged not by what it is, but by what it does.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Not that 'Christian' America has never been the instrument of torture and oppression.

From what I gather from statistics, Christianity in general leads by far in causing deaths and destruction than any other religion in recorded history by its adherents. Including conflicts with each other.

At present however, it does appear a fair number of Muslims are vying for lost time in catching up.


Amor Vincit Omnia
If you want to rescue "Western Culture" from Islam, we'll have to give up everything we've taken from the Islamic world; the revival of Aristotelian studies, mathematics, a fair chunk of Christian theology and philosophy, absurd amounts of physical wealth and natural resources, all the ill-gotten wealth from the slave trade, a successful resolution to the Great War, a viable oil industry, the benefits our bankers draw from competition with and exploitation of the Islamic financial network, and for hundreds of millions of us, relationships with our own families.

Not much left of "Western Culture" once you've taken all that away. If there's one thing Western history should have taught you is that taking advantage of globalization and populational diversity has always led to the high points, where isolation and fascism have generally led to trouble.


What? Me worry?

From what I gather from statistics, Christianity in general leads by far in causing deaths and destruction than any other religion in recorded history by its adherents. Including conflicts with each other.

At present however, it does appear a fair number of Muslims are vying for lost time in catching up.

Be that as it may, Muslim advocates in one form or another are responsible for most of the death and atrocities committed in the name of religion in today's world.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
To me Islam is one of the major great world religions alongside Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism.

All the holy books have ambiguous parts as well as internal contradictions. This allows for endless disputes about interpretation.

And many human's nature is to separate what I believe as good and what some other group believes as evil. Not so many decades ago when a friend was growing up, she was told that those Catholics were evil and going to hell while her brand of Protestant Christianity was true and members going to heaven. This kind of nonsense is gradually dying off, too slowly for my taste.

And another part of human nature is to take the belief and actions of a few and generalize to the many.

This leads some to hate the other, in this case Muslims.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Be that as it may, Muslim advocates in one form or another are responsible for most of the death and atrocities committed in the name of religion in today's world.
I don't have body counts but Muslims are being persecuted by Buddhists in Myanmar and so forth. And it is true that the situation in Islam in the Middle East has a large amount of terrorists killing other Muslims.

But "they're worse than we are" is not how I approach such situations.


Relentlessly Rational
I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam. I don't hate Christians, I hate Christianity. These belief systems are mind poison. They are harmful to the advancement of rational, critical and intelligent thought on the planet. I don't hate the people who fall for it, in fact, I pity them, but so long as they are being forced by their beliefs to accept absurd things as true, I am not going to support their beliefs. In fact, I will oppose them at every turn possible.


What? Me worry?
I don't have body counts but Muslims are being persecuted by Buddhists in Myanmar and so forth. And it is true that the situation in Islam in the Middle East has a large amount of terrorists killing other Muslims.

But "they're worse than we are" is not how I approach such situations.

Could you cite a few incidents where Buddhists have persecuted anyone? That would be interesting.


The problem is that people who hate Islam are confused with the people who hate Muslims. The two are not the same. And no I'm not referring to Sufism, or Ahmadiya or Ismailism, which are tiny sects of Islam. I'm not even talking about Shi'a Islam, which is in some ways a bit more liberal. I'm talking about mainstream sunni Islam here..

For anyone who asks why people hate Islam, I invite you to read the official rulings on apostasy, polytheism and homosexuality by all the main schools of thought (madhabs). It is rather disturbing, some madhabs advocate for executing apostates while others rule that women who apostasize can be beaten daily, until they repent. If any of you are true feminists you would recoil at such a ruling, yet you defend the faith where the majority believe in them without question.

I invite you to read the history of Islamic conquest. Just read of the Mughals in India who killed tens of millions through systematic genocide. I invite you to read about the state of minorities in the Islamic world today. I invite you to read about the state of apostates and the fact that even today countries are executing apostates with the help of social media assisting them.

There are hundreds of things wrong with Islam that would give the average Westerner nightmares, but hey you have to defend it. You would rather attack a minority that has escaped persecution or an ex Muslim warning you of Sharia, than accept that it is a messed up faith. And yes the majority of Muslims are good people, but that is inspite of Islam. Even now there are online campaigns by atheists to stop the execution of Iranian and Pakistani atheists. The Left ignores them.

I have to admit my respect for atheism has grown tremendously in the last few years. I remember when I first came on RF I disliked them, but atheists are the truest liberals. They're the only ones who can see through the bull**** PC veil.

In the end though the Left has chosen its side. And so be it, you choose your side and we will choose ours. But don't complain when you realize that your beliefs are eventually going to be fought on two fronts, by the growing Right and the Islamic ideology you so dearly defend. For Islam is a right wing middle eastern ideology on its own.

In the future historians will see this time as the end of liberal thought and the descent into a new dark age. They will most likely say that this was simply due to the fact that most liberals did not stand for the things that mattered the most, their values.
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Sorry stole this thread since I didn't think it appropriate to respond in the forum it was created.
Why do people hate Muslims

However I also felt I would like to express my feelings.

While I don't hate Muslims, I think people see it as a threat to western culture. I know there are secular Muslims. I've no problem with folks willing to accept secular rule. It works. It's allowed folks from different cultures to live and work together.

That being said, I personally feel I should not have to respect, observe or necessarily have any consideration for someone else's religious beliefs. We can share, enjoy, partake in one another's culture if we choose to or not. We have our civil laws and that's the only laws we need to respect.

If you want to come here, support the USA, become an American citizen, support our secular government, that's great. If not, you shouldn't come.

Why shouyldn't Americans hate Muslims. We don't go flying 747's into their frikkin' mud huts, do we? LOL

And while true that not all Muslims are terrorists, all Terrorists seem to be Muslim. So since that is the case, and since thousands of Americans have died due to that fact, it is logical that some hatred will follow, It is arguable that said hatred is justified.
Hope this helps.

BTW...a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet.



Why shouyldn't Americans hate Muslims. We don't go flying 747's into their frikkin' mud huts, do we? LOL

And while true that not all Muslims are terrorists, all Terrorists seem to be Muslim. So since that is the case, and since thousands of Americans have died due to that fact, it is logical that some hatred will follow, It is arguable that said hatred is justified.
Hope this helps.

BTW...a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet.


While Islamic terrorists are inspired by the Quran, the American wars of natural resources have not helped the situation in the middle east at all.

America has played a huge role in destroying the Middle East and spawning this new form of fundamentalism.


Relentlessly Rational
While Islamic terrorists are inspired by the Quran, the American wars of natural resources have not helped the situation in the middle east at all.

America has played a huge role in destroying the Middle East and spawning this new form of fundamentalism.

None of which is an excuse for the fundamentalist violence. These people are getting their violent ideas from their religion, period.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Actually "here" is the world wide web. Please remember when posting that there is more than one country on this planet.

Yeah, sorry I suppose folks in other countries might hate Muslims too.


A Free Man
I am now an atheist that was brought up as a Methodist and attended a Church of England Primary School. During this time, I was never taught to hate other religions.

I have only been to a Catholic Church once and that was to attend the funeral of a friend. Judging by what I saw I would say that this was high church.

If I wanted to attend again on the Sabbath, I suspect that I would be welcomed no questions asked.

Would I be allowed to attend the Mosque and observe the imam lead Islamic worship with no questions asked?